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I got off from work and headed straight to Target and found that TSL had been sold out. I was told only one day before that they would not run out of copies due to heavy ordering. Now they don't know when they will be getting the next order. The man in the electronics dept admitted that they didn't expect to be sold out so quickly.


I drove around to the game stores. I don't really know why, I certainly knew what to expect from the brainless wonders who mind the retail counters of the gaming industry. I had no high expectations, actually no expectations at all. If I got lucky I would be happy, if I didn't........well tomorrow was another day. What I found was more than garden variety incompetence. What I met was a weird kind of cluelessness from the staff at the 2 game stores I went to.


One guy at the local Gamestop said that KOTOR2:TSL was not that big of a release, so there wasn't an overnight delivery priority. He actually had to check his computer for a release date. I thought, "Why wouldn't he know what the release date is?" There is a giant TSL poster in the damn store, so I broke out laughing. I wasn't alone. So I looked at the people in the store.


"How many of you came here to get a copy of TSL?"


Almost everyone in the store was there for the same reason I was. We all looked at this guy like he was dumbest person in the gaming world. I counted about 15 people in the store at the time, more would pop in and out from time to time asking for a copy of TSL.


"You're not going to have enough copies to meet the demand"


I got no response because this guy knew I was telling the truth. The most award decorated game of 2003, a million plus best seller, and a pre christmas release date, and Gamespot doesn't think it's a major release? I know I won't be coming back to Gamespot tomorrow because this guy told me he didn't know when the delivery was coming in. "Check in around Thursday"




The people at the local EBgames were alot better. They know they have copies coming, they even know the general time of their delivery. They told me to reserve and so I did. Some guy walks up behind the register and asks, "What are you doing?" He tells him that I'm reserving a copy of TSL. "Ok that's the last one, don't do anymore"


Are you guys starting to get the picture?


No one took the release of TSL seriously at all. Except us of course. The discount chains are sold out for being the first out the gate. The game store people are checking their computers because quite honestly they don't know what the hell is going on beyond the 6 inches in front of their faces. Too many people want this thing, and the game stores are going to be cleaned out.


My advice if you don't have a reservation to pick one up is to go online. Yeah I know, the waiting, but at least you will know that the game is going to be delivered. The people at the local game store? Well he has to check his computer then guess.


Demand for TSL is huge, and there just aren't going to be enough copies to go around. Pre-orders are exceeding the number of units being delivered now. The biggest problem with TSL may not be the game play it may be getting your hands on a copy.


Is there any chance that it will outsell Halo 2?

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom


Do you mean Gamestop? I didn't know Gamespot had stores. Anyway that is exactly why I order my games online. I don't pay tax and I never pay shipping either because I order during a stop watch sale or a publisher free shipping promotion. I will be getting my copy of TSL Dec 8th at 3:00pm via my free Fed Ex 2 day shipping deal. Sure I may not have the first copy on my block but atleast I know I will be getting a copy before the week is out. You have every right to be angery The Omnifarious Host and I hope you get a copy of the game soon, but maybe next time you should go the online route and save yourself the trouble.




Dam HALO 2! Now every one thinks if a game isn't as hyped up as HALO 2 it's not going to sell well!

"Your total disregard for the law and human decency both disgusts me and touches my heart. Bless you, sir."

"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf


I called six different stores in my area (2 EB Games, Electronics Boutique, Gamestop, Wal-Mart and Toys-R-Us). Out of those six stores, I received 4 different release dates from the brain-trusts answering the phone. I heard everything from "Tomorrow around 11:00 am" (EB Games) to "December 8th" (Gamestop, Wal-Mart) to "that game won't be released for another two weeks" (Toys-R-Us).


For fans, this sort of haphazard distribution system sucks. Since I'm headed out of town to visit in-laws next weekend, I'm going to hold off on purchasing TSL until I get back, since I won't have enough playtime this week to make the purchase worthwhile. If I'd found a copy today, I would've *cough*cough* come down with a touch of the Black Lung instead of heading to work tomorrow. Oh well. At least this way, I'll get to wait for a few more reviews, instead of the standard fawning IGN review (which they always give in exchange for their exclusive access to content), and the typical clueless "we kind of played the game" Gamespot review.


Completely different topic, but most review sites and magazines are whores these days in exchange for advertising and/or exclusive previews.


