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is there a way to get a list of the visual effects used in the game?


For the abilities isn't a problem, I can check each ability and see the visual effect reference.


But for other items, like the traps, there isn't a reference if you check their ability/attack.

I'm interested to the "glyph" is put when placed, mainly for the priest's seals.


Thanks :)



Can you give a specific example?


Something's UUID makes it easier to hunt down


VisualEffects occurs in...


Using the first trap I encounter it looks like this...
            "$type": "Game.GameData.ConsumableGameData, Assembly-CSharp",
            "DebugName": "Trap_Item_BearClaw",
            "ID": "de4aabe9-7bbd-4143-9a01-0c7b19d9cf12",
            "Components": [
                    "$type": "Game.GameData.ItemComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
                    "DisplayName": 2837,
                    "DescriptionText": 3837,
                    "FilterType": "Consumables",
                    "InventoryAudioEventListID": "705deb97-3f84-48c8-a84b-e3c34e2d0e3a",
                    "IsQuestItem": "false",
                    "IsIngredient": "false",
                    "IsCurrency": "false",
                    "IsAdventuringItem": "false",
                    "CanSellForFullValue": "false",
                    "MaxStackSize": 10,
                    "NeverDropAsLoot": "false",
                    "CanBePickpocketed": "true",
                    "IsUnique": "false",
                    "Value": 375,
                    "IconTextureSmall": "gui\/icons\/items\/traps\/trap_bear_claw_s.png",
                    "IconTextureLarge": "gui\/icons\/items\/traps\/trap_bear_claw_l.png",
                    "PencilSketchTexture": "",
                    "InspectOnUseButton": [],
                    "IsPlaceholder": "false"
                    "$type": "Game.GameData.ConsumableComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
                    "Type": "Trap",
                    "UsageCount": 1,
                    "UsageType": "Fixed",
                    "AnimationVariation": 100,
                    "AbilityID": "374910ea-dfd0-4f3d-be98-3ce90aabac9a",
                    "PickpocketAbilityID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "Timer": 0,
                    "SkillRequirement": {
                        "SkillID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                        "Value": 0
                    "ShipMoraleBonus": 1

Ability 374910ea-dfd0-4f3d-be98-3ce90aabac9a has an AttackID of 5a188d3a-fdf8-436c-9d7d-79ac828ca309 which leads is to...


"TrapPrefab": "prefabs\/toolbox\/traps\/item_traps\/trap_item_bearclaw.prefab"


That's just a picked at random example, there are other ways a visual effect can be applied as well

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I'm gonna move the domain to https://perspak.com early Feb but will keep all content


There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule


My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them)


Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks 


Sort of on the topic of this, @peardox do you know if it's possible to actually open/view/edit the games visual assets? Models, textures, effects, or even just icons?


I may not be much of a technical modder but visual stuff like this is my career... well... it's going to be soon, but games like this, warframe, etc, are how I'm going/would like to build a bigger portfolio.

Posted (edited)

The actual problem is that traps don't have a Visual Effect entry, but in game, when you place them (it's better showed when you cast "Warding Seal", a visual effect appears on the ground and remains there until triggered) you have an indicator on the floor.

So I'm assuming the prefab trap already has a reference to a fx but can't be retrieved by the code.


Regular abilities have a "VisualEffects" entry in their attack that you can fill with the path to an fx:

"VisualEffects": [{
				"VisualEffect": "prefabs/effects/abilities/priest/fx_blessing_aoe.prefab",
				"AttachPoint": "Ground",
				"AttachObject": "Target",
				"AttachMode": "Position",
				"MeshType": "None",
				"Event": "OnImpact",
				"AnimEventID": 0,
				"Loop": "false",
				"Scale": "true"
Edited by mammasaura



No way AFAIK


There's no file called e.g. "TrapPrefab": "prefabs\/toolbox\/traps\/item_traps\/trap_item_bearclaw.prefab" anywhere so it'll be part of one of the unity3d files



Prefabs appear to be part of Unity3D - see https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Prefabs.html


One thing I'm going to try today is changing our friends "Dead Parrot" icon simply to see if it can be done. By this I mean a proper change rather than picking a pre-packaged one used by something else.


In essence it's conceivable that you could create a prefab in Unity3D to create a new one (might try that as well)


I'm not sure how happy Obsidian would be with us Modding to this extent though.

OK Fair warning has been applied


I'm gonna move the domain to https://perspak.com early Feb but will keep all content


There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule


My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them)


Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks 


Here you go


There are over 1055 of them


You'll prob want to cut the list down as this is every prefabs/effects/abilities in there (a load of stuff you won't want)




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OK Fair warning has been applied


I'm gonna move the domain to https://perspak.com early Feb but will keep all content


There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule


My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them)


Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks 


Sort of on the topic of this, @peardox do you know if it's possible to actually open/view/edit the games visual assets? Models, textures, effects, or even just icons?


I may not be much of a technical modder but visual stuff like this is my career... well... it's going to be soon, but games like this, warframe, etc, are how I'm going/would like to build a bigger portfolio.

To work with the unity files you can use https://github.com/ata4/disunity


Also have a look at our modding friends here: https://7daystodie.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?66-Modding-Tools&s=1c553e269510af2cf560097309c2ace1


They have build a prefab editor, that could be interesting.

  • Like 1

I've actually just been looking at exactly that process - installed Unity3D etc


What I think should be possible is to create a small mod-sepcific unity3d file with just the required assets in it.


Specifically they're using UnityFS files.


I tried changing Dead Parrot's icon - no luck


UnityFS files appear to be a complex version of Zip files (simple explanation - the reality is that they bear no similarity)


It should be possible to then stick a specially crafted file in assets and get new assets read in


I'm only theorising here - UnityFS is complex... I've spent a few hours reading up on it

OK Fair warning has been applied


I'm gonna move the domain to https://perspak.com early Feb but will keep all content


There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule


My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them)


Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks 


Here you go


There are over 1055 of them


You'll prob want to cut the list down as this is every prefabs/effects/abilities in there (a load of stuff you won't want)


Any chance you can extract the prefabs/effects/items list?


Here you go


There are over 1055 of them


You'll prob want to cut the list down as this is every prefabs/effects/abilities in there (a load of stuff you won't want)


Wow, that was really helpful, how you did it?


Is it possible to scope a more generic path like "/prefabs/effects/"?

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