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Found 6 results

  1. I do have to say I love the beta so far. The changes seem natural and not overly forced. I do wonder about replay-ability with the current stack of characters. Having 6 characters in PoE made the game ultimately re playable to a point that I'm still starting over with console built characters from the beginning, etc. I do love that the console is available on Deadfire, but I didn't see the all too important (end game feature) of building out ultimate builds to 'cheat' your way through the game on whatever difficulty with whatever build you wanted. ...all that to say- 5 characters probably is the right number of characters judging from the apparent lack of zooming and the general scale thus far of playing maps. I'm glad it's not a fork of Tyranny with 4 players and no real replay-ability. What do you guys think?
  2. With newest version ( I assume after updating to 3.0/WM2), changing the attributes of the Obsidian companions such as Sagani no longer works, unlike previous versions. While you can change in game with AttributeScore, any reload from a save sets the companions attribute stats back to default. Apparently they are now picking up companion default attribute scores from a table somewhere on loading a save. Atfer patching game discretly changed previous values of companions attributes modified earlier by console to default, so entire gameplay also changed... Changing atttributes for companions with conosle it was big advantage... Now we forced to choose npc and theirs stories or customize own party. Personally I spent huge amount of time on writting attribute console commands to adjust my companions stats. I prefer playthrough with Companions, which You created, and with their intresting stories,dialogs.In that way, immersion, atmosphere is a way much better,scripted interactions, influence on conversations etc. At the same time I admire option to change their stats via console command and adjust to my game style, which is very important to level of difficulty of the game.Now I'm kind of stuck, couse whole game I was playing with companions,with modified attributes at beginning , customize on that theirs builds, and now I'm forced to either create whole new team or completely change build of companions with default stats ,which it's pretty impossible , since PoTD, and prefered style requires specific build with related attributes, not with just average 10-10 stats etc. pls make it happen( no idea how much effort it demands, but maybe it would be little fast fix for devs and so important aspect for players) , this feature mean a lot for players and their playthrough with companions Some quotes from another players, who looking for it also: Everyone else, for whom playthrough with companions is major feature, pls support this request. greetings
  3. Use a console command to remove said ability and another command to choose another one? It kind of breaks my immersion (sorry, if I sound lame). I also don't want to break achievements permanently. Does doing this break them?
  4. Good day everyone! This topic will be about the console and mods. Everyone here have most likely played a game where they have encountered a problem. The npc didn't give you the item, the door is did not get unlocked, the npc actor did not spawn, the trigger for the quest did not activate, you did not get moved to whatever zone and so on. So what i hope is that Obsidian will sit down and make a console that allow people to use commands to get around problems in case they happen. List of commands that should be in the game (with a few tweaks) Spawn NPC actor Spawn item Increase / decrease reputation Move all party members to zone + x,y Trigger script's -Quests -Start actor conversation -Traps -Unlock/lock -Specific events within quests and other encounters Experience, stats,skills, spells, god mode. Features: *If you have the console on then you can mouse over ANY object within the game to get information including the quest journal and get a list of the "important" triggers for it and the quests command line itself, if you mouse over the terrain you will see the zones name and x,y location. If you mouse over a npc you will see its script name also and so on (traps, chests) *Easy to use scrolling and smart function. If you start to write a command: /Spawnactor E Then if you scroll you should have a list of all the "actors" that start on the letter E Same with items and the commands themself you should be able to see and scroll to find the ones you want. Comments? Flames? More commands that might be important? Trolling? Cookies? Lets move on to "mods" We know that we will most likely not get any tools to help us make mods / content for the game. But i still have a thing that i hope Obsidian will think about when they make the game. What is that you might ask? Well most people here have most likely at some point used a "fanpatch" of some kind. What i hope that Obsidian will do is to make it "easier" for people to change, mod and fix problems within the game. They should have a good file structure that is easy to poke around with. It should be easy to "add" things to the game itself by having the game check a folder for any changes to the game (for example a place where you can add a fan patch). Comments? Flames? Anything else that should be added to make it easier? Trolling Cookies? So what do everyone think? Good? Bad? I do hope that Obsidian keep these things in mind as they work on the game to make it easier to fix, easier to make fan patches for and the ability to get around bugs that might happen. Thanks for taking your time to read!
  5. The reason I made this thread is because I simply am curious if I can change the skin complexion of my main character during gameplay. I would prefer something a little bit different than the ones I can pick in character creation. And only because that would be out of place, hence the topic about console commands! Maybe there are some worth mentioning. So, can I do the swap?
  6. I'm trying to make a custom party for testing, however, I have no idea how to open the console and add gold to my party. I can't seem to find anything with the forum search and the internet is vague at best. So far I've found that I'm supposed to open the console with the ~ key, however, that does nothing and I guess that's either because I have to enable the console in some ini file first or because I have an european keyboard. Anyway, wouldn't it be useful to have a proper thread with the console and the known commands be a sticky here in this forum so people can do some proper testing? If you want your custom party, you basically only have to go to the inn, dismiss the current party with the menu accessible by pressing 'P' and then buy new party members with the gold you get from entering a command code. If you transfer the items of the BB Party to your main char, you don't need to buy new equipment, but apart from that apparently there are some codes out there to spawn items as well.
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