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Found 11 results

  1. Trail markers become unmarked requiring interaction again to work.
  2. Hi, I'm running the new update through Xbox game pass . The console locks up when constructing Base components . e.g Walls or Floors . happens in Creative and Game mode The system will eventually kick me out returning to the Xbox home screen other crafting items work fine
  3. Please add keyboard & mouse Support for Ground on Xbox, if it's not already implanted. With there being Full keyboard & Mouse support on Xbox there really shouldn't be any reason why this game shouldn't have keyboard & mouse support allowing gamers on Xbox to have the option play using a Controller or keyboard & mouse . Gamers such as myself want to see more games taking advantage of the support by Devs adding the feature into there games for Xbox , just as they have support on Xbox Game pass Ultimate on PC every title that's on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate that has keyboard & mouse support on PC should have the same for the game titles on XBOX. OBSIDIAN and every other games studio within Microsoft Studios should make sure to use every feature possible ( if the game allows it ) if the game is able to run on PC & utilize keyboard & mouse then they should do the same on Xbox , Especially when the game title isn't a Online multiplayer title. But that aside keep up the great work OBSIDIAN looking forward to playing Grounded & seeing everything else to come from this studio in the future
  4. The in game timer has frozen in place on my save. Nothing I can think of that caused it. Simply building my base and noticed the sun wasn't moving so checked the bed multiple times. Restarted, and checked previous saves but nothing. I have spent a lot of time on the save and I really don't want to restart it all. Please find a workaround or patch asap. Thanks.
  5. The biggest issues, so far with Xbox. This is from the perspective of two person multiplayer, wife hosting game, myself joining her. - Lag spike, resulting in occasional kick from game. - Noticed I'll have what appears to be rubberbanding, again probably due to lag spike. Pretty bad now. Just FYI pushing 200mbps, so my internet shouldn't be the issue. - Noticed when you dropped weed planks, they would disappear through the ground, but if you chucked them and then picked back up and drop seemed to work like normal. - wife dropped thistle out of her inventory on the ground and I couldn't see them to pick up, but she could.... - Spiders, Ants etc seem to get stuck inside rocks, especially around the pond area. - The juice coming out of juice boxes, seem to be glitching... - Where our base is setup, we don't have storage chests yet etc. Is there a way to maybe tone down the items being kicked across the map...also think that maybe having too many items in one area on the ground(as a storage area), contributes to the lag spikes or at least the rubber banding. - Also experienced the issue of being stuck in a spiderweb, despite harvesting it, resulting in no web left....had to die to fix it. Figure it was worth mentioning so you know its happening on Xbox as well. -Raw Science alert, noticed during one ply session, wasn't being alerted to the raw science nearby, but my wife was. I believe we both should be alerted if we are next to each other and the Raw Science is in proximity.
  6. I have consistently had an issue where the game will crash on Tartarus. At this point it does not happen at any specific point in time, but happens most often in The Pit. If I manage to make it to the last elevator that takes the player to RAM the game crashes as soon as I activate the elevator controls. For context I am playing on an Xbox one X, but started my play through on a first gen Xbox One. Regardless of the system the game would always crash in The Pit. In my play through I have also managed to kill Sophie Akande before visiting Tartarus so the chairman is no longer in is normal spawn area.
  7. Hello. Does Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire support keyboard and mouse on Xbox One X? Thanks.
  8. I found this weird crash issue: whenever I kill a Mechanical enemy on the Groundbraker (the ones during Happiness is a Warm Spaceship, for example), they emit a robotic screech as they die. This sometimes causes my Xbox One X to crash, and when it boots up it gives a "console overheating" message (just got it a few months ago and no other game has this overheating crash issue). I tested it by saving in a room before going to the next room to fight Mechanicals. Every time I killed one, there was a 50/50 my console would crash (happened 4 times, killed 8 Mechanicals), and would only crash when the robotic screech played. I played for 5 hours after without killing any Mechanicals and didn't get a single crash. I'm worried now whenever I fight Mechanicals that my game will crash.
  9. game crashes on multiple quests all while using the shroud. Work around a always require resetting the shroud timer. Longer it is on the worse it is. Minister Clarke, c&p factory, hope all crash locations
  10. Hello, The game seems to crash randomly on my Xbox One X when I approach the C&P Slaughter House on Monarch. If I walk from Fallbrook over to the Factory, I get to the secret entrance or the main one with the Security Zone and guards. But fast traveling to the CAscadia Turnpike and then trying to walk to the factory the game constantly crashes.
  11. I played the game on Xbox One X. When I play, ventilation is very loud on the console. Today the X shut itself off today, and got a message about overheating. My console is well ventilated. On Reddit other got the same problem. Any idea?
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