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Pallegina isn't in my main team for now, but I sometimes consider swapping companions just for fun.

My current tank is Eder as a Swashbuckler with one handed weapon + shield and medium armor.

He's doing alright, not great dps so fat but he survives quite well


I just wonder what to do with Pallegina...

I have her as an Herald (Palladin/Chanter),

and I hesitate between:

Two handed dps / support character (with Zelot aura, and dps chants like burning weapons or The dragon thrashed then I guess)

Or full tank one handed weapon + shield + massive armor / healing and defensive auras and chant, that could replace Eder from time to time for something with less DPS but more sturdy.


The thing is I kinda consider her 2H sword like Pallegina's signature...

And making her tank with it would not make much sense I suppose, it would be either some kind of DPS with 2H or tank with shield.


What would you advice me between both ?

Do you have good builds, especially for the Herald tank one please  (with good healing aura and chant synergies).






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She's the most effective as a tank, of course. Reckless Brigandine looks good on her and she can use later ...Nor Flame, Nor Thrusted Blade to cover the thrust weakness. If you don't want to bother with the buff, then use Magnera's Chain instead. Then Lethandria's Devotion + Bardatto's Luxury/Sasha's Singing Scimitar are her standard weapons. Stack deflection/resistance on her (bracers/cloak of greater deflection, ring of minor protection, Entonia Signet Ring). Blunting Belt/Physicker's Belt, Boots of the Stone, Torc of Intellect are good choices for the rest of her equipment.

For the abilities you have all defensive/specific paladin's passives, Exalted Endurance, Shared Flames. etc. and Ancient Memory, Old Siec..., Many Lives.., Ancient Instruments of Death..., Nor Flame... from the chanter to complete her tank build. 

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I had this setup for her (with Sashas Scimitar on a second chanter) last playthrough. The -1 armor rating aura of blackened plate is amazing utility and stacks with other AR reduction and it gives you another healing or damage aura. From the time she gets the ogres and then later upgrading to Ancient Instruments summoning is just stronger than any other actions she can take so you just want to stack passive abilities and tanking on her.  Her subclass unique Sworn enemy upgrade is pretty terrible so her impact is really from summoning + auras  + shared flames + lay on hands and the occasional Liberating Exhortation. I did have her chanting the Long Nights Drink which made me a little torn that maybe I should have used  Lethandria's Devotion instead of a heavy shield but the difference in deflection from Cadhu Scalth is pretty massive.

Edited by limaxophobiacq
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Thanks for all the advices !

I think I'll do the same build as you limaxophobiacq, just a healing wall tank.

If I want a tank that can still dish some damage I got Eder for that.

I struggle to choose an exhortation though...I suppose you can only use one at a time, that would be broken otherwise.

I hesitate between:


Liberating command: Hostile effects suspended for 20.0 sec, Steadfast, Quick for 20.0 sec




Reinforcing Command: +20 Deflection for 12.0 sec, Fit, Steadfast for 12.0 sec


Steel Exhortation: Allied Target: +20 Deflection for 12.0 sec, Hardy for 12.0 sec


I guess Reinforcing Command is better, but the +20 deflection and steadfast is accesible by other characters (priest, mirror image, watcher ability)

It could be redundant.


I will give her the healing chant Ancient Memory.

But I really don't know what summon I can choose beside ancient weapons...

There is the healing invocation Rejoice, My Comrades! Two Fingers of Daylight! upgraded to ...And Evil Turned Away from the Sun, and that's it ?



I still wanted 2 HD character, so instead of Pallegina, I was thinking of Rekke.

I initially planned to make him a one handed crit fighter, do you think a 2H fighter would be good instead ?

I have no 1 handed characters (no weapon in off hand), but alwready many companions with either 1h sword and shield, or dual wield, only Konstanten for 2H, that is not much.





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Im not sure what  you mean by only being able to use one exhortation at a time? They are active targeted abilities you use on a character, the liming factor is that they generally have very high Zeal cost so just using them to buff people eats all your Zeal in a couple seconds and the buffs don't last that long but they have very fast cast times so you can use them in reaction to something bad happening to a character, generally the only ones i pick are Reviving and Liberating. Most Zeal is for Shared Flames and Lay on Hands.

16 hours ago, SenSx said:

I will give her the healing chant Ancient Memory.

But I really don't know what summon I can choose beside ancient weapons...

There is the healing invocation Rejoice, My Comrades! Two Fingers of Daylight! upgraded to ...And Evil Turned Away from the Sun, and that's it ?


Because of linger you generally want 2 phrases in your chant so like Ancient Memory + Silver Knights for deflection and healing for example.

For summons once you have Ancient Weapons the others become obsolete but whatever the highest one she currently has access to at any level is probably good, you want to respec chanters using summons a lot since whenever you get a new higher summon the old ones generally become obsolete.

Invocations aren't very good for healing, generally stick to chants for slow team healing + lay on hands for healing a single character when they lose a lot of health.

2 handed Fighter/Monk monk Rekke with Turning Wheel, Thunderous Blows, swift flurry etc. is very good, can give him almost any good two-handed weapon and it will work. Saru-Sichr (morning star) or Voidwheel (greatsword) are both pretty nice. 

Edited by limaxophobiacq
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My bad I forgot exhortations only work on 1 character at a time.

I think I will also use the Nor Flame, Nor Thrusted Blade invocation Kaylon advised me, although it does not cover the blackened plate weakness.


Thanks for all the advices limaxophobiacq

What is your second set of weapons with Pagellina please ?


As for Rekke, I alwready have 2 monks, so I don't know if I'll make a 3rd one with him.

I hope he can be ok as pure fighter.

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4 hours ago, SenSx said:

My bad I forgot exhortations only work on 1 character at a time.

Huh? They are not limited in that way.

Edited by Boeroer

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12 hours ago, SenSx said:

What is your second set of weapons with Pagellina please ?


As for Rekke, I alwready have 2 monks, so I don't know if I'll make a 3rd one with him.

I hope he can be ok as pure fighter.


Oh second set on Pallegina was Kitchen Stove (with Thunderous Report) + Light Shield. In some fights I would open with that (since it also means you get the better accuracy on the first Long Nights Drink roll) but it felt to fiddly to bother with most of the time.

Rekke is generally better as either of his multiclasses, so I would consider FIghter/Barbarian (maybe with Willbreaker morningstar) over single class fighter. Single class fighter is tanky and has some utility with Mule Kick vs bosses but it just doesn't do much damage.

Edited by limaxophobiacq
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