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  1. Hi All, I've decided that since I have a lot of ideas for the game and am a big fan I wanted to create a forum for all my ideas and thoughts. Critiques are always welcomed. Thanks,
  2. Isn't having ant eggs bur no ant queen kinda goofy? That's why I would love to emplement the idea of ant queens! A different queen for every ant variation. Boss fights sorta! And centipedes should totally be added because they are my favorite and it would be a unique creature! Thanks for reading this, Adios!
  3. My Concepts/Ideas This is my list of various concepts and ideas that I have recently thought of, hopefully inspiring anyone reading to also come up with new concepts or even variations of these ones, which I would very much like to see. Hopefully seeing in the future one or some of these insects being considered by the Obsidian Team, though I do believe some insects that I will be adding onto the list are already in the Obsidian Teams list of bugs to implement. Overtime I will add additional concepts onto my list, each one with an image to go along with it. But for now I hope you enjoy what is currently here and perhaps use it to inspire yourself with new ideas for Grounded. (Also I realise that not all of the images are very accurate to being within the game, but they are just concepts and drawn by hand so I apologise for any errors I made in my pictures. (especially the ones with webs in them) The Devil's Coach Horse Beetle Names: Devil's Coach-Horse Beetle (Longer name) Rove Beetle (Shorter name) Night Terror (Nickname for Boss like 'Mother Demon') Type: Boss Tier: Level 4 and Above Attitude: Aggressive Location: Inside of Giant Log Underneath Stone Slab Within a Compost Heap Spawn Condition: Night Time Only boss spawn, would require boss item to initiate boss fight. Far away from staring area, all bosses should be located away from new or low-tier players. If not then very well hidden or unlocked after completing certain chips or in-game story events. Locations: Inside of Giant Log, the giant log could act as a spawn location for the new boss the 'Night Terror' it would be a largely expansive hollow log filled with resources and mainly various insects that prefer moist environments like larvae, grubs and even various spiders. It could also be home to some new insects yet to be made and various materials like moss and mushrooms. During the Night though, this area will act as the boss arena for the Night Terror aka the Devil's Coach-Horse. Underneath Stone Slab, the stone slab could be one of many slabs located on the stone wall side of the garden, having one particular slab contain a burrow which will lead to a expansive air pocket underneath the slab which would act as the Night Terror's den, being full of stone, quartz, various grub like insects and perhaps some new materials too. Within a Compost Heap, this compost heap could be a new location found in one of the corners of the garden, being full of high tier resources and insects purposefully placed far from new and low tier players to prevent them from encountering the tougher insects too soon. The Night Terror boss would be located at the deepest part of the compost. The compost would be full of all kinds of insects, many resources, mainly being rotting organic matter. The Boss Room of the Night Terror would be very large and upon entering its purpose is instantly recognised due to the graveyard of insect pieces. Although the boss itself will require a specific item to summon or lure out of hibernation. Abilities: The Devil's Coach-Horse itself is filled to the brim with weapons, other than being a complete beast and resembling the appearance of a black soldier ant who drank every smoothie in the game. It is also widely viewed as one of the most savage insects commonly found in most global gardens. Being about 20-32mm in size (real-life) and the adverage wolf spider being 10-35mm (real-life), helps provide the kind of size and strength this thing can handle. Its main diet revolves mainly around a range of invertebrates, including worms, slugs, moths, spiders and woodlice (rollypollys). During its attack you can also tell from its scorpion like posture that it is enraged, but I think the red glowing eyes is a bit of a give away. This insect was built to fight. First of all, its armour is pratically impenetrable. This could make for quite an interesting AI, forcing the player to either knock over the insect by perfect blocking one of its charged attacks to give the player a limited amount of time to inflict some damage before it flips back up the right way. Or any kind of punctering or stabbing weapon could also deal damage through its armour causing players to prepare for this boss fight ahead of time. Another way would be just an excuse to make this insect have an insane amount of health. It also has two massive pincer-like mandibles which considering can cause pain to normal sized human beings may cause quite a high amount of damage to someone the size they are in Grounded, but of