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I've gotten to the part where the mercenaries want to attack the Administrator. I tried being on on the mercenary side first and I have to fight Zrook. I end up getting completely crushed. So I went back and tried the Administrator's side. Now I end up fighting the head of the mercanaries and again I immediately get crushed. It automatically makes me fight alone and I just don't see how I can win this battle.

  fortis said:
I've gotten to the part where the mercenaries want to attack the Administrator. I tried being on on the mercenary side first and I have to fight Zrook. I end up getting completely crushed. So I went back and tried the Administrator's side. Now I end up fighting the head of the mercanaries and again I immediately get crushed. It automatically makes me fight alone and I just don't see how I can win this battle.


You could always try turning down the difficulty level.

If you're already on the easiest difficulty then try mixing things up a bit, use new feats, different characters, grenades, the options are endless...


Well, I set the difficulty down to easy. Still getting dominated. You can't choose anybody else either.


The problem is that he has a lightsaber which completely destroys me. I found that placing some mines hurt him but half the time I have to initiate the combat. Meaning, I have to get close and he nails me with the lightsaber.


you can try to run and get a small number of people to follow you and takem down one by one. i will say though that i dont have the game and i mabey not be qualified to answer questions but i made a piss poor character in kotor even though he was a guardin and i had no knowledge of the game and i managed to get to 3 planets before using cheats against malaks apprentice so if you need a way outa something i could probably help. by the way my first character was a guarding and everything was 10 and strength was like 12 or 13


Well i don't have the game yet but you always should have lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of med packs! if you think about it,if your health is low then you can replentish on a med pack....thats what I did in kotor brought so many med packs it werent funny....that way I survived....now if you go back with med packs because health is the most important thing to keep you alive...during combat if you have 2 other party member wth you and all three of you are fighting make sure you rotate through the party member while in battle and make sure you keep their health up with med packs and continue to do this until the battle is over...the party member that you are not controlled by you while you are using another character...so they should fight by them selves but if your party meember is hurt again go back to them and heal them...it goes like this in a way...if one party member get striked down...then so does another...and then you get striked down...so its very important that you try to keep all three party members alive together that way you should be more powerful and then more damage can be done...its like if one party memeber feels pain so does the other two...so remember always heal all 3 party members.....


BUT if you are on your own and your health is low,just keep using med packs!


I guess I should mention that the said boss uses Heal as well. Pretty much destroying any chance I have of winning.


I managed to make a lightsaber but it's the Heal that kills me. I can get him down to below half health but then my health gets to low and I have to heal allowing him to heal as well.


stand back and let the mercs deal with the jedi try and kill the milita without the jedi killing you. then the mercs will focus on zrook you start grenading him then use your force powers and finish him off with your lightsaber


hmmm...Did you fix the combat droids?While I was attacking the merc leader from the front they were hitting him from behind.I just used jedi speed and master flurry on him, but he still beat me up pretty badly.After I killed him I healed up and finished the rest off.


You have to actually go through with most of the steps of defending the outpost.


1. Re-activate the droids


2. Reprogram the turrets.


3. Lay down all your mines in the minefield


4. Actually go around and recruit people to defend the outpost.


5. Give a good speach to motivate the troops


and if you do all that you'll easily out-number the mercenaries and barely have to lift a finger to stop them. Vrook even teaches you a new lightsaber form for your trouble.


But I'm Evil. So even if I do face the mercenary, I have to face Zrook. That's where I'm having the problem.


What I did was tell the mercenary that I wanted my money now and killed his men that were standing around him when he asks you if you'll help. So then I went to the place and ruined all the traps, rigged the turrets, etc. And since the mercenary ran away when he had his guys attack me, I had to talk to the general guy to initiate the whole battle scene.


It goes through that and then the mercenary guy shows up and I can either fight him or let him pass and kill the Administrator. Now I can beat him and his thugs fine. But no matter which I choose, I'm still forced to face Zrook one-on-one.


THAT is the challenging part. I have the lightsaber now but he uses Heal multiple times when his health is low. I've tried upping stimulants and even setting like 5 mines in a row to completely deplete his health but again, he just uses Heal and we're back where we started.


Kreia tells me he's using this Jedi style that's meant for one-on-one fights and that I could try a blaster. So I tried that but 99% of my shots just missed and that didn't go so well.

  fortis said:
Kreia tells me he's using this Jedi style that's meant for one-on-one fights and that I could try a blaster. So I tried that but 99% of my shots just missed and that didn't go so well.


I haven't played the game yet so I can't offer any overly helpful advice, but first: What are you? LS/DS? Guardian, Consular, Sentinel? How you beat him could be accomplished a number of ways, Im sure.


The lightsaber style you are describing might be Makashi. It gives him attacks bonuses at the expense of blaster bolt deflection, which is why it is good for dueling. My only suggestion as far that goes is to find a lightsaber form that works well against it, or to try various blaster combinations.


A bit of advice that applies to any game: Don't be afraid of a long fight. It might be frustrating but he's got to run out of Force powers sometime. Keep attacking and healing yourself when necessary.


The merc isn't giving me trouble anymore now that I got my lightsaber.


I'll take your advice Gooder DarthDoGooder. Hopefully he'll just run out of powers and I can kill him.


Oh and the fighting style is something that starts with an A but I can't remember.


Also, I'm Dark Side and a Guardian.

  fortis said:
Also, I'm Dark Side and a Guardian.

You might try Critical Strike b/c as a Guardian you should have high STR which would further the chance of a stun. If this worked, you could then pull off a power attack for added dmg. At the same time, if you had stunned him a Flurry with two-weapon fighting would give you a lot of attacks on him since he couldn't defend.


As far as Force powers go, you could use wound(or its variants) to slow him down, with maybe a drain life to use his heal against him. If you have the power Drain Force I would highly recommend using it.


Those are the best ideas that I have at this point. Good luck!


Go talk to the militia to get them ready for battle and then they fought along side me. That way was a pretty easy way to kill all the mercenaries. I don't know about fighting along side the mercenaries.

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