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If your right then and he is alive then he couldnt be living in the mine like silversun said, maybe he left the mine, but where would he go, and why hasn't he turned up yet. If he did go some where eles just to go back into hinding why would he leave in the first place. He's most definitally some plot in Ep3.


113 days :19 hours :50 minutes :01 second -till Nov. 9th


Play the Bounty Hunter game, it is a prequel of sorts for EP3.


Games are even less official then the books.


And he could died in the cave or die in the cave at some point before yoda gets there,thus placing the dark side taint on the planet. But then again maybe not.

I've only seen Ep2 once and that was back when it first came out. ((Unlike some that is not because I disliked it.)) But I don't recall them ever saying the Jedi was good of evil. Only that he died 10 years before,which if I'm right would place it right around the end of Ep one. Obi-wan did not seem to know anything about the clones and seemed surprised at the Jedi's name.

The clone guy said Master jedi Sifo-dyas, and I guess I just assumed a master jedi was good, but your right he could of been bad and it might be the reason why he died/disapered.


113 days :19 hours :44 minutes :10 seconds - till Nov. 9th


I mean ep2, it has to do with Count Duku(sp?) and the clones.


So in the game Duku order the clones? Well that's a rather uneventful way to do things.


Well, in the game your on some moon after being capture killing a dark jedi. In the last scene Duku approachs you after seeing what have done, and give you (Bobba Fett) a deal. Thus this is who the clones where created from. I don't know the year this happened, how far it is from the movie but it also explains how you meet the shape shifter thing from the Corusant chase scene in the movie.

Evolutionary Development


You mean Jango?


Hmm,kind of borning. If they do anything with it in the movies like that it'll pry be the first thing I'm honestly disappointed in. In Empire we had the Luke/Vader surprise. In Jedi we had the Luke/Leia surprise. With not a whole lot they can use as a surprise in these was thinking they'd throw something out there with that. Oh well.


Yeah I mean Jango, the names confuse me. And I haven't played the game since around it first came out, I'm surprised I remembered that much.

Evolutionary Development


Okay that I understand. But my question is:


Is Duku Sifo?


If not,in the game Bounty Hunter,did Duku kill Sifo?


Or play himself off to be Sifo?


Just feel like there's going to be some kind "twist" to things. Now anyone who knows anything about SW isn't going to be surprised by the over all plot or what happens. Which leaves some side area to throw in said twist. Like I said before I had my ideas about Qui Gon but that pry won't work. So this little area is the only place I can see throwing something in.


So sifo-dyas is still alive or not? I knew Dooku impersanated him.


113 days :15 hours :43 minutes :13 seconds -till Nov. 9th


Its bad to go into a movie and know the plot, but its a good thing going into a movie thinking you know the plot because then you get surprised even more.


113 days :15 hours :32 minutes :52 seconds -till Nov. 9th


The over all plot is a little hard not to know if you know anything about the OT. And having been a fan since I was in diapers I'm pretty sure I can guess how things are going to go in ep3 for the most part. Which is why I'm wanting a few surprises in areas outside the main plot.


For the most part I try not to think about the plot, so I get more surprised when I watch the movie so I have more fun.


As I said,kind of hard in a case such as this. The over all plot really isn't going to have too many things that should surprise people. But I'm sure if nothing else there will be little plot points that I wouldn't have thought to be there.


In the game "Bounty Hunter," Jango Fett is given a challenge by a man named "Tyranus" (Count Dooku): Track down and capture or kill a Dark Jedi named Komari Vosa, who happens to be controlling a deadly cult behind the deathstick craze. After a LONG trail Jango confronts the deranged Dark Jedi, and defeats her. After that, Dooku gives Jango an offer to go to Kamino and oversee the creation of an army of his clones.

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