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My passion project sees the light of day!

What can you do with it?

  • Create builds!
  • Export/import them! Make a build, press Summarize, then use one of the copy buttons below.
  • Look at what abilities do! Mouse over icons on desktop; press icons on mobile/tablet.

I don't have any inside info - the data is from fansites and videos - so there are some assumptions behind it that may not be correct:

  • You get one point per level, starting at 2.
  • There are no bonus skill points.
  • The level cap is 25. This I'm pretty sure of, because there is no level 25 tier (which there should be if the cap were 30 or higher), but Iron Fists rank 4 requires level 25.
  • You don't have to spend ability points as soon as you get them. You can hoard them. You can wait until you're level 20 and then learn all level 20 abilities at once. Therefore, the calculator lets you skip levels/hoard points if you turn off strict mode.

As a result of these assumptions, there is a maximum of 24 points you can spend in my calculator. This may very well be wrong, so don't take it as gospel. I would love to know if you know/think differently!

I have faithfully copied the data as written, other than fixing a few typos here and there, but the following are probably not correct:

  • Rank 2 Corrosive Siphon can permastun an enemy.
  • Freezing Pillar, Blackbow and Pull of Eora can be learned without finding them in a grimoire. These are the only spells that require Grimoire Mastery without having to be learned from a grimoire. I expect they do in fact need to be learned from a grimoire.
  • Sniper is 25% for all ranks. Looking at other passives that are 25% at rank 1, it's probably supposed to be 25%/40%/50% or 25%/35%/40%.

And now for some questions you may have about the tool...

I want to make a max level build and/or not worry about build order.
Turn off strict mode.

I exported, but didn't get the build order I had in mind.
When you play around and reduce skill levels while in strict mode, the calculator will try to keep your build intact and valid rather than force you to start over, but it cannot always figure out the order when you do this. If you want to be sure it gets the order right, start over and only increase skills to get your build.

If you didn't lower any skills while building and the order still ended up wrong, do let me know.

I can't increase this skill, why?
You've spent all 24 points, the skill has no more ranks, you're missing a pre-requisite (Grimoire Mastery or Unbreakable), or you're in strict mode and taking the skill would cause you to skip levels.

I can't lower this skill, why?
It's a pre-requisite (Grimoire Mastery or Unbreakable) for a skill you still have. Get rid of that skill first.

I have an issue with the calculator. What should I do?
Post it here!

I have a suggestion for the calculator. What should I do?
Post it here!

I have made a build that I want to talk about. What should I do?
Post it! But not here. Give your build the space it deserves with its own thread!

  • Like 9

I'm working on a feature where you can specify your equipped grimoire.

All spells in your equipped grimoire get their rank boosted by 1 (up to their maximum which is always 3), with coloring to indicate your grimoire's effect. Grimoire Mastery will reduce the Essence cost of these spells.

A thought occurred to me while doing so. Do you think you can cast level N spells from an equipped grimoire without having level N Grimoire Mastery? Until now, I figured that's just what you needed to learn the spells permanently. But, I have been thinking people could be keeping grimoires around no matter their build and playstyle, just to do things like cast Arcane Seal to regenerate. Might be the only actual use case, since there are spells of each element that require no Grimoire Mastery, which you could use (as well as wands?) if you just need to do some shock damage to solve a puzzle.

I'm now leaning towards "you probably need GM4 to cast tier 4 [20] spells", which means the code I just proudly finished needs to be reworked. 🥲

  • Like 1

Added a feature where you can select your grimoire and fixed some small bugs. Having the logic in place means I can just add grimoires to the, ahem, "database" as they are discovered.

Would also like to prepare the calculator for the ability point cap being something other than 24, but hopefully this is something we'll find out before release so I won't have to choose between coding and gaming. Judging from PoE2, we might get an extra skill point at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20.

  • Like 2
  • 2 months later...

There is a new URL for the calculator. Spread the word.

I'm trying to make the old URL redirect to it, but it might not happen before EA hits. Anyway, this new calculator is... worse! JK, but strict mode is gone, as is some summary stuff. It's however way more maintainable and it will have internationalization. Currently you can change language, but there are barely any translations.

  • Like 2
  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you this is very helpful

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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