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Found 6 results

  1. Description: Entering Endless Path Level 8 through cellar throws error and shows a log's file location. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: Party: 5 characters, 1 in Great Adventure. Location: Stronghold. Actions: Removed all guardians from defense. Moved to another location and got back. Then killed 2 my guardians, because they was aggressive after stronghold defense. Hired 8 guardians. Maked a Quick Save. Tried to move into Endless Path Level 8. Important Files: Savegames https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7NVKrNB_ct3NFBQWEZQSGI3QUk/view?usp=sharing Output Log https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7NVKrNB_ct3eHJXMFRwdEZOMGs/view?usp=sharing Log From Error Popup https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7NVKrNB_ct3WkxpejBrR3R3ZDQ/view?usp=sharing System Specs DxDiag.txt
  2. I made my rogue attack who has 20 might ( 1.3 ) execptional pike (averge 27 dmg) I expect him do average damage per hit before DR 27 * 1.3(might) * 1.2(reckless assault) * 1.15(two-handed fighting) * 1.6( sneak attack with glanfathan boots) * 1.5 (crit) = 116.2 damage or (1 + 0.3(might) * 0.2(reckless assault) * 0.15(two-handed fighting) * 0.6( sneak attack with glanfathan boots) * 0.5 (crit)) = 2.75 27 * 2.75 = 74.25 damage But actullay my rogue did average 65 damage(before DR) per crit ( from 50 samples) may be my sample is too small but I want to know my damage multiplier stacks properly. ( And I think there is more who want to know his damage multiplier) If it is too difficult and messy, just show us final multiplier (item mod+might mod+modal mod+crit mod+sneak mod+etc) it will be great help for me Thank you.
  3. This thing is killing me. I know that i can click the little right arrow icon on the log/text box to toggle it off, but that requires... effort Isn't there a way to hide this log when not in combat? Or at least to set a hot key to hide/show it? CTRL + H hides everything, which is not what I want; I want to keep the other stuff up, but toggle the log thing (because it takes up like half the screen out of necessity (making it thinner just makes it less legible.)
  4. I´d like to be able to put the Combat log, quest log, character information, inventory and such and drag it over to my second monitor. (like playing the game in window mode and placing the info tabs on the other monitor) This might not be possible with the current engine? ,but maybe on a stand alone application? This might not be possible but I'd sure love to see more advanced options like this. What crazy dream features would you guys have liked to see in the game? PS: This game will look awesome on a 4K monitor
  5. Yo! Windows Let me explain, in Baldur's Gate (I)nvetory is its own interface. What I'm curious about is if it could be handled like a Window screen. Statistics as well, perhaps the Journal too. Maybe I could customize it as well and press 1 button and bring up 4-5 windows on the screen. It'd be easier to drag and drop items to my team mates as well if I have Character 1 and Character 2 up on the screen at the same time. Tabs Customizable tabs in the Log, one could be for Dice Rolls in combat, one for purely Dialogue, I know there was a 3rd idea as well... perhaps a "Search" tab for finding traps or other stuff. It'll be easier to relocate what has been said with not having everything in one log. I could scroll up the Dialogue (A quick fix "Journal") to recall what has been said, the Journal would go a little bit more into detail of Quests and such. The combat log would obviously be important for combat, removing any subtitles of Battle Cries and such and mainly be focused on dice rolls. Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section, thought it'd fit here better than Widgets but yeah, you'll be the judge of that Moderator [EDIT] Here are some links to other threads: Combat Log #1 Combat Log #2 Conversation Log & Combat Log Scrolling text log for dialogue and combat [/EDIT] And of course, what is your thoughts on the matter/topic?
  6. I don't remember what game it is... Star Wars: The Old Republic or Final Fantasy XI... might've been a different game too. Anyways, great log customization, I could have all of the combat log in one tab and all of the dialogue in another tab. Sometimes I dislike being interrupted in the midst of my adventuring with the banter pauses in Baldur's Gate. Is it possible to have a separate Log which handles Dialogue? Either by its separate window or a tab. I would like that a lot. Lots of Feedback! :D But to the point, being able to initiate dialogues whilst you are walking without an entire dialogue interface. Your companion says something and you can choose to engage in the conversation or not. There could be a timer in the Dialogue Log, so you only have a certain amount of time to answer these banters. Leaving the area you are in with a banter started would also negate it. Could this effect friendship sometimes? If you ignore your companions too much they will take less like to you. The only issue I can think of: - Your companion starting a discussion in the midst of combat, avoid this. An example: "Gorion would be proud of your actions! :D" - Khalid Showing up as text, with choices underneath it ("Yes Khalid, he would" or "Maybe" or even "Can you please stop?"). Not answering wouldn't make Khalid less friendly though, but there could be other "outbursts", "icebreakers" and similar between the companions and you, or companions vs companion banter that you can interact with and butt into which would effect "friendship". I think that Jaheira blurts out something like "Don't come close to me" when Xzar (mechanically, in-game) is too close to her (a generic voiced "Jaheira doesn't like the evil alignment", again, this doesn't even have to be voiced). http://forums.obsidi...e/page__st__220 Indeed the whole "I win" has to do with what the devs choose to use as responses not due to the use of tags to let gamers know what dialoge options have skills or other things involved in their use and I suspect we will find a large number of tag-able options in PE - or at least I hope so. Could, examples, "Bluff" and "Intimidate" ("Speech Skill" could suffice) be Active Abiltiies used in the game interface (and not in a Dialogue interface)? E.g., Right-Click on target, choose Bluff/Speech Skill when you can respond (could give you 1 to 2 more options/choices in the dialogue log, depending on what your prime speech skill is: Humble? Intimidating? Persuasive? Bluffer?) Thoughts?
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