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What would be your ideal npc

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An NPC with lots of dialogues (with the PC, with other party NPCs, comments on locations and events, and butting in on the dialogues with quest NPCs), with lots of quests, whose alignment can be gradually changed or affirmed through quests/dialogues and who is at least moderately useful during the game :lol:. Both intially light and intially dark models would be awesome.

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is impossible for us to describe our ideal npc, 'cause the most important aspect we want is surprise... we want bis to surprise Gromnir. bis should create npcs that maybe at first glance we think is crap or unsuitable... then make us thank you for including 'em. if we is playing a good/lightside character, make us want to bring the dark jedi. if we hate droids, make us wanna have a party full of 'em. if we thinks non-jedi suck, try to make a non-jedi that becomes our favorite joinable npc evar.


give folks what they want is easy and ultimately leads to a good game at best. you wanna make a great game? then you gotta give folks what they didn't know they wanted.


HA! Good Fun!

That's why my initial response was the droid that nobody suspects.

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I'd like a small Hutt as a companion. I don't care what gender it is, but if they could write some witty, funny dialogue that accompanies the events in the game it would be neat. Of course, the Hutt would have some side-quests of his own and an interesting back story that would unfold throughout the game. The Hutt should also be critical in some way to the main story and how it evolves. Either that or let me play as a Hutt myself.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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is impossible for us to describe our ideal npc, 'cause the most important aspect we want is surprise... we want bis to surprise Gromnir. bis should create npcs that maybe at first glance we think is crap or unsuitable... then make us thank you for including 'em. if we is playing a good/lightside character, make us want to bring the dark jedi. if we hate droids, make us wanna have a party full of 'em. if we thinks non-jedi suck, try to make a non-jedi that becomes our favorite joinable npc evar.


give folks what they want is easy and ultimately leads to a good game at best. you wanna make a great game? then you gotta give folks what they didn't know they wanted.


HA! Good Fun!

I agree with Grommir. I don't really have an ideal NPC or villain. The only way I could possibly describe my ideal NPC or villain is 'interesting'. Strong, weak, clever, foolish, just so long as they have some depth and act in a fairly consistant manner, I like them. Even a lack of character depth can be forgiven if they have a good character design.


For instance...



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