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Xbox or PC?

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Yea the PS2 has alot of games more than X-Box and Gamecube combined but then again the X-Box was out a year and a half earlier than both systems if im correct.

no need for words:


Yea I know I mistyped I was thinking about X-Box when I typed that I know that the PS2 was out a year and a half before both systems lol there fixed.

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It matters little.


Dreamcast was released before PlayStation 2 and the moment PS2 was released DC died.


The Xbox release suffered from a violent attack from Sony that lowered their PS2 price that boosted PS2 sales also Xbox suffered from a bad aception in the largest (and key) market that is the JPN region with is were the large number of console developers are publishers are located,as it stands if you not getting support from there you can close up shop.


The Xbox is not comming a "comeback" (not in MS plans since Xbox Next is their central for their market implementation), the only thing that is happening is Xbox prices are reaching a point were people can buy it as a second console for people that already own a PS2.


For every "Xbox success" I point 3 PlayStation 2 sucess ... more people care about GTA:SA,FF XII and MGS3:SE that Fable,Halo 2 or SW:TSL.

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the xbox has had few good games come out for awhile, I feel that I must play kotor 2 on my xbox to justify its purchase.

Ugh no thats not true im sorry. KOTOR is great, Morrowind was ehh buggy but ok in the long run, Splinter Cell and Splinter Pandora Tomorrow are both ok, Halo, Project Gotham Racing 2, Madden 2004, Fight Night 2004, and now Fable and KOTOR 2. I am a hardcore X-Box fan I would buy any game for X-Box than I would my PC.

Like to point out that 6 out of the 8 games you listed are PC and/or PS2 as well, iirc. And two of them arn't even out!


anyways, the box does a few exclusive games that interest to me, like Ninja Gaiden and Crimson Skies 2. We'll se how fable turns out



I'm still a GC fanboy, when it comes to console games

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Doom 3 is a PC game, its going to be a PC ported to the Xbox or (worst case) a XBox game ported to the PC.


FPS dont go well with consoles since they have to use "auto aim" help as in PCs we use mouse cursor aim.

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Doom 3 is a PC game, its going to be a PC ported to the Xbox or (worst case) a XBox game ported to the PC.


FPS dont go well with consoles since they have to use "auto aim" help as in PCs we use mouse cursor aim.

For once I agree 100% with Drakron.

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For every "Xbox success" I point 3 PlayStation 2 sucess ... more people care about GTA:SA,FF XII and MGS3:SE that Fable,Halo 2 or SW:TSL.

In the X-boxs defense, they get Doom 3

Along with Half-Life 2...Full Spectrum Warrior etc....

If Half-Life 2 coming out on the X-Box?


I fell sorry for anyone who buys it on the X-Box since the greatest aspect of the game is the modding support. Would we still play Half Life today if it weren't for LAN games of Counter Strike, Day of Defear, and Team Fortress?

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Half Life 2 is a PC,PS2 and Xbox title.

Half-life 2 on PS2? I find that highly unlikely. Even if true, then it will be more of a vanilla version compared to the PC in all departments.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Half Life 2 is a PC,PS2 and Xbox title.

Half-life 2 on PS2? I find that highly unlikely. Even if true, then it will be more of a vanilla version compared to the PC in all departments.

Half-Life 2 is NOT a PS2 title. I can assure you of that. I'm not even going to go out of my way to prove it to you. Cause its just like trying to prove that air is a gas and not a solid....

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Half Life 2 is a PC,PS2 and Xbox title.

LMFAO!!! My freakin god PS2 fan boys are too freaking funny! Half Life 2 on the PS2? Yeah sure I will believe that one when hell freezes over. Maybe for the PS3 there buddy. Anyway I plan to get KOTOR 2 for the Xbox because I prefer using the controller when it comes to playing this game. If it were more modable like Morrowind I would definetly get the PC version however thats not gonna happen. Drakron that was some funny stuff bro I had a good laugh. :D




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Sorry, Half Life 2 is not a PS2 title.


I confused Far Cry that will have PS2 and Xbox console versions as Far Cry Instincts (likely scaled down because I simply cannot belive such a DirectX 9 engine can work in Xbox and PS2 without major rework)

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Can't compare?


Perhaps because you're comparing apples to oranges.


PC surround sound systems are designed with carrying sound over a short distance, and focusing it on one point. A home-theatre system is designed with a larger area in mind.


I'm a big audio-phile, and there are some incredible sound systems you can get for your PC. In addition, you can run your PC sound into a stereo system and run a convential surround system.


Better yet, you can go the HTPC method, and set up a PC as the home of your digital theatre, kicking the sound into your receiver, and the picture into a nice digital projector and play the game on a 8 foot screen with amazing picture clarity that put's X-Box's progressive-scan picture to shame.


Compare that to an X-Box.

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Another reason why I prefer the Xbox version over PC is the surround sound feature. A PC surround sound can't compare to a home entertainment surround sound.

I hear that bro! My Pioneer Dobly Digital 5.1 surround sound shakes the freakin ground while playing games like Wolfenstein, Rainbow Six 3, Ninja Gaiden, and Crimson Skies both on and offline. Good thing Sudeki doesn't come out until July I still need to finish the single player for Ninja Gaiden and Splinter Cell 2.





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Sony has hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of titles for the PS2. The problem is that majority of these titles are really mediocre. A market saturation of "fair" games.


And soon Sony may not have the edge in exclusives like FF.


When I first heard that Square Enix was considering developing for the existing X-Box and the coming "Next Box" I didn't believe it. Then Square Enix released dismal financial news to shareholders in Tokyo, and Square president Hisashi Suzuki said Square is interested in moving away from creating standalone console titles to delivering their games to a worldwide audience in the future. He also confirmed that negotiations with Microsoft to work on the Xbox and it's Next Box console have been ongoing for nearly two years.


The point is that if Square develops for the X-Box many more of Sony's exclusives will follow.


Take Namco for example. They had a 180% jump in profits and announced that it was the Gamecube that made up the lions share of all Soul CaliberII sales.


PlayStation 2 - 51.2 million

GameCube - 9.55 million

Xbox - 9.4 million


The PS2 is still THE console in the videogame industry and that's not likely to change anytime soon, but if it's long time exclusives start walking over to other consoles because developers want to expand profits then market share in the future could certainly shift. If not now then certainly with the next generation of consoles that come to consumers.


What's really crazy is that both Sony and X-Box admit that they lose money on every single console they sell.


Real wacky business.

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Good luck finishing Ninja Gaiden.

True that, most reviewers had a really hard time trying to finish it.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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