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Found 7 results

  1. What do you think if we could fix a few bugs ourselves, test them, and offer Obsidian the solution; or as a backup plan make a mod (compliant with IEMod's Patchwork)? Obviously stuff like stuttering or shaking popups is out of our reach, but a few in-code changes probably could be done. I have in mind the following list: Bugs: 1. DoT damage is not being registered in party member stats 2. DoTs do not benefit from elemental talents 3. DoTs do not benefit from slaying talents (like Beast Slayer, Ghost Hunter, etc) 4. Charm occasionally ending prematurely 5. Powder Burns is hitting allies standing in FoE (yellow) zone. (screenshot) 6. Charmed enemies quickly regenerate a portion (10-25%) of hp/endurance when switching alliance Balance suggestions: 1. Make Deep Wounds stack 2. Duration of "fixed" DoTs (Wounding Shot, Wounding, Enduring Flames) should no longer be affected by INT (since their total damage is not affected by INT neither). At the moment, I know how to fix the first bug, and partially the second. What do you think of p3, and of the whole idea? EDIT: UPMod.1.01.306 is ready. Go to this post for download and installation notes.
  2. I play it on my friend's Xbox save when he was updated, I update his to the new version when we came in, we lost everything we had in our inventory
  3. #1 can't attach anything to the wall or ceiling #2 can not place down anything from the decorations #3 bugs are spawning inside of my base and my base is fully built #4 spiral stairs are not available
  4. Yo, I FIGURED OUT how to get around this particular bug !!!! Wooooo. Simply never use your companions, ever. Well at least until you finalize their quests. While on terra2, right after you get Parvati, make sure to force her to stay out of battle. Only do the quest of fixing the power. Also, go kill everything in the way npc wise before you get her. Then once done, put her on the ship and fly away. Go back to terra2 and leave her on the ship. When you get to groundbreaker, take her out and run straight to the back to meet Junlei. Then put her back on the ship. NEVER BATTLE WITH HER. PROBLEM SOLVED BABY !! #Sidenote I've never had the ladder bug because I watch for them all to be stationary.
  5. If you switch to tooltips displaying Damage instead of DPS, the store will still say DPS and show the numbers for Damage smh
  6. Hi, there have been a couple of bugs which we as community were able to track down, fix and test. The idea was to make an unofficial patch mod for the game, plus provide the solutions if you would want to incorporate them into one of the future (if any) official updates. What was done: 1. Fixed inflicted DoT damage not being tracked/registered in "Total Damage Done". 2. Fixed an issue with DoTs not benefiting from Elemental talents (Scion of Flame, Heart of the Storm, Secrets of Rime, Spirit of Decay). 3. Fixed an issue with DoTs not benefiting from Race Slayer talents (Beast Slayer, Primal Bane, Ghost Hunter, Sanctifier, Wilder Hunter). 4. Fighter's ability Take the Hit will no longer protect non party characters (there was a problem where it would affect charmed enemies). 5. Fixed an issue where charm and dominate effects could unexpectedly break if affected character had no target despite enemies being in range. 5.b. Last enemy will no longer break charm and dominate effects immediately. These effects will last at least 5s, and player will be notified with "<Creature> has broken free!" message. 6. Consume potions duration reduced from 2.33s to 1s 7. Going invisible (Shadowing Beyond, Withdraw) will no longer end combat if there are enemies in range (12 range, 3s linger). And the more detailed list: BUG #1 PROBLEM: DoT damage done by the party members is not registered in the "Total Damage Done" section on their character sheet. Which makes it hard to estimate their damage contribution. SOLUTION: Invoke StatsOnHit tracker from Health.ApplyDamageDirectly() CODE: https://pastebin.com/UFD83fC2 (Ctrl-F RELATED BUGS) BUG #2 PROBLEM: Elemental talents actually do not increase all elemental damage, specifically they do no affect DoTs. WHY IS IT SO: The tick damage does not go via usual attack resolution routine, but instead is applied directly, and elemental damage modifiers were forgotten to be added. SOLUTION: Add respective checks to Health.ApplyDamageDirectly() CODE: https://pastebin.com/UFD83fC2 BUG #3 PROBLEM: Racial Slayer talents actually do not increase all damage, specifically they do no affect DoTs. WHY IS IT SO: The tick damage does not go via usual attack resolution routine, but instead is applied directly, and related damage modifiers were forgotten to be added. SOLUTION: Add respective checks to Health.ApplyDamageDirectly() CODE: https://pastebin.com/UFD83fC2 BUG #4 PROBLEM: An enemy who switched sides (due to charm, dominate, confuse) could benefit from Take the Hit modal ability. This was quite harming fighter's survivability. SOLUTION: Allow TransferDamageToCaster status effect to be applied only to party members, in StatusEffect.ApplyEffect() CODE: https://pastebin.com/g3FibpLi BUG #5.a. PROBLEM: Sometimes charm and dominate effects end prematurely even if there are enemies in range, because AI fails to pick a new target. BUG #5.b. PROBLEM: If you charm or dominate a single target, it breaks the effect immediately and without any notification. RELATED BUG REPORTS: one, two, three, four SOLUTION: Add additional condition (in StatusEffect.UpdateHelper()) that would check if there are any enemies nearby, and (optionally) provide a 5s grace period before breaking charm/dominate on a single target. CODE: https://pastebin.com/g6DLEG62 BUG #6 PROBLEM: Drinking potions occasionally fizzles STATUS: minor SOLUTION: not found WORKAROUND: speed-up consume potions animation CODE: https://pastebin.com/9NwRPKuL BUG #7 PROBLEM: Going invisible (Shadowing Beyond, Withdraw) resets the combat and breaks these effects. This is especially important for solo players. SOLUTION: Prolong combat if there are enemies nearby (in GameState.UpdateIsInCombatAndGameOver()) CODE: https://pastebin.com/T51KWeDv
  7. Hey, everyone. 1.06 is now live on Steam. The build is being sent over to GOG and Origin shortly so they should have the update ready in a couple of days. If you would like to read through the update notes check them out here.
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