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OMG I ****ing hate spyware


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Try downloading Hijack This, as deganawida suggested. If you don't know exactly what to 'fix' or what to remove in the registry, go to www.computercops.biz


Their servers are down at the moment, but if you post your results in the hijack this forum, someone will come along and give you instructions on how to remove the files.

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If it was more than 6 months since you did your last Win install then you probably need a good, clean reinstall anyway. Id advise you to make a system partition on your drive so you can just format the partition in the future. Viruses and *.ware rarely infect beyond the OS and its components.



Im going to make a virus that destroys all *.ware it encounters plus those annoying companies who purchase expired adresses and replaces them with those odd pages that looks like portals but arent really useful for anything.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Thanks to everyone who tried to help me on this. Some of the solutions here did pick up reg problems and other various files I didn't even know where on here.


I just want to meantion Anakinsolo2002 Pmed me with a solution that fixed it.


It was soooooo damn simple that I feel retarded for not knowing about it.


I'll let him tell it to you tho, assuming he sees this post.

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Thanks to everyone who tried to help me on this. Some of the solutions here did pick up reg problems and other various files I didn't even know where on here.


I just want to meantion Anakinsolo2002 Pmed me with a solution that fixed it.


It was soooooo damn simple that I feel retarded for not knowing about it.


I'll let him tell it to you tho, assuming he sees this post.


hehe yeah so what the deal was that back in win98 i think, maybe even win95 but i doubt it. anyway this thingy mabob called "Active Desktop" was implimented, where you could do all these nifty things, like putting web pages and stuff as yer background, yay! lol anyway you do a bunch of other junk as well, i think you can link images forom websites but whatever funstuff. lol. and in XP this is what alows the use of Jpeg's as backgrounds and you can do it in sk aswell, uses up more memory ofcourse, lol.


anyway, well it seems with this new "adware/spyware" fad people got some new ideas, and so they descided to take advantage and screw with this, so pretty much all you gotta do is go to "descktop properties" and just disable all the "Active desktop" junk, or essentially all the stuff you didn't put in there. pretty simple, but not everyone tests out every possible setting for fun, but anyway. this will fix de prob. have fun and yeah... all that fun stuff



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Somehow some ****ing VX2 spyware thingy has installed itself on my PC, and it keeps starting up my IE browser (wich is really annoying because I use Mozilla):angry: Tried to remove it using the Ad-Aware tool and a couple of other removal programs but it WON'T GO!!! It keeps copying itself and uses other names after I try to remove it. It's driving me nuts! Anyone know something?


(Btw, I found out wich company manufactured it. Anyone from Minnesota here? I have their adress :devil: )

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Somehow some ****ing VX2 spyware thingy has installed itself on my PC, and it keeps starting up my IE browser (wich is really annoying because I use Mozilla):angry: Tried to remove it using the Ad-Aware tool and a couple of other removal programs but it WON'T GO!!! It keeps copying itself and uses other names after I try to remove it. It's driving me nuts! Anyone know something?


(Btw, I found out wich company manufactured it. Anyone from Minnesota here? I have their adress :shifty: )




Hope it helps

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Somehow some ****ing VX2 spyware thingy has installed itself on my PC, and it keeps starting up my IE browser


It is currently distributed under these names:


Transponder (Blackstone Data Corp.)

VX2 / RespondMiter / Sputnik (VX2 Corp.)

AADCOM Extreme Targeting (Aadcom Corp.)

NetPal (NetPalNow / Mindset Interactive)

TPS108 Transponder (tps108.org), for DigitalRooster.com - Deceptively labeled as an "free movie viewer" to see "hardcore adult content".



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Somehow some ****ing VX2 spyware thingy has installed itself on my PC, and it keeps starting up my IE browser


It is currently distributed under these names:


Transponder (Blackstone Data Corp.)

VX2 / RespondMiter / Sputnik (VX2 Corp.)

AADCOM Extreme Targeting (Aadcom Corp.)

NetPal (NetPalNow / Mindset Interactive)

TPS108 Transponder (tps108.org), for DigitalRooster.com - Deceptively labeled as an "free movie viewer" to see "hardcore adult content".





D'OH!!! :)

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Somehow some ****ing VX2 spyware thingy has installed itself on my PC, and it keeps starting up my IE browser (wich is really annoying because I use Mozilla):angry: Tried to remove it using the Ad-Aware tool and a couple of other removal programs but it WON'T GO!!! It keeps copying itself and uses other names after I try to remove it. It's driving me nuts! Anyone know something?


(Btw, I found out wich company manufactured it. Anyone from Minnesota here? I have their adress :p )



Try the adware removers again, but do so in safemode (without networking).


I'll bet it catches new things this time around.


O and use two programs (along with ad-aware) people posted links for previously in this thread:


Spybot and Regcleaner


they picked up several things Ad-Aware missed and vice versa

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Somehow some ****ing VX2 spyware thingy has installed itself on my PC, and it keeps starting up my IE browser (wich is really annoying because I use Mozilla):angry: Tried to remove it using the Ad-Aware tool and a couple of other removal programs but it WON'T GO!!! It keeps copying itself and uses other names after I try to remove it. It's driving me nuts! Anyone know something?


(Btw, I found out wich company manufactured it. Anyone from Minnesota here? I have their adress :) )



Try the adware removers again, but do so in safemode (without networking).


I'll bet it catches new things this time around.


O and use two programs (along with ad-aware) people posted links for previously in this thread:


Spybot and Regcleaner


they picked up several things Ad-Aware missed and vice versa



Yeah, and don't go downloading "'free movie viewers' to see 'hardcore adult content'" when the popup window shows. You should know better man....90% of the time those have bundled spyware. :)

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Yeah, and don't go downloading "'free movie viewers' to see 'hardcore adult content'" when the popup window shows.  You should know better man....90% of the time those have bundled spyware.  o:)


Whoohoo, I just visited a "questionable" website using IE, and without any popups or dialogue boxes, at least 12 spyware programs installed themselves. I'm running WinXP SP2 with all the latest security updates. Don't consider yourself safe just because you don't click the yes button, especially if you're using IE.

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Yeah, and don't go downloading "'free movie viewers' to see 'hardcore adult content'" when the popup window shows.  You should know better man....90% of the time those have bundled spyware.  >_<


Whoohoo, I just visited a "questionable" website using IE, and without any popups or dialogue boxes, at least 12 spyware programs installed themselves. I'm running WinXP SP2 with all the latest security updates. Don't consider yourself safe just because you don't click the yes button, especially if you're using IE.



HA! I got rid of that antiquated P.O.S. a LONG while ago. I was just trying to point out that clicking 'yes' in those boxes is quite possibly the dumbest thing one can do. :ermm:



If you haven't already, turning off Active X will cut down on those spyware installs significantly. :ermm:

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