I'm not sure what my point was. I don't think I actually had one. Other than I'm pissed that TSL wasn't available, but I'm also relieved that I'll have the chance to read a few more reviews before plunking down $50 for a game that, while it looks awesome on the surface, also sounds like it might have some frustrating bugs and gameplay issues.


That Target was pretty lucky. I'm in charge of receiving at the Target I work at and we didn't get the game(I'm the guy all the new releases come to since I unload/check-in the FedX/UPS trucks) today. I'm hoping it comes in tommorow. The job has kinda spoiled me, I don't pre-order anything since when the game comes in I just save myself a copy and push the rest to the floor so they can be put out. :)

  Dead Skin Mask said:
Do you mean Gamestop? I didn't know Gamespot had stores. Anyway that is exactly why I order my games online. I don't pay tax and I never pay shipping either because I order during a stop watch sale or a publisher free shipping promotion. I will be getting my copy of TSL Dec 8th at 3:00pm via my free Fed Ex 2 day shipping deal. Sure I may not have the first copy on my block but atleast I know I will be getting a copy before the week is out. You have every right to be angery The Omnifarious Host and I hope you get a copy of the game soon, but maybe next time you should go the online route and save yourself the trouble.




When do stopwatch sales hapen?

also sounds like it might have some frustrating bugs and gameplay issues



The biggest problem I'm hearing about from people who SAY they are playing the game right now is frame rate issues. When too many characters on the screen the game slows down.


Others are saying that they haven't had any bugs during gameplay, only during level loads. Save often would be my advice.


It is sort of funny...


I mean, seriously, this is crazy. You'd think this was a third-rate title made by a sweaty middle-aged man in his backyard on a 486. I can't think of a game that was so under-appreciated by retailers...


I guess they just saw, "New developer, throw-together sequel. Trash bin."

  nightcleaver said:
It is sort of funny...


I mean, seriously, this is crazy.  You'd think this was a third-rate title made by a sweaty middle-aged man in his backyard on a 486.  I can't think of a game that was so under-appreciated by retailers...


I guess they just saw, "New developer, throw-together sequel.  Trash bin."

Not sure, but it certainly seems like the game isn't really getting the attention it deserves, considering it is the sequel to the 2003 game of the year. Most of the places I spoke with didn't know or care what the release date was. Nobody offered to reserve a copy or allow me to do a pre-order. I remember when I purchased Fable (talk about a waste of $50 - that game is SHORT, and the story is dreadfully cliched), they were pushing Halo 2 pre-orders pretty heavily. There were no Kotor II pre-order incentives that I am aware of, at least not at the EB Games that I usually go to.
Not sure, but it certainly seems like the game isn't really getting the attention it deserves, considering it is the sequel to the 2003 game of the year



That's the feeling I'm getting from the game stores. The people at Gamestop didn't know and didn't care when the game was going to be released.


People kept coming in asking for it and each time the guy would go to his computer! It was hilarious! How could the guy forget something he had read only a few minutes ago?

  The Omnifarious Host said:
Not sure, but it certainly seems like the game isn't really getting the attention it deserves, considering it is the sequel to the 2003 game of the year



That's the feeling I'm getting from the game stores. The people at Gamestop didn't know and didn't care when the game was going to be released.


People kept coming in asking for it and each time the guy would go to his computer! It was hilarious! How could the guy forget something he had read only a few minutes ago?

Heh, they had the date up on their board at the Gamestop here. I asked the guy if the date was correct, and he started digging around in the computer for it. I pointed at the board and his comment was "that thing is never right".


I hate people. Especially those goddamn hairy, sweaty, know-it-all retarded computer-game-store people. Honestly, why can't all the stupid people die in their sleep and leave me all their stuff? All the employees at EBGames / Gamestop / whatever else are a bunch of clueless high school kids who think they know better than everyone else, and love treating their customers like retarded lemmings. I should've just preordered online, but I figured I could get one faster locally. Guess that was a huge mistake.


Yeah it is weird stuff... last week I went to Wal-Mart when i heard the rumors that walmarts were selling it early. They said they would have it the 9th. Then I went to Rhino Videogames and they had it up on their board as the 8th and I was happy with that because I won't even be able to play till then anyway. So whatever. But I asked the guy to preorder and he seemed surprised for some reason... weird... maybe I should call tomorrow and ask if they've got any copies in yet?

