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Suggestion: Retaining basic force powers...

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The one thing that struck me as odd with the force powers in KOTOR was that basic force powers became obsolete once you got advanced versions of said power. For example, once you obtained force whirlwind, you could no longer use force push. I don't think it'd be too difficult to have a force power upgrade ADD an advanced ability, rather than replace an existing one.


I mean, yeah force kill is pretty cool and I wouldn't want to give it up, but sometime I just want to choke the guy! :)


- Fin

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I may be wrong, but I thought one of the devs mentioned that you'd be able to use each tier of Force power, instead of only being able to use the "strongest" tier you've gained.

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I hope so that'd bee a definite improvement, especially for a consular, who's going to use alot of force points in combat anyway, this way you could spread it out some more

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I may be wrong, but I thought one of the devs mentioned that you'd be able to use each tier of Force power, instead of only being able to use the "strongest" tier you've gained.


No you are right I remember hearing the same thing.

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I may be wrong, but I thought one of the devs mentioned that you'd be able to use each tier of Force power, instead of only being able to use the "strongest" tier you've gained.


No you are right I remember hearing the same thing.

same here

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For the most part, I agree, but only on some force powers. There are some force powers where I don't think there would be much of a point.


Why force push only one person when you can force wave all of them, do more damage, for the same cost in FP.


However, the one that I missed was force whirlwind, which was different enough from the others that there were times I wanted to use it.

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I also remember hearing this a few months ago. Use the search before you post anymore topics...

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