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Found 4 results

  1. My experience playing Whoa difficulty Grounded is getting increasingly unfair and annoying. Its a roll of the dice if I win and it seems I have to drop close quarters combat and only use range to be able to do anything. For the mantis fight the unavoidable attacks are super unfair with infusions. I will parry some of the attacks but infusions still activate killing me. The jump attack simply will just straight up kill if not behind cover. Could you please lower damage or give armor upgrades cause on whoa the molars are not enough. Also please make it so only one infusion will activate per attack so not all activates at once causing instant death. Please get rid of the collision on the sour fusion because it gets stuck under bodies and deals rapid damage resulting in instant death. I also have a problem with the mant man in the undershed lab. I'll parry the attacks but the fire ants it calls in takes damage from the mant causing fusions to activate killing me in an instant. In short -Lower damage, give armor upgrades, or allow us to infuse crinkles onto chosen armor -Get rid of collision on sour infusion -Make the mant not damage fire ants it calls in -Make infusion not activate by mantis when parried and please let us block the mantis's scream. Let us block those status effects like you did for the hedge broodmother. Really love this game but its really unfair in NG+. Please don't leave it like this.
  2. Online servers official server for several people, unofficial servers the same in the ARK: Survival Evolved game, if it is not possible to increase the number of friends from 4 to 8, it would be great if my friends did not depend on me to play, bad with 4 people I have to leave the connected PC, for them to play, for an online server to be better there, I would not host for them
  3. I've recently created a new character in Pillars of Eternity. Being an avid roleplayer, I've written a profile and backstory. I'm posting it here to show it, and I'd love to hear what people think! Alendra Davar Full name: Alendra Eleanna Davar. Birthdate: 2808 AI. Age: 15-16. Titles: The Watcher. Race: Meadow Folk. Class: Cipher. Culture: Aedyr, Living Lands. Background: Aristocrat bastard (originally), Colonist. Backstory: The bastard daughter of Lord Santach of House Anuasal - an Aedyran noble family - and Gwreiddyn, a housemaid who died giving birth to her, Alendra was raised amongst the nobility for the first decade of her life. However, as she was a bastard, she did not receive her father’s noble name, taking her mother’s given surname of Davar instead. Alendra’s maternal grandfather, Caillte, was a Glanfathan tribal who, in the year 2784 AI, had been forced into indentured servitude in House Anuasal for reasons unknown. At the age of 10, it came to light that Alendra had the mental abilities of a Cipher, and a powerful one at that. Filled with prejudice and fear of her abilities, Alendra’s “noble” father had her, without warning, unceremoniously thrown out of the house and onto the street one rainy autumn morning. Alendra was forced to survive for weeks and months, begging and stealing for food. Almost a year after she had been cast out, Alendra was found by a man named Anam Cara, a member of her grandfather’s Glanfathan tribe who had come in search of his long-lost kin, but found Alendra instead. Anam Cara was a Glanfathan warrior and a Cipher like Alendra herself, and he took Alendra under his wing to foster her, teach her and train her in the ways of the Cipher as well as physical combat. With the help of an animancer, they also discovered that Alendra and her mother were essentially the same person; upon death during childbirth, Gwreiddyn's soul had immediately reincarnated into her daughter. However, Alendra does not possess any memories of her previous life. Due to ignorant persecution of Ciphers, the two had to leave the heart of the Aedyr Empire. As Anam Cara did not wish to return to his tribe, they signed up with a group of colonists and travelled to the Living Lands while keeping their Cipher abilities a secret. Alas, a few years after arriving at the colony, they were found out. The colonists proved to be far more ignorant and fearful than even Lord Anuasal, and they gathered a mob, complete with pitchforks and torches, to lynch them. Anam Cara sacrificed himself, staying behind so that Alendra could escape. After these harrowing events, Alendra travelled the world aimlessly, with no destination in mind...that is, until she joined a caravan heading to the Dyrwood under the leadership of Caravan Master Odema. Name etymology: Santach; Gaelic word that means “selfish, greedy”. Anuasal; a Gaelic word that means “lowborn, ignoble”. Gwreiddyn; a Gaelic word that means “root, origin”. Caillte; a Gaelic word that means “lost”. Anam Cara; a Celtic phrase meaning “soul friend”. Credits: Sathynae, for the image.
  4. The beta is out, give us your first impressions!
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