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Hello, I'm new to this game and I have some questions about what to prioritize when building a character. For example, between:

- Increase defenses

- Get resistances to afflictions

- Gain immunity to afflictions

What is more efficient? And is it necessary in Potd for characters to have immunity to certain afflictions? Or to all? Does it depend on the class and the role of each character? Which would be the most convenient then? Do you have to abuse consumables in this game?

And another question is about alpha strikes on spell casters. Since before combat you can't use buffs, is it interesting to use a stealth wizard as a debuffer, with the risk that you will most likely fail, and lose one of the two spells per level?

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Increased defenses will, most of the time, reduce the duration of afflictions. Good defenses can prevent crit (+50%duration) and downgrade hit to graze (-50%duration) ; high defenses can make the afflictions to miss, but in PotD enemies have increased acc. 

It is the most efficient strategy imo for Forbidden First, good defenses and good hit-to-graze conversion.

Resistances to afflictions is useful and "easy to get", generally the tiers3 afflictions are very tedious to have.

Immunities prevent any correspondant affliction to hit, so affliction doesnt remove your related inspiration . Since it is not commun in game to get immunities, this point is good to see on equipment building (if you want to use chanter as interrupting AoE-per3s build with energized, the Effigy's Husk is a good tool ; later in game, food are also nice).


For your last question, enemies "investigate" when surpised by somtehing like a spell, so casting long-lasting spell like Chillfog or Pull of Eora nearby enemies (but not on them) can be considered as free-spell if the spell is refreshed (not in combat) before this last hit (or another attack hit).I hope I am clear with my text!

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It is worth noting that +defenses to affliction is very strong (such as passives on Fighter and Paladin skill tree). If, for example, you have +20 defenses against dexterity afflictions and a rogue attempts to use crippling strike on you, you get +20 deflection against the actual weapon attack as well as +20 fortitude for the hobbled roll.

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6 hours ago, Constentin Lévine said:

so casting long-lasting spell like Chillfog or Pull of Eora nearby enemies (but not on them) can be considered as free-spell if the spell is refreshed (not in combat) before this last hit (or another attack hit).I hope I am clear with my text!

Can you explain this?

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14 hours ago, NotDumbEnough said:

It is worth noting that +defenses to affliction is very strong (such as passives on Fighter and Paladin skill tree). If, for example, you have +20 defenses against dexterity afflictions and a rogue attempts to use crippling strike on you, you get +20 deflection against the actual weapon attack as well as +20 fortitude for the hobbled roll.

I'm still learning things about the game mechanics...

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12 hours ago, EdgarBB said:

Can you explain this?


From stealth, you can cast Chillfog or Pull of Eora (or other pulsing spells) without break the stealth until an enemy take an attack roll. Casting these spells nearby enemies (4-5m for exemple) can eventually gather them since they investigate when something happen (like for traps etc).

The time the enemies enter in contact with the "spell" (and then break the stealth) your wizard should have recover his powerpool. 

A nice thing to do with wizard is to cast from stealth some Pull of Eora, Wall of Draining, Chillfog between the party and the group of enemies, wait few second to recover all the spells, and attack at distance to make the enemies "controled" in the pull of eora area.

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What do you think of this build for my MC?

Cleric (Devoted/Priest of Berath),  Intended to be used as a warrior that buffs himself and the party, and uses only Spirit Weapon and Touch of Root as offensive spells.

Race: Pale Elf

MIG: 13, CON: 8, DEX: 15, PER: 18, INT: 16, RES: 8

Background: Deadfire and Aristocrat (to unlock more dialog options)

Civil skills: Athletics, Alchemy, Arcana 7 (To use the Revive the Fallen scroll until you get Resurrection, then reset)

Diplomacy, Religion


Disciplined Barrage , Touch of Root (a) , Blessing

Fast Runner

Holy Power  

Determination, Holy Meditation (a) , Spiritual Weapon

Fighter Stances

Two Handed Style

Tactical Barrage , Spreading Plague (a) , Consecrated Ground

Rapid Recovery

Penetrating Strike

Divine Terror (a) , Devotions for the Faithful , Weapon Specialization


Spirit of Decay

Rot Skulls (a) , Armored Grace ,  Barring Death's Door


Rapid Casting

Salvation of Time (a) , Mob Stance , Champion´s Boon

Clear Out

Improved Critical

Rusted Armor (a) , Unbreakable , Minor Avatar


Weapons: Karabörü and Spiritual Weapon (for killing mobs)

Gear: Helm of the Falcon,  Charm of Bones (for RP purpose), Blackened Plate Armor, Ring of Prosperity's Fortune, Footprints of Ahu Taka, Upright Captain's Belt, Gauntlets of Discipline, and Waidwen's Sundial

Pet: Abraham

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Touch of Grass > Touch of Root imo. ;)

I think the build is totally fine. 

For aesthetic reasons I personally would combine the Helm of the Falcon with the Devil of Caroc Breastplate (beautiful combo imo) or the Blackened Plate (which is very fitting for a Priest of Berath of course) with its own helmet. 


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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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hm, do you think Berath will forgive her herald if he decides not to wear his armor?


edit: bah, i made this post because on my screen EdgarBB's post showed up 6 times. refreshed, and of course now I look like a crazy person

Edited by thelee
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