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4 hours ago, Panda Baby said:

if max level is 20, wond doing dlcs 16 make me hit cap tooo soon? although with scaling shudent be a issue

i would also suggest that "hitting cap" is not as terribly a big problem for the later content in deadfire. in poe1, hitting cap early meant a lot of pointless encounters and being over-leveled for stuff.

meanwhile, for Seeker/Survivor/Slayer and Forgotten Sanctum and megabosses, you'll still find lots of challenges and lots of good loot even if you're at level 20. FS is definitely balanced expected parties to be close to or at level 20, and even if SSS has a lower target level, some of the encounters scale up very well and stay extremely challenging. In both cases a lot of great end-game gear comes from those DLCs, even if you're not gaining levels anymore.

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ok nice, guess ill follow this path then trying  beast around 14, then sss/fs when toward end. i'm a completisionist so i like do all  quests and tasks  possible.

does  using poe1 save file for poe2 story have a big impact for eder? in poe1 i never picked him up, now only thaos alive, i know still possible complete his quest even without maervald, but its a bit of a hassle. should i go for it you think?


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1 hour ago, Panda Baby said:

does  using poe1 save file for poe2 story have a big impact for eder? in poe1 i never picked him up, now only thaos alive, i know still possible complete his quest even without maervald, but its a bit of a hassle. should i go for it you think?

for the most part, the reactivity is on the minor side - e.g. companions might have slightly different starting gear. not necessarily worth it to optimize.

you can always customize your poe1 history if you feel like, using the options in deadfire (through a bunch of Q&A).


(more drastic reactivity is if you like murdered a companion in poe1. they obviously won't be around in deadfire.)

Edited by thelee
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erm...i did murder aloth...like from the start for his grimoire...guess no aloth in poe 2 then haha....i did same to pallegina...i just coulden't support their caracter lol

pity they didnt bring more old companions except those 3.


but i abso love eder. hope new poe 2 companions have some good banters


starting off the bat on potd is probably suicide as i dunno the game , but heh best way to learn is have my ass whooped. or does hard +scaled offer some challenge too as in between?



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13 hours ago, Panda Baby said:

starting off the bat on potd is probably suicide as i dunno the game , but heh best way to learn is have my ass whooped. or does hard +scaled offer some challenge too as in between?

hard +upscaled might be more in line with poe1 potd. as others have said potd+upscaled in deadfire can be rather punishing, especially if you aren't familiar with the system. if you want to start off with that, be prepared to reload a lot and be willing to experiment/respec as you figure stuff out.

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i cant seem to find a thread about the talents skills for casters and tanks/melee detailing their utility and what suck or not.

whats your personal income on this guys since you are experts 😄 based on all your posts?

@thelee @Boeroer

what are the must/optional/useless skills/talents to bring for tank/caster/support roles. i mean among the new stuff of poe 2, ones from poe 1 no need go back on it cept if some major changes happened.


did read your guides to some builds but its not always set in stone.

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22 hours ago, Panda Baby said:

would love to know your thoughs on the balance mode by eric as well

I usually play with community patch and the balance polishing mod. In my opinion the BPM is a fitting expansion of the community patch, giving some of the basically never-used talents and abilities more value and hence providing additional builds and strategies without making anything overpowered or too easy. As an option it also includes some minor nerfes that further bring subclasses/abilities on par. Although it takes a "freer" approach in modding things than the community patch, many potential adjustments are also discussed in the according thread.

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