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I don't come here often because I am not particular looking forward to this game. It has nothing that I care about in a CRPG so why should I do more than just lurk and make a couple off colored comments here and there?

For someone who isn't looking forward to the game, and doesn't have much interest in it, you certainly do post a lot :p

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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My opinions on upcoming RPGs have all be skewed after what I refer to as the "Ultima 9 debaucle".


With 5 Years in development, the end chapter in perhaps the greatest RPG series of all time tanked. The dev team (and Richard Garriot himself) were quite active on the forum promising tons of great features. The shipped game had half of them. Often I wondered what would happen if they focused less on responding to online posts, and more time on developing the game.


I like the fact that online communities are catered to, to a certain extent, but my preference is always that they focus on the game first and foremost. So I'm not too worried about a lack of content.

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It's called evolution, or rather "Survival of the stubbornest" (I'll wait for spelling buddy to tell me the correct form of that word :p)


Let the information dry up slowly, then see whos left. That will be old BIS fans and possibly some hardcore Starwars fans. The more sensible ones will have left (bye bye!) for whatever is currently fashionable places to hang out.


Yes, this board was actually more fun before the official announcement for some obscure reason :o


Anyway, once Kotor2 is out the door and project the one after Delaware is announced, perhaps some sense of madness will return to this place ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Where are the fan artists that made cool KOTOR fan art wallpaper. My desktop is looking pretty boring...come on people...draw us something nice. :lol:

heh, i made 1 for kotor1, but never released it :p

i still haventh colored it cause once i played the game enough, i realized i hated the char i was drawing, Carth!

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Where are the fan artists that made cool KOTOR fan art wallpaper. My desktop is looking pretty boring...come on people...draw us something nice.  :lol:

heh, i made 1 for kotor1, but never released it :p

i still haventh colored it cause once i played the game enough, i realized i hated the char i was drawing, Carth!

Drawing Carth eh? I think maybe you were ill that day lol. :p

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Draw Kreia...she seems like a character who wont be annoying.

You say that now, but see seems like the type that will constantly preach to you about the horrors of the darkside everytime you do something bad. She seems like one of the characters who would leave your group if you go DS.

yes, she probably will, because if she were more doubtful of the code, people would brush her off as a female clone of Jolee, but I hope she is not your master, but that you are the master to someone... :p

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Reading Japanese fiction, I often read about Shoshoro eyes, or the eyes that have looked upon 1,000 deaths.


Looking into my senior drill instructor's eyes during boot camp, I saw that. Here was a man that accidentally shot sixteen fellow Marines. He knew what it was to bring death to his enemies, and friends. I will never forget the look in his eyes.


I've always wanted to see a character with that level of depth.

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She seems like one of the characters who would leave your group if you go DS.

Who says she has to leave the group? I would be more satisfied with a duel where you can either kill her out right or through severe punishment and the proper dialogue choices during breaks in the combat your able to turn her to the DS. Like Vader tried to do during the duels with Luke in both the ESB and ROTJ..... Just a thought.





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Dark Empire portrays Luke Skywalker going over to the Dark Side.


Lucas went on the record of saying he frankly "hated" it, despite the fact it was a really good story and introduced so many things to the Star Wars EU that people commonly accept as cannon.


I give you World Devastators, Nar Shaada, Holocrons, E-Wings, The Eclipse-Class Destroyer, The Cloned Emperor, Force Harmony, Byss, etc. Yep, all this from a comic book.


I think you should be able to turn certain NPCs, and others should just frankly leave. I think there is something to be said for the strength of resolve.

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I think you should be able to turn certain NPCs, and others should just frankly leave. I think there is something to be said for the strength of resolve.

Yeah I see your point and it's a good one at that however would a Sith/Dark Jedi allow a party member to just simply leave? Especially a skilled Jedi master? I don't think so, it's not very likely. There should be an option to duel your NPC's that arn't seeing things your way. Plus whats the point of having a Sith Lord prestiege class if you can't torture people into turning to the Darkside?



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