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  1. @Gorth If you dont mind sharing what specifically do you do with ERP systems, I always wanted to ask you but keep forgetting The eDiscovery software I work with has a license for SAP, Baan and other similar systems and on occasions I have worked with ERP technical consultants before to integrate into their environment but it was way to complicated for me to really understand how all the EPR modules work but I am fascinated with this type of software So what is your job title..,and I apologize if I am wrong with what you do for a living because I always thought you do work with ERP systems ?
  2. Different types of paths and/or professions. Starting off as nothing but a commoner, the Event might not have happened or it is what happens on Square 1, opening scene or whatnot. Regardless, I'll use the "commoner" because I think that appeals to most different styles as possible. I had this idea for a mod for Baldur's Gate, instead of starting off as a "Fighter", you start off as a commoner. Going to Winthrop could make you a Bard, to the Priest and you can become a Cleric etc.etc. different types of professions instead of "just a class" that you choose during character creation. Being a commoner, we're in the first city, money is low and need cash. These different "Professions" wouldn't just be the "Class", but it could be woven into "Factions" and "Economy" as well. Having a "Proffession" generates "Income". But not only that, a different approach, from a different angle depending on which Profession/Faction you choose (to a start, you could always switch, what with Reputation). You could become a Guard, and your quests would be related to patrolling the streets, which would lead into deeper conspiracy, like the cop in L.A. Noire you start to suspect your superiors or whatnot. Anyways, your Fighter class getting stronger. Likewise, if Economy+Food also gets important somehow, becoming a Thief pickpocketing could also be a "Profession" and a way to get an "Income" going. The Thief would in turn also go his/her own path, perhaps through the Thieves Guild or even through stumbling into a Noble's house that happens to be woven into the grander scheme. With "Professions", there could be several different paths. As a Wizard and a magician, you might be granted audience with the "King", whilst a Thief might be visited by an associate to another King, when the Thief has been thrown in "Jail", leading to another "Faction". A Chanter or a Bard might seek work on the streets, or at Church, earning some little copper and in turn gets discovered by some aristocrat who pulls the Chanter in. Or perhaps you can go about and learn to master "Ancient Poetry" and spreads wisdom and investigates deep ruins. A treasure hunter who goes down deep dungeons and across land to find treasures dug down in the earth. Following in-designed riddles and clues. Some of the treasures being tied to an even greater plot. All part of the same grand plot, but simply different paths. Too much? Thoughts? Do you have any more paths that could be explored? Other Professions? Regardless if it would be too much for P:E, could it serve as inspirational material? Please, share your ideas for different types of "Fantasy" professions. Perhaps a "Monster Hunter" could be an actual profession, and at the top of it's "quest tree" you become a "Dragon Slayer" or as some would like it "Mythical Creature Slayer".
  3. I didn't found anything solid about this topic, so here it goes: What do you think abut profession systems? I think I would want some kind of professions in the game like alchemy, first aids, herbalism or even engineering. It would be nice if: We need to do something to get better without implying repetitive tasks. We can have custom recipes. We can read books to actually learn some (few) of the recipes, having to take out the recipe after reading the book to a custom recipe. We can collect things (items, medals, flavor items) from them. We need to explore deeply to get the best rewards from them. We can benefit from them in dialogues and / or in the battlefield. It would be awesome if them allows us to have an exclusive assistant or some sort of companion / pet. I like having professions in the game; they add to the game a new level of progression and mix some of the responsibilities from some classes with new ones that won't fit a class system at all. They are rewarding and give a motto for those explorer players. What do you think?
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