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KOTOR II Force Powers

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You might be a redneck jedi if...


You've heard heard the phrase, "May the force be with y'all."


The doors on your X-Wing are welded shut and you have to get in through the windows.


You've heard...."Luke, I am Your Father...and your Uncle!"


Your Reverand carries a lightsaber in his boot in case of emergencies.


You wonder why Luke and Leia never ever got married.


You've asked an Ewok to help you go Coon hunting.


The Force isn't the only thing that Runs in your family.


Your Jedi robe is camouflage colored.


You use your Jedi healing powers to clear up your V.D


You reckon Stormtroopers are just the KKK with really good sheets.



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You might be a redneck jedi if...


You've heard heard the phrase, "May the force be with y'all."


The doors on your X-Wing are welded shut and you have to get in through the windows.


You've heard...."Luke, I am Your Father...and your Uncle!"


Your Reverand carries a lightsaber in his boot in case of emergencies.


You wonder why Luke and Leia never ever got married.


You've asked an Ewok to help you go Coon hunting.


The Force isn't the only thing that Runs in your family.


Your Jedi robe is camouflage colored.


You use your Jedi healing powers to clear up your V.D


You reckon Stormtroopers are just the KKK with really good sheets.



You might be a redneck Jedi if ...


You have an X-Wing mounted on blocks in your yard.


One of your X-Wing's wings is a primer color.


You father says "Come on over to the Dark Side son, it'll be a hoot!"


You ever used the Force to open a bottle of beer.


You ever used the Force in conjunction with fishing/bowling.



Sidenote: Wow, I feel old. I think I may have been of the original contributors to that list when it was first started back on RASSM. This lists is a good 10-15 years old. Classic stuff. :(

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