course blocking will help prevent these powerful bites. I would also recommend wearing full tier 3 or above armour that has also been upgraded by quite a moderate amount, that way you can be sure that you wont die in the first 3 hits. The insect itself is also a close relative to bombardier and that similarity can be seen through the pair of white glands located at the end of its abdomen, these glands produce a foul-smelling odour or to someone about 14mm in size would be like breathing toxic gas. They are also equipped with a pair of wings, though very rarely used could allow the Night Terror to get to players too far away from it (though this should not occur if placed within a boss arena) or could play as a second stage to the boss fight itself. They are also incredibly fast and can catch up to the adverage player similar to how a wolf spider can, but they cannot jump and instead must use their surroundings to find another way up, this could be used in the boss arena itself making paths for players to run away temporarily as the Night Terror runs up the longer pathways to get to where you are going, but without allowing the players to cheese the insect in battle. Drops and Items: Its drops would be basic in nature, closely resembling a mixture of bombardier and ant parts. Night Terror Part Night Terror Mandibles Night Terror Glands The parts could be used in an assortment of different ways. Night Terror Armour - Could Include 'Night Terror Visor', allowing wearing to have slight night-vision on equip, this is due to the Night Terror's nocturnal characteristics and its night-vision-like sight. The rest of the pieces are optional but full sets are always better in my opinion and could be based souley around night time exploration or purely defensive, especially against toxins. New Weapon and Shield - Could include a Night Terror Sword (one-handed) and a Night Terror Shield, the shield being able to negate 50% of incoming damage and the sword being both one handed, fast and very damaging mixed with a new effect called Terror Toxin which acts like a more potent poison effect. Night Terror Glands could be used for various objects or even structures such as: New building piece for warding away faciton-reactivity attacks and allow players to protect their most important bases, of course wearing out after about 1-3 uses and also costing very expensive materials, this prevents attacks due to the foul odour it produces which most insects even spiders are disgusted of. A new grenade type weapon used to cause massive toxic gas, filled with Terror Toxin which deals increasing damage to all organic insects. (except weevils and infected insects) Could even be used a new type of upgrade which can be added to high tier weaponary adding the Terror Toxin effect to the weapon similar to that of the Night Terror Sword. This would require a fully upgraded weapon before hand. (which would most likely be required to defeat the Night Terror anyway) Additional Information: I'm aware that the Devil's Coach-Horse Beetle and Rove Beetle are not the same insect but in context of the game they would be very similar which is why I have listed them together as this one boss, personally it should be based mainly one the Devil's Coach-Horse Beetle as they are larger and more vicious in nature. But they are similar enough to be tweaked slightly and be almost the same in most other attributes except some minor appearance differences.
  4. In recent news, in the latest update, it struck me that "Hey, couldn't you make a concept tile editor fairly easy?" There's already some assets to use. A, It could help with creative concepts. B, It could be fun :D 1. Dungeon from a Dungeon! http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/63207-update-39-non-core-classes-cooldowns-attack-resolution-damage-vs-armor-and-a-tileset/?p=1302826 2. Forest from a Dungeon/Which can be transformed into "Tilesets" as well: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/63207-update-39-non-core-classes-cooldowns-attack-resolution-damage-vs-armor-and-a-tileset/?p=1302944 I don't think Obsidian should waste any resources on it. If you've played around with "Legends of Grimrock", with the "Dungeon" tiles in the screenshot you could at the very least create a "Dungeon Maker". I'm already halfway through one right now but "Photoshop" gets clunky in some ways, and I'm feeling "Is there some more effective way to do this, more effortlessly?", which is why I'm asking here.
  5. Reading the description, PE's "paladin" is basicly a warlord. A charismatic general. That's it. It really doesn't have the "feel" of a paladin at all. They might as well simply call the class warlord of something else. Of course, you might ask what makes a paladin a paladin? Divine powers? Well, not necessarily. At least to me, being part of a religious order, a brotherhood with oaths and rules to follow - that gives more of a right "vibe". Think Templars on DA:O. They weren't paladins. Yet they felt very much like them.
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