  Mahf said:
Yeah it is weird stuff... last week I went to Wal-Mart when i heard the rumors that walmarts were selling it early. They said they would have it the 9th. Then I went to Rhino Videogames and they had it up on their board as the 8th and I was happy with that because I won't even be able to play till then anyway. So whatever. But I asked the guy to preorder and he seemed surprised for some reason... weird... maybe I should call tomorrow and ask if they've got any copies in yet?

I'm honestly not going to go out of my way to get this game anymore. The release and shipping appears to be poorly coordinated by the distributor, and I'm certainly not going to reward that by running out and giving them a portion of the $50 cost of the game. I'll buy it when I have the chance, and hopefully enjoy it then. Too bad, because I was all gung-ho to buy this damn thing today. They'll have to wait an extra week or so for my hard-earned $$.

Some of the pathetic imbecils I spoke to today actually thought I wanted the first KOTOR!


"Yes, could you please see if you have Star Wars Knight of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords in yet?"


"Ok, hang on a sec.....let me go see."


-5 Minute wait-


"Yep we have 'em." (empty handed)


"Great could you get one for me please?"


"Sure thing, hang on..."


-Walks back to glass case, fumbling with the keys. Comes back with game in hand.-


"Here you go." (hands me KOTOR)


"No, I want the second one, Knights II the Sith Lords"


"Oh! Well we don't get that in until.....I think tomorrow or Friday....."


-I walk out in disbelief, wondering if beign a total moron is a requirment to fill that position-


And that was only ONE of the many hassles I have gone through today. The other....oh....ten places I called either had no idea what I was talking about, didn't know when it was coming it, told me to wait for the manager....I mean this world is full of the most idiotic people I have ever spoken to!

  Darth Nemisis said:
And that was only ONE of the many hassles I have gone through today. The other....oh....ten places I called either had no idea what I was talking about, didn't know when it was coming it, told me to wait for the manager....I mean this world is full of the most idiotic people I have ever spoken to!


In fairness to the staff at the stores, it's sometimes not their fault. I used to work at Toys R Us a few years back, in the video games and electronics department. I had a lot of phone calls with customers asking me when we would be carrying a certain game and the best I could do is check the computer to see the details. If the computer doesn't give me a release date or whether it's being released soon or in stock, then that's all I can tell the customer.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


So they work in a GAMES department, but yet they have no idea when the biggest game this year is being released! At one of my bestbuys they said they have them but they can't release it until the 7th, because if they sell it before the release date then they could get in trouble. I actually took him to one of the computers and pulled up the Lucasarts homepage and POINTED to the big fat "KOTOR II in stores now!" and the "Sith Lords now available". He didn't respond because, I don't know, all the bright lights hurt his brain.....he was having an attack of some kind, maybe he couldn't believe how dumb he was....I don't know, but I still didn't get my copy!

  Darth Nemisis said:
So they work in a GAMES department, but yet they have no idea when the biggest game this year is being released! At one of my bestbuys they said they have them but they can't release it until the 7th, because if they sell it before the release date then they could get in trouble. I actually took him to one of the computers and pulled up the Lucasarts homepage and POINTED to the big fat "KOTOR II in stores now!" and the "Sith Lords now available". He didn't respond because, I don't know, all the bright lights hurt his brain.....he was having an attack of some kind, maybe he couldn't believe how dumb he was....I don't know, but I still didn't get my copy!


Again, read what I wrote. Blame store head office policy. If the computer doesn't say when the store has it in stock, even though the entire world knows the release date, the employee's hands are tied. If it's store policy that he can't sell a copy until the 7th, then again, blame head office. Unless, of course, you expect him to lose his job just because you disagree with store policy. :thumbsup:

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


Actually I find Best Buy has generall more reliable dates for their games. They usually have stock in on time, but they can't sell until specific "launch" days. For example, "DVD Tuesdays" and "Gaming Thursdays." If they sell before these dates I think management could start a fuss. Otherwise, I find Best Buy has more consistent (though by far not trouble-free) releases.


Story policy? The release date is the release date is the release date. They don't get to pick and choose when they feel like releasing it, they are just to dumb to know when that time is SUPPOSED to be. It wasn't a story policy, as I said he said that if they sold it before the release date they would get in trouble (they as in Bestbuy, not as in incompetent worker boy) with Lucasarts....ergo, they had no clue when it was supposed to be released. They STILL to this very moment think its the 7th........hello people the Site doesn't lie......


And thats another thing! What is this "Gaming Tuesday" crap that many stores like Wal-mart like to throw around? If Lucasarts says the 6th is the release date, then god dammit there had better be a game on the shelves on the 6th!

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