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The It's Disappointing Thread II - The Sequel

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AARRRRR! Me point be lost amidst this sea of whateverthehellthisbe!

Topaz, since what I've said has been buried would you care to respond to it? Perhaps not in a KotOR 2 way but in a redefinition of the role of the video-game consumer in 21st century America way? If you're trying to discredit all anger you're doing a pretty good just by forcing it to fit your unreasonable mold by simple pigheadedness. I agree with you insomuch as the delay of getting KotOR2 is largely immaterial. What caused it, however, is not and you are destroying any possibility for discussing that.

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The fact that more than just me have pointed it out to him should tell him something.



it does it tells him to keep going


True enough. I might as well delete my posts to save Adria the trouble.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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actually, they DID say it was coming out december in a press release, see my press website post


also, unless you doubt a dev working on the game, it IS LA fault that the game isn't out in Dec


And how many people saw that before you posted it? I sure didn't.


I pretty much expected it would be out in February. I would've thought others shared a similarily reasonable expectation but some have disappointed me.

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actually, they DID say it was coming out december in a press release, see my press website post


also, unless you doubt a dev working on the game, it IS LA fault that the game isn't out in Dec


And how many people saw that before you posted it? I sure didn't.


I pretty much expected it would be out in February. I would've thought others shared a similarily reasonable expectation but some have disappointed me.


Just because you didn't see it doesn't change the fact that it occured


now do you admit 3 things:


1. It is strongly suggested in a post by a dev that the PC version is prepared to be done for the holidays and the reason for the delay lies elsewhere in LA.


2. LA made a public, as anyone who knows the site could get to it, that stated the game would be out for the holidays on both platforms.


3. we were promised both versions come out at the same time


Care to disagree with any of that?

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Could have sworn I locked this. *sigh*


sorry about that...


Edit: Okay, not sure what's up, but I'll post here, hopefully it will stick.


I don't think everyone quite realizes how much pruning has been done on these two threads, and quite frankly, I got to looking at what would be pruned in the last few pages of this one and realized there were only a handful of actual on topic posts. Insulting forum members and spam seems to have taken center stage. As such, it's getting closed.


And it will not be reopened. There won't be another one. Any other release date threads will be locked.

Never assume malice when stupidity is to blame.

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