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i am currently a level 5 (required 15000XP) and i currenty have 27000XP.


I am saving my level ups for when i obtain my light sabre, then i can automatically add all these new feats and force powers based on obtaining a light sabre.


Have any of you done this? This way (since i am a guardian) i can level up 2 times in a row for Lightsabre Specialization (which is why i am doing this).


Anyways, post your lvl up strategies here!


Are you the type to plan ahead for things like this? or do you just level up as you go?




I don't believe there are feats, forms, or force powers you can only earn if you have a lightsaber. You might only be able to use them with a lightsaber.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.


hmmm, thats strange, but you could very well be right, i just assumed that until the sabre was attained, you couldn't specialized in the sabre, but i'll check it tonite.


You can spend points on the lightsaber feats before you get your lightsaber. Both the weapon specialist and the finesse training are available from the beginning of the game. As is the throw lightsaber force power.


that was the most interesting ''glitch'' in kotor 1 for the box......oh wait it was second...the first being the manaan item/weapon/armor spawning glitch


I save my levels because when your health gets low, if you level up it is restored. So when I'm in a bind I can level up instead of using a medpac.

Welcome to the Pink side of the Force


Revenge is a dish best served in a warm, pink tupperware dish!


Grrrr to Atris! Snooty, stuck-up little....


Pink Side Master to Darth Gandalf, Trooper, Ronil Organ, Bokishi, Mr_Dashman, Stargate: 2000, mista_me, DarthDoGooder, GarethCarrots, Ludozee, and Obi-Wan Kenobi

I save my levels because when your health gets low, if you level up it is restored. So when I'm in a bind I can level up instead of using a medpac.


Mabey if you had level'd up sooner you wouldn't be in a bind :blink:


thats an interesting strategy though. Alright, so there is no strategy for leveling up...ok, well...there goes my plan, i am gaining 2 levels tonite right away...woot!


I wish there was one, one of my favourite things about KotOR was that i could pass through as a lvl 2 until i became a jedi, i found it challenging and rewarding...too bad there is no such thing in this game.



There are still strategies for leveling your character.


Well yes, i know this. But holding off as a level 2 made it that much more challenging to an already easy game.


For KotOR i had my character planned out while my game was shipping on ebay...i had the whole 20 level progression with feats, force powers, upgrades with crystals...all planned out...


Too bad there is no charts for K2.


By saving levels you're effectively wasting the net vitality points, force points, attribute points, skill points, feats and force powers that would be gained, by not using them. :p


I think the magic number to start holding levels this time around is level 15 if you haven't gotten your prestige class yet. Just an opinion from reading the various posts :)


Once you get to level 15, talk to kreia to get your prestige class, other than that, dont worry about holding back on levels. while holding levels back on the first one was advantageous, doing so in kotor 2 is pointless, as all youll be doing is delaying all the neat stuff you get as a prestige class.


my sith marauder is a killing machine, hacking through hordes of enemies my other companions sometimes struggle to defeat. that valin darklight (my char) crystal is niiice.

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