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Hello Elric,

I want to report a bug with the small shield ability " Binding block" who doesn't seem to work with your mod (only the 25% of time recover with weapons is applied, no bonus !). When I desactivate the balance polishing mod buff it works fine with the +15 accuracy bonus granted by a missed ennemy melee attack. I try to suppress the file related to this ability in the gamedata but it doesn't change anything. Thanks !

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Zahuaisready said:

Hello Elric,

I want to report a bug with the small shield ability " Binding block" who doesn't seem to work with your mod (only the 25% of time recover with weapons is applied, no bonus !). When I desactivate the balance polishing mod buff it works fine with the +15 accuracy bonus granted by a missed ennemy melee attack. I try to suppress the file related to this ability in the gamedata but it doesn't change anything. Thanks !

BPM changes to Binding block are limited to value tweaking. So it's not that. And suppressing the file so it is a second reason for not being related to this particular file.

Another BPM change could cause this effect.

But please be aware that Binding block is an active ability (modal stacks as active) so maybe it got suppressed by something else. Maybe another active ability buffing accuracy that was tweaked by BPM could suppress it ? Even in this case, it won't be technically a bug.

Edited by Elric Galad
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I'm sure that there is no other active ability involved, like the rapier modal for example (I love how detailed is the combat log by the way), and I've make different test with various small shield (with Xoti alone). I've no idea why it doesn't work  but I probably missed something. Not a big deal, it's not exactly game breaking ! Thanks for your answer and your great mod.


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14 hours ago, Elric Galad said:

BPM changes to Binding block are limited to value tweaking. So it's not that. And suppressing the file so it is a second reason for not being related to this particular file.

Another BPM change could cause this effect.

After some test, it seems that the +20 accuracy granted by the small shield modal works fine in the first version of your mod, until the 2.5.4 version. I found that the bonus disappeared with the introduction of the version 2.6. but I don't see why because there is nothing new that seems connected with "Binding Block" ... Neither has Xoti a perk or an item affected by the changes. I add that I have no other mod installed, community patch aside, that could interfer. Very straaaaange !

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 5/11/2024 at 3:08 PM, Zahuaisready said:

After some test, it seems that the +20 accuracy granted by the small shield modal works fine in the first version of your mod, until the 2.5.4 version. I found that the bonus disappeared with the introduction of the version 2.6. but I don't see why because there is nothing new that seems connected with "Binding Block" ... Neither has Xoti a perk or an item affected by the changes. I add that I have no other mod installed, community patch aside, that could interfer. Very straaaaange !

Okay, I wasn't able to identify the root cause, so I made what could be called a "hard correct".

I just re-created a copy of the rotten part of the ability and I use it to replace the failing one.

Wael knows what happened, but at least it works now.


You can use the file before I include it in next release.


Edited by Elric Galad
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  • 4 weeks later...


I 'm going on with my current playthrough with this mod on.

I just updated the french translation with a slight change:


(Compagnon vigoureux) => "Octroie également l'inspiration Vigoureux"  changed to => "Octroie également l'inspiration Vigueur "

I'm attaching the file to this post with the corrected translation (current version of the mod).


Also concerning the priest holy radiance cooldown.

the 90 seconds might be a bit too long imo.

All the combat I've had so far ended before the 90 seconds and before I could use the ability a second time.

The cooldown could be reduced a little for a healing ability that is alwready kinda weak, I will make some tests.

(maybe reduce the cooldown but makes it only 3 use peer combat or 2 ?)

It should not be reduced to much in the other hand, because this is also an offensive tool agains vessels, and having the cooldown too low could becomse overpowered against such ennemies.

Of course that is just my opinion that could change depending of my tests, I don't know what you think about it.

And I can tweak the ability according to my likening anyway.


Also I'm not a druid player, but the cooldown for   Spiritshift  enormous as well.





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18 hours ago, SenSx said:


I 'm going on with my current playthrough with this mod on.

I just updated the french translation with a slight change:

OK, I will make an update with that and the Binding Block fixing.

18 hours ago, SenSx said:

(Compagnon vigoureux) => "Octroie également l'inspiration Vigoureux"  changed to => "Octroie également l'inspiration Vigueur "

I'm attaching the file to this post with the corrected translation (current version of the mod).


18 hours ago, SenSx said:

Also concerning the priest holy radiance cooldown.

the 90 seconds might be a bit too long imo.

All the combat I've had so far ended before the 90 seconds and before I could use the ability a second time.

The cooldown could be reduced a little for a healing ability that is alwready kinda weak, I will make some tests.

(maybe reduce the cooldown but makes it only 3 use peer combat or 2 ?)

It should not be reduced to much in the other hand, because this is also an offensive tool agains vessels, and having the cooldown too low could becomse overpowered against such ennemies.

Of course that is just my opinion that could change depending of my tests, I don't know what you think about it.

And I can tweak the ability according to my likening anyway.


Also I'm not a druid player, but the cooldown for   Spiritshift  enormous as well.



abilities.stringtable 36.9 kB · 0 downloads


Well, this change was to make these abilities more manageable for super long fights. 

Basically Holy Radiance being used once per normal fight and occasionally twice is fine. It just helps making Holy Radiance and Spiritshift relevant for these few super boss fights/solo play.

It is the target of BPM design. But feel free to tweak. Adjusting duration should be super easy.


For Spiri****, consider I also added PL scaling to the duration, so with a few INT and various bonuses, it should be manageable to spend up to 33% (normal druid) to 66% (shifter) of your time shifted, even with these cooldown. These numbers are quite sensitive since even a cooldown of 60s would enable staying shifted most of the time (which isn't my target). SC Druid shall also remain relevant due to Wildtrike Frenzy (BPM exends duration on Crit). 

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So it's balanced for very long fights, to remain faithfull to the original balance of the game, ok thanks.

I might tweak it on my side if I find my priest underperforming.

Well priests aren't as top tier as they were in PoE 1.

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41 minutes ago, SenSx said:

Well priests aren't as top tier as they were in PoE 1.

Which might be... better ?

Priests in PoE1 were absolutely dominating. Having a priest in your party was like lowering difficulty by a couple of Tiers (granted priests could rise party Deflection by +65 and accuracy by +46, it is even a bit underselling them).


The biggest issues in PoE2 design were :

- not getting all spells make you pick the most universally good ones per tier, often reducing variety,
- priest main feat when compared to other casters was that subclasses basically gain abilities from other classes. But variety depends on subclass and you still get a lot of generic stiff (which should be fixed by 
Priest Subclasses Rebalanced at Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) 

I hope BPM reduced a bit the issues though. I would not say that they are weak (except maybe at low levels), but sometimes they feel a bit bland.

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Yes true priests were very powerfull.

I would actually be interested to people opinion about best priest spells in PoE 2, I'll be having a priest in my team, and I need to choose the proper spells.


But back on the topic, can you remind me how the brilliant inspiration works in the bpm please ?

I know how it does with casters, but what about the melee classes ?

Is it still 1 ressource point every 6 secondes like in vanilla ?

What about cipher ? It is 10 focus every 6 secondes as well ?


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Posted (edited)
On 6/20/2024 at 9:18 PM, SenSx said:


But back on the topic, can you remind me how the brilliant inspiration works in the bpm please ?

I know how it does with casters, but what about the melee classes ?

Is it still 1 ressource point every 6 secondes like in vanilla ?

What about cipher ? It is 10 focus every 6 secondes as well ?


+1 ressource point per 6s for martial classes (+1 wound/mortification for monk), +1 phrase per 6s fbenefipr chanter, + 10 focus per 6s for cipher as in Vanilla.

Only difference is that first tick happens at 3s, not immediately (but ancient memory duration has been increased by 3s)

Which makes Cipher benefitting the least. Note that it has been left this way intentionnally, to mitigate the risk of having a couple of Cipher casting Ancestor Memory infinitely at each other.

Edited by Elric Galad
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Posted (edited)

I've been thinking for a long time that Bleak Walkers... ahem... weren't the best subclass.

They have a Tier 1 affliction, which is neat, but can be somehow negated (at least you can pick a helm that grants +10 Acc to all affliction inflicting attacks, or the Acid talent via multiclassing).

But 12% lash ? Seriously, this is slightly too low. Not even 15%, I would qualify this value as a bit mean from the devs 😉 The effect is nice to optimize damages, but compared to what White Flames grants, it seems a bit underwhelming.


I know Darcozzi could be seen as weaker, but putting some fire shield a bit everywhere is going to have a better effect on the long run.

EDIT : considering a bit of additional scaling to Darcozzi fire shield.

Edited by Elric Galad
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