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What's up, gang? (Sorry, I just didn't want to say 'Hey guys' again, it's become sort of my default greeting whenever I make a new post)


So I finally have a build sorted out for my Wizard/Monk, and now I'm just trying to figure out what gear I want to use for him. This is what I have in mind right now. 


Weapon: 'Citzal's Spirit Lance'/Chronoprismatic Quarterstaff (Endgame), Dual Scepters for early/mid game. 


Basically, the summoned weapon 'Citzal's Spirit Lance' will be my main method of dealing damage for the endgame because of its foe AoE burst (Scales with INT) and the fact that I can use it at range with Instruments of Pain at max level (So, basically it becomes a ten meter long exploding poke-stick of death). Chronoprismatic Quarterstaff is for additional power levels to all of my elemental spells when I want to rain down fire/frost on people. 


Armor: ???


I'm honestly not sure what armor would be best for this, because there aren't really a lot of good robes in this game unfortunately. Spider Silk Robe would be really good to have for endgame/DLC content, but other than that I might just stick with a generic Fine/Exceptional/Superb robe. 


Rings: Kuaru's Prize/Chameleon's Touch


+1 Intellect/+1 Dexterity and +1 Intellect/+1 Perception, as well as the double skill bonus granted by Chameleon's Touch seems like a great choice. Plus, 5% damage with spells. 


Neck: Precognition, Stone of Power


Gloves: Firethrower's Gloves


Belt: ??? 


Not sure


Boots: ???


Not sure


Basically, I'm kind of indecisive about armor, belt, and boots right now, so any good caster suggestions would be welcome. 

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Miscreant's Leather, Devil's Breastplate, or Swift Hunter's Garb. You want the least amount of recovery possible and all of those are under +20%.

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If you are frontline you should use devil of caroc plate

If you are mid/ use another tank to take aggro and you are just sometimes in melee miscreant's or gipon prudesco is best

If you avoid melee like the plague you can use 0% robe like spider silk or Skaen Effigy's Husk

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Personally I find DoC’s breastplate a rad wasted on casters as its bonus to resource pools does not apply to spells. I’d rather use Miscreant’s Leathers in conjunction with Nalvi, Abraham, or Cutthroat Cosmo.

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Personally I find DoC’s breastplate a rad wasted on casters as its bonus to resource pools does not apply to spells. I’d rather use Miscreant’s Leathers in conjunction with Nalvi, Abraham, or Cutthroat Cosmo.


For party sure a pure wizard dont use all potential of DoC but for a solo pure Wizard probably is the best for have good RD, low penalty to recovery time and good special power when you upgrade. When I have time I go to run a solo pure wizard and I dont think we have in this moment better option. Maybe in some combat with enough levels and/or equip a light armor is better, but DoC is easy to pick when we have low level and we are weak.

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Personally I find DoC’s breastplate a rad wasted on casters as its bonus to resource pools does not apply to spells. I’d rather use Miscreant’s Leathers in conjunction with Nalvi, Abraham, or Cutthroat Cosmo.

True though the OP said the char is a Wiz/Monk build.

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