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Found 8 results

  1. I'm actually playing my first ever PoE II playthrough so no spoilers pls So Im one of those who likes to play the game with custom adventurers even before completing the game, so i looked into some guides of the game to kinda know what classes work well together and all this and i ended un with a companion that needs the item Fair Favor, So I looked up where i could find the item and found out it was given by Serafen when he gets to relationship 2... And as i alredy said i prefer to play with my own characters so i had literally 0 relationship, searched for some way to get it up to level 2 fast so my adventurer doesn't fall behind in exp and people were talking about some quest that had dialogs that gave relationship with Serafen but i still had to complete the quest, so i went to Fort Deadlight to do Blow the Man Down quest and recive A Sorcerer and a Gentleman and omw there i talked to Serafen to chose how to get into the Fort, after that i cheked if my relationship with Serafen grew and i relized that the Relationship panel had an interaction of the conversation with him i just had about sneaking into the fort and during the time i was talking to him i realized i was able to repeat that sentence all the time so I reremembered the PoE I quest on Gilded Vale where you could get infinite money by repeating the dialogs with the man on the Temple of Eothas and proceed to try if this would work. And you are reading this so... Yes! it worked I guess this dialog will be gone once i get to the fort but if you want to play with adventurers and want the Fair Favor or the Cipher's Shackle this is an easy way I tried to upload a capture of the screen but couldnt manage to do it so i will leave a Gyazo link if someone wants to check ( game is in spanish but the spamed dialog its the one when you talk about finding a way to sneak in) Link: https://gyazo.com/ef61e414fe234689d2cb75a335b5e936 This is my first time posting so if i did something wrong with this post plese let me know. Hf
  2. Category : Minor, should be easily fixed After recruiting Serafen, the main character travels to Fort Deadlight without talking to Serafen at all, and reachs for the Forge before going to the Court. Serafen will suddenly talks about Syri out of nowhere. I believe such dialogue should be brought up by Serafen at the Court only, not any other place else, because Syri is at the Court. The right sequence should be : 1. Recruit Serafen 2. *** Talk to Serafen about how to infiltrate the Fort Deadlight. This step should be mandatory for the smooth story run, but currently it is not. *** 3. Infiltrate the Fort Deadlight. 4. Going to any place in Fort Deadlight should not trigger Serafen to talk about Syri. 5. When the main character visit the Court -- where Syri stays, Serafen gives a warning about Syri to the Watcher. I wish that I do not need to attach the save file. I have rerolled new character like more than 10 times and this happens every time. Testers should not find it hard to reproduce this bug.
  3. Hi so I'm trying to get the "fair favor" hat from completing serafen's quest, The quest is completed, I saved his friend, his reputation is maxed out, I've rested, waited a while, gone further into the game, loaded my saves from before completing the quest, talked to him over and over again but I still can't get the hat from Serafen Any ideas?
  4. After the conversation between Xoti and Serafen my Watcher got a couple relationship boosts with each character, despite not participating in the conversation. Their relationships with each other were left unchanged. The conversation was about what Serafen did before becoming a shiphunter.
  5. Serafen wants to talk but has nothing new to say. I just completed "A Sorcerer and a Gentleman", talked Malnaj out of fighting (Principi +2), and spoke to Serafen onboard my ship about the slavers (before the icon appeared), but the icon persists. He just has his ordinary lines when I talk to him. Can I fix this with the console? Image Attached.
  6. Hello everyone, I noticed that Xoti and Serafen's dialogue didn't update properly the other day. First, the two characters had a long discussion about Xoti's nightmares and Serafen not wanting to tell Xoti about what he saw in her mind. Then, I finished Xoti's quest convincing her to embrace the life aspect of Gaun, so that she doesn't have nightmares anymore. And then an ambient dialogue had Seragen ask Xoti about her nightmares, and she responded that she still has them. However, when talking to her afterwards, she thanks the Watcher for helping her not have nightmares anymore. I know this isn't a big bug or anything, but I still thought I'd bring it up. If you want me to upload a save file or an output log, I can do that Thank you!
  7. I posted this under an old thread for the Sorcerer and a Gentleman bug before I realised that thread was marked as solved so just creating a new topic for it if that's ok (I'd delete the other post but can't see an option too ) So anyway.. Despite the fix mentioned in the 2.0 patch notes this issue seems to persist somewhat. While you can now loot the bodies after the fight they only have generic loot (I assumed Malnaj herself would drop something non-generic). More importantly there is still no conversation, you're left on the boat with the bodies and have to click the go back to the world map button at the top to leave. Although I'm somewhat concerned that this may possibly be 'working as intended' I did a search on the contents of all the conversation files and there doesn't seem to be any dialog anywhere that would go after that fight. So either the bug is they forgot to include the .stringtable file for that dialog or there was never any written. It is an extraordinarily anti-climatic end to a companions quest chain (I know it technically ends after you talk to Remaro but plot wise Malnaj is a significant figure in Serafen's past and the antagonist of his questline, her death would seem to warrant....something. I actually took a break from the game at launch mainly because of this (and a few other quest bugs but this was the big one) and coming back for 2.0 and the new expansion and finding it's basically unchanged is rather frustrating to say the least :/. Playing at launch I knew there'd be a lot of bugs, it happens with every big CRPG, they're complicated games. However the major ones usually get ironed out in the first couple of patches (excluding hotfixes) and I'd definitely consider a main companions quest major
  8. I was on my ship after a random fight on the sea right after solving problems on Hasongo (I lit the adra without killing naga). When the game loaded me to the ship (its interior area) after the fight, I started talking to my crew (Aloth's quest jumped to another stage (something about painting faces tribe), Xoti, Pallegina, Mia, Eder). Finally I've reached Serafen. He started yelling on me about "the case with slavery and slaves!". I was like, "hey, what just happened? did I move the quest with slavery somehow accidentally?". I've searched Journal and couldn't find the quest related. When I finally reached Picer's Island and A Shrewd Proposition quest got updated, I realized that Serafen yelled on me without any reason.
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