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  1. Since the last patch I seem to no longer be able to assign ability to hotkeys. My guess is that it has to do with the fact that I'm using a keyboard with an AZERTY layout. I reassigned the hotbar buttons to & é " ' ( - but in the ability wheel, the game still considers that the keys for the hotbar should be 1 2 3 4 5 6. Since these keys technically don't exist on an AZERTY keyboard I'm not able to assign abilities from the ability wheel to the hotbar.
  2. Update: The support team has become aware of the bug. This bug is now on the list of known issues to be fixed, I recommend that all players who are experiencing this bug continue to send their bug reports to support in order to help the team find a solution. I've been facing this issue on both Xbox and PC, and I have friends who are playing on Steam and are facing the same issue. I'll try to explain it in a simple way: Basically, the trigger to start the "Finer Things in Battle" sidequest is to defeat the Ogre Thallas and then Speak with the Apothecarist during the An Untimely End. The bug most likely happens if the player has upgraded weapons and armor. In my case, I explored the entire Map and only then proceeded to the main quest, and this bug has affected my progression by 100%; The issue is that this sidequest is required for the "Pentiment" achievement, so the developers have a few options: Fix this bug and somehow release an update for those who haven't started the sidequest, or simply remove the "Finer Things in Battle" sidequest from the requirements for the "Pentiment" achievement, that would be the easiest and quickest solution. I'm still waiting for a resolution to this issue, I've done everything possible on the map and I need them to fix it so I can progress in my game. In the meantime I'll play Starfield, but I'm looking forward to returning to Avowed and continuing to support Obidian.
  3. I did the quest from Elia pre-patch to kill Silvo. Now post patch, on a second character, nomatter what dialogue choices I pick, Elia won't give me the quest on this character. All I get is talk to you later. Xbox X
  4. Cant open the chest. Refuses to give me the key saying that i opened the chest already so she has nothing to give me. Which is wrong when you cant even open the chest without a key. Needs fixed asap as its breaking my playthrough. ON xbox series x
  5. Got the Wayfarer's Boots yesterday. They were working until an hour ago, then just suddenly stopped working. I don't have an exact timeframe, but noticed fairly quickly. Additional info: I'm on Xbox [cloud gaming]. It happened after I reached level 4 and after completing Cabin Fever. I didn't take any level 4 abilities or attribute points right away. Reloading previous saves made them stop working on the earlier saves so this bug somehow carries to other saves. I've cleared local files, reset temp Mac address and hard reboot. I can't uninstall since it's cloud gaming. I only have 8 locations unlocked and have only completed these quests: Message From Afar, On strange shores, Lost Suoles and Cabin Fever. I See others are having the same or similar issues. Hopefully the additional info can help get this bug fixed.
  6. Hey everyone, it looks like I got softlocked in a quest. I found the star metal and went to Paradis (at that point, I didn’t know which NPC I needed for this quest). I approached one of the NPCs, and she had a separate dialogue about it. I chose an option that seemingly insulted her.Then I went to the starting location, where there’s a merchant. I asked him about it, and he told me to go to Paradis—to that same NPC. But when I approached her again, the dialogue was gone abd i don't know what to do (i reloaded my save and still have a problem)
  7. I'd love to use gyro control for a more precise aimming but its inverted control is just unusable. This can't be changed by flipping the camera controls or anyway so it seems to be a bug.. The game feels great otherwise but this bug is quite a bummer.. I hope it could ever be fixed :[
  8. I am currently at the point in the Face Your Fears Quest where you place the three statue items in the statue. The quest says "Investigate Ryngrim's Domain"... I have all the pieces required and it will not let me place the pieces to continue. I have tried loading previous saves and it still does not work. I am at a point where I believe I will have to wait on a patch for this to continue my run. Stinks because I was enjoying this game a lot.
  9. The unique wand Minoletta’s Conduit doesn't do any additional damage if you have the 'Wand Mastery' attribute. This means that if you have a single point in that attribute, Minoletta’s Conduit will do less damage than any other wand in the game, while its default enchantment is clearly meant to make it a damage-focused wand. I wish I discovered this before spending all my upgrade materials on it
  10. For context, im running the shortcut with "C:\XboxGames\Pillars of Eternity 2- Deadfire - PC\Content\PillarsOfEternity2.exe" -force-d3d11 -nomemrestrict -norestriction -availablevidmem 1.1 -percentvidmem 100 to improve performance because i get 10-20 fps otherwise and using special k to spoof cores. Laptop has rtx3060 with r76800hs. Oceans look like tv static, also the performance seems to improve vastly when i disable the high quality ocean setting but it still looks like tv static. Anything i can