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Light Sabers "MUST" cast a glow

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In part 1 i was ok there was no colored glow to the light sabers.


That was because the original dev team had to creat an engine from scatch.


But since all that work is done in KOTOR 2 the light sabers need to cast a colored glow onto the environment geometry and the models.


The light saber glow is a Star wars staple its like the Terminators I'll be back like.


Its a cheeseburger with no cheese if KOTOR 2 does not have the "glow"


Its would be inexcusable. I could care less that the environements are "bigger" they were big enough last time. I don't need to see 50 miles scale draw distance if I'm not a "sniper"

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that's two straight posts of yours that are better suited to the "suggestions" forum.


and i must say, i have no clue what you're talking about in this one.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I do believe hes referring to something to the affect of in AOTC when Anakin and Dooku fight it out and its super dark and all you see is the sabre and the faces. I think he wants to have a fight in the pitch black and the sabres create light that only the people are visible ala AOTC. I really kinda wanted that aswell, and in the Star Forge it was close but the sabre didn't cast enough light. Alll they would have to do is make the sabre cast more light.

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Didn't really notice, or care that much.... :lol:











I'll leave...

Yeah, it really doesn't matter really. Its just that it seems like....lazyness on the behalf of the graphics teams for Bioware and KOTOR. The sabers in Jedi Outcast/Academy had glows. When you were on foot as Mace Windu/Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Clone Wars, the sabers casted glows. With the Xbox strong graphics engine and stuff, Obsidian/Bioware should have taken advantage of this and made glows. That way things would seem more realistic.

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I do believe hes referring to something to the affect of in AOTC when Anakin and Dooku fight it out and its super dark and all you see is the sabre and the faces. I think he wants to have a fight in the pitch black and the sabres create light that only the people are visible ala AOTC. I really kinda wanted that aswell, and in the Star Forge it was close but the sabre didn't cast enough light. Alll they would have to do is make the sabre cast more light.

Well, the "glow" isn't very important thing. I'd better see beter LS effects. But KotOR wasn't a dark game, there was enough light. Maybe in dark areas this would be useful.

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I would be nice to have. I did like that effect in JO and JA.


Faith! ;)

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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I don't particularly care for that feature, it'd be neat to see it, but I won't miss it.


As for claiming it would be lazy for the developers to not do it, you don't even know how well the engine would support it, nor the difficulty of implementing it. Often if stuff like this isn't implemented from the beginning, it makes things much more difficult later on. I don't think it would be as simple as "ok make it glow." If it was that easy, then it would have been done already.

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personally i'd rather the spent the time it would take to make it glow on the story and other more importent things. although it would be cool if it did glow, but it really doesn't matter to me.

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that's two straight posts of yours that are better suited to the "suggestions" forum.


and i must say, i have no clue what you're talking about in this one.



I hear this often. I would have never thought a glowing lightsaber wasthat important to people...


"Didn't really notice, or care that much.... :p











I'll leave..."




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