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Episode III title announced.


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I kinda like "Rise of the Empire" better. Or even, "Rise of the Sith".

Agreed, "Revenge of the Sith" sounds more like a comicbook title.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


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- Some guy 

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I kinda like "Rise of the Empire" better.  Or even, "Rise of the Sith".

Agreed, "Revenge of the Sith" sounds more like a comicbook title.

All three sound like comic book titles to me. In fact I think Knights of the Old Republic actually was a comic book title before the RPG came out.


Revenge of the Sith makes sense to me as a title because of the history of the Star Wars movies and how Revenge of the Jedi was the original title of Episode 6. It wasn't very Jedi-like but Revenge of the Sith is very Sith-like.

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Guys, does it really matter? Its just a damn title.


Revenge of the Sith doesn't sound to bad anyways. When you watch The Phantom Menace again and hear Darth Maul say "Atleast we'll reveal ourselves to the Jedi, and atleast we'll have our revenge"


It'll be more fitting cause 13 years later it is Anakin Skywalker/Darth Sidious that gets their revenge.


Hell let the title sound stupid, but atleast it makes since and goes well with the movie and the saga. Hell all the movies sounds corny but they all make sense and thats what matters.


The Phantom Menace -- Translates to "The Hidden Threat". The hidden threat depending on how you view it is either Anakin Skywalker or Senator Palpatine.


Attack of the Clones -- This title has more irony in it then anything. The clones coming out of nowhere to help the Republic then 3 years later they go against the Republic. I can't explain it well but you really have to look deep into the title.


Revenge of the Sith -- Just as the title says, for years and years the Sith has been in exile while the Jedi rules everything. Then Sith revealed themselves 13 years ago in TPM and now they come to take their revenge out on the Jedi with Anakin Skywalker at the lead has he starts the Jedi Purge. From here the Galaxy is now owned by two sith....Darth Vader and Darth Sidious.


A New Hope -- After the events of ROTS there seems like there is no room for hope, but there is. This new hope being a young man named Luke Skywalker, but son of Anakin Skywalker. He is the one that single handed destroyed the Death Star which is the first step in gaining back freedom from the Sith/Empire. Hence....a new hope is now at the forefront.


Empire Strikes Back -- After what happened in ANH, the Empire is ready to show they there will be now new hope. They strike back harshly, first by running the rebels out of Hoth, then Han being captured. Luke defeated. Everything just goes downhill here. The Empire has striked back.


Return of the Jedi -- After decades since the purge of the Jedi there is only one who can bring this ancient religion back to its normal state....Luke Skywalker the new hope. He confronted Vader defeated Vader, and with the help of Vader, Sidious is killed. Vader then turns back into Anakin Skywalker and the Sith threat is now destroyed and Luke is off to Yavin to create a Jedi Academy to bring back the art of the Jedi. Hence....Return of the Jedi.

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Shucks, i was hoping episode 3 would be titled "GUN OR GUNGAN"

I think I would prefer if it was called "Gundown the Gungans" :p

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


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For some reason, I have high hopes for the third prequel. I guess I just don't see Lucas striking out with his most famous property.


The name is cool, but most people probably know little or nothing about the Sith, so the movie will have to explain a lot. I hope the Sith are portrayed as well as they are in the game(s)...

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I kinda like "Rise of the Empire" better.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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For some reason, I have high hopes for the third prequel. I guess I just don't see Lucas striking out with his most famous property.


The name is cool, but most people probably know little or nothing about the Sith, so the movie will have to explain a lot. I hope the Sith are portrayed as well as they are in the game(s)...

This is why I was hoping that ROTS (heh, rots) would've started off with a massive flashback sequence showing the last great battle between the Jedi Army of Light and the Brotherhood of the Sith. Wherein Darth Bane is the only survivor and...well you know the story. But anyway, it would have been cool to see something like that, maybe even in TPM to tie the whole Star Wars universe together, and explain to the casual fan and moviegoer who the Sith are and what exactly they represent.


It would've also gone along way in showing where alot of the current lore comes from. Kinda like what Peter Jackson did with Fellowship.

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