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technically and i cant believe im reffering to this but in the d20 system (ouch) level 20 is rarely obtained and jedi/sith are like gods when they reach it i think.

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together


Just as an aside, but I read somewhere that there is a glitch with the airspeeder on Nar Shadda. If you repair it and then do something with unlocking its controls, you can repeatedly do it to get xp (I think the post said 300xp). Could be a complete lie, I don't have a save game that I can go check with. But if you really want to see how far you can go, may be worth a shot :lol:"

  • 2 months later...

an you can go above level 27 without cheating.


If you like killing hissis over and over.


Considering they left it in from the X-box version I have to assume it's not a bug, and they inended the hsissis to continously respawn.


The thing is their experience value goes down as you go up in level. Eventually you'd have to kill thousands of them to go up a level.

an you can go above level 27 without cheating.


If you like killing hissis over and over.


Considering they left it in from the X-box version I have to assume it's not a bug, and they inended the hsissis to continously respawn.


The thing is their experience value goes down as you go up in level. Eventually you'd have to kill thousands of them to go up a level.


i finished at level 28(not that far from 29) and i didn't go hunting for hsissis or whatever you call them. just solved missions and killed those in my way...




The hard cap on your character's level is 50. As others have mentioned, the game only gives xp to about 27-28 unless you find a respawn area, like the Hssiss/Dead Jedi in the Skyrack cave's secret tomb area of Korriban. Of course, you have to either be strongly dark or light aligned to get into the tomb area in the first place....no neutrals in other words. I won't waste time commenting on whether or not this is cheating....to each his own...but its there should you be interested in making a maxed character.


I have carefully experimented with this....the xp you get for killing the Hssiss is 400-450 REGUARDLESS of your character's level. It does NOT decrease! The only exception to this is when your character levels up---if you do not level up your character when the yellow L shows up on your character screen, then the xp drops to 350-375 per kill until you do level up, at which point the xp goes back to 400-450 per kill. This is probably a glitch--heaven knows this game has plenty of them. You still have to kill lots of Hssis since each time you level, the amount of xp goes up between levels, but thats a LOT less than if the xp amount per kill drops. The other thing is that you can spawn mutliple Hssiss at a time-up to 20 in some cases by repeatedly clicking on the dead jedi, which allows you to then kill them all for faster killing speed. Since force regen is turned off in the tomb, this is only recommended for melee-strong characters. The force regen does not reset at level ups either...so that isn't an option if you've considered that.


This is really nice if you are creating the max character for a number of purposes. I like having my main character to be maxed in all skills for the purposes of creating items, which pretty much requires a 32 in all skill levels. Why? Well so my primary character can use the workbench in the Ebon Hawk for one thing....plus its a pain to switch between characters when making items. For another thing, K2 often has separate parties running...so its helpful to have each NPC as self sufficient and maxed as possibe on the equipment, skills and feats area. Gone are the Halcion days of stripping all your NPC's and ignoring them for the entire game. I mentioned level 32 for skills because that is the level that allows you to make almost every item upgrade in the game.


Its also a good idea if you are using the Hssiss respawn area to take a bunch of Life Support or Advanced Med Packs with you. You will take damage and its MUCH faster to use a couple of packs to replenish health than to wait quite some time for life reg to get your health back to full. Alternatively, you can equip +life regen items as well--this too speeds things up significantly.


I would also caution you to have multiple save slots in the caves/tombs if you decide to use the Hssiss respawn area. Save in 1 slot before you enter the Skyrack caves, save in another separate slot before you enter the tomb and then have two additonal save slots running once you are killing Hssiss. This should get you through any problems. It really hurts to loose your entire game because a bug eats your first AND second slot..........



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