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Found 11 results

  1. Hi, During multiplayer sessions, clients' positions are getting out of sync. For a while it seemed to only happen with very tall structures. However, now it is happening more often and in places without player building and constructs. Unfortunately, it's making multiplayer unplayable. Any help would be very appreciated!
  2. So me and my friends play via xbox, and in the last week, I notice am crashing out the game a lot more from our shared world game. Didn't pay to much attention to it at first, as I thought was a WiFi connection issue and so would just reset WiFi, game and continue. But Friday gone (21st Oct) just before the update it got really bad. I kept crashing out whilst we tried to defeat the assistant manager. And where we could have won in our second attempt took twenty attempts to complete. Since then it's being happening even more as we try to return to the upper yard for resources and bug kills. My friend whose hosting noted the game freezes seconds before am kicked out to the main menu. We have tried to personally find the problem. By fixing our base stairs which at one point was supporting 600 stuff, still crash out. Test returning to normal multiplayer instead of shard World, still crash out. Tried swapping the host to me, they crashed out. Switch off natural explorer as we heard bad reviews about the latest update to that, still crash out. Wondering if something in one of the updates is causing this? As we are getting annoyed that we cannot play along together with out someone crashing out 20 time's during an hours play. As the whole point of us getting the game was for the team play feature. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is it just xbox, or are people on pc also experience the same thing? Granted we did build a tree base this time instead a baseball base, but we didn't start experience issues till after the 1.0.3 update
  3. Multiplayer, Shared world. My Friend (Xbox) and me (PC): We have just lost all our lvl 9 armor (Helm, Harness, Legwraps) and shields. Particularly, i have lost Left Elf Charm and last weapon i have equipped: Pinch Whacker. Game crashed when we were killed by mantis. When we re-entered the game, we spawned on the bed without armor and equipment. Before dying, we had free slots in our backpack; We have setted: Auto-save Interval 10 min and 5 auto-saves. My friend, who is the host of the world on xbox, could select only one save (Corresponding to our death). We still have other weapons and stuff we had in our backpack that were not equipped. No problem with the armor, we re-upgraded them all over again, but what can i do with the Pinch Whacker and Left Elf Charm? Lost forever?
  4. I've found that if you think your lagging. Can't open doors etc JUST JUMP and that seems to sort it for that moment!!!
  5. Hi, After new update I came back play with my friend and we play multiplayer about 3 or 4 minute and The game crash. First we think it was some random crash but when we open new lobby, it crash again and again. Next day, I try to save game in manual way. It work for about half hour and last time I save game, It crash again and this time I lost my save. The save went back to when I save it in singleplayer ,All progress we did in that save was lost forever
  6. The game crash every single time I try to host a game; sometime instantly, sometime after 2 or 3 minutes, really frustrating, please fix that ( I have no problem with any other game online) before someone ask
  7. Anytime I build something when playing online with my friend, he is unable to see what I have built and for him it looks like I am disappearing. Once he tries to walk onto a floor I have built, he will glitch through the world. You can see here on his game clips it happening: https://gameclips.io/Devil%20Sibby/77cce38b-bae5-4544-9ede-b08e6413bf89
  8. Cant start a new game cant host a mp game cant load an old save.. game just crashes to desktop after selecting player character V0.3.0.2426 or trying to load ANY old save EVERYTIME without fail.. game worked fine before the beta have seen other posts about this but everyone ended with "FIXED" which it 100% is not since i cant play at all anymore. system specs well above min win 10 x64 32gb DDR 4 m.2 SSD(s) GTX 1080
  9. When ever I join a friends game, built items, like the work bench, etc, keep falling into the ground, this didn't happen before and my internet connection is fine, even when I leave then rejoin the game, as soon as I leave the area and come back, everything is in the ground, in the same spot, it's a little weird to see these items, that are supposed to be spread apart, to come from a journey to seen them all together, I seriously doubt my friend would go through the trouble of destroying everything then rebuilding it in the ground all together, everytime I join his game, please fix this Obsidian,, because I really do enjoy this game, note: Grounded.
  10. Grounded keeps crashing in multiplayer mode. Host has to completely log out of game to allow other players back in.
  11. Hi guys, I have a big problem with multiplayer in grounded on my Win 7 pc. I can start the game and play as SP, but if I log ingame in my Xbox Live account, it always tells everything is fine, but afterwards im always a "OfflineUser" and cant play MP. I tried many many solutions and nothing works for me, even the tipps with steam cloud deactivating and so on. Because of Win 7 I even cant use the Xbox app on Pc to play as online. Is there anyone who can help me please? Would be great.. Greetings
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