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Fawlty Towers.


Only 12 half-hour episodes were made.


"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I've been DLing Wonderfalls, and while it's better than average, I don't think it deserves the press it got. It's easy to see why it failed too. During the third episode it starts to abandon it's "rules".

It deserved at least a full season chance, I think. Cancelling it after the 3rd or 4th episode was dumb.

It's almost as though Fox has something against Tim Minear, cancelling Firefly after one episode, and Wonderfalls after just a couple.

Ok, im in the 9th episode (of 13 I think) and the series REALLY got good at episodes 7 & 8. The 8th episode had talking animals for about 2 seconds total, and it turned out to be the best one, easily. I found that funny.


Anyways, I can see why people were upset by this being cancelled now. It's much like Keen Eddie: Starts alright, then kicks it up a notch.


sooooo, I guess I eat my previous words

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I've been DLing Wonderfalls, and while it's better than average, I don't think it deserves the press it got. It's easy to see why it failed too. During the third episode it starts to abandon it's "rules".

It deserved at least a full season chance, I think. Cancelling it after the 3rd or 4th episode was dumb.

Yea, but fox has a habit of cancelling any show that people seem to really like that isn't the Simpsons.


Firefly, Wonderfalls, Keen Eddie, Andy Richter, some would say Fastlane and didn't they do Roar too?


I'm sure we can come up with more.

Roar pissed me off. Never missed one of the 7 episodes they aired, and when they cancelled it and didn't even air the last 6 eps I got right pissed. Finish the damn season for chrissakes.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Hmmm... Fastlane only lasted a season and ended on a cliffhanger at that. I know they weren't intending to end it like that, but Fox in their infinite idiocy dropped it for more lame "reality" TV like "My Big Fat Fiance" and other nonesense.


I also liked Dark Angel. Also dropped by Fox after 2 seasons, despite the fact that ratings were high. Fox pays too much homage ot the reality TV idol.

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I am mostly a sci-fi freak so here is my list




3)Invisible man

4)Earth and beyond ( not sure thats actually its name originally aired on fox now reruns are on Sci fi channel)

5)Angle (cut short sucks it was starting to get good again)

6)Flash (the series on channel 2 bacj in the early 90's)

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Sorry Phosphor I never even seen one episode, there fore I don't feel right about commenting on it although I am curious about the movie.


The series is available on DVD; see if you can rent it somewhere. The show is well worth watching, and easily the best thing Whedon has done.

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Sorry Phosphor I never even seen one episode, there fore I don't feel right about commenting on it although I am curious about the movie.


The series is available on DVD; see if you can rent it somewhere. The show is well worth watching, and easily the best thing Whedon has done.

So I ahve heard fro mmore than one source. The only problem I have is I tend to get mad when I do that if I truly like the series, because I think of whta I am missing out on by the cancellation.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. But I'd think I'd be missing out on a lot more by not seeing it at all. I've heard people question the point in watching Farscape, since it was cancelled, and I can't imagine not ever watching that through in it's entirety.


Another to add to the cancelled-too-early list - Oz.

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The only show I have to disagree with here is Lexx, that show probably should have ended a bit sooner.


The whole "Fire and Water" arc was interesting at first, at least until all of the episodes were the same find food, run into some problem, lose food formula. The end of the arc was actually rather disappointing; aside from the weirdness of the truth behind the planets it also left me thinking they could have ended it in the exact same way three episodes into the season.


The final season wasn't much better, and could also have been ended an episode or two in.


The series was overall depressing. Of course I think that's what they were going for, so I guess they succeeded.


Ahh, now that I've finally vented about Lexx with people who probably have some idea of what I'm talking about B) I agree most of the shows mentioned here ended far too soon.


I miss Angel the most, because that last season was dark and humorous at the same time. A lot of great episodes, I can't think of many other series that could get away with turning the main character into a muppet :(

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I can't think of many other series that could get away with turning the main character into a muppet  :)


Well, Farscape had two main characters who were muppets (Dominar Rygel XVI and Pilot)... Henson Productions were behind Farscape, and the puppet work was phenomenal.

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Doesn't anyone miss Parker Lewis Can't Lose?

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I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
Heja Sverige!!
Everyone should cuffawkle more.
The wrench is your friend. :bat:

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I miss Angel the most, because that last season was dark and humorous at the same time. A lot of great episodes, I can't think of many other series that could get away with turning the main character into a muppet  ;)



That episode was freaking awesome. Creepy too, what with the demonic puppets sticking their hands in living humans backs and using them for puppets. :ph34r:


I freaking hated the way they ended it. They basically killed everyone except Fred/what's her name demon, Angel, and Spike. Gunn was alive at the last camera shot as they were going into battle, but the Fred Demon told him that he wouldn't survive ten minutes in combat, and that battle was obviously going to last more then ten minutes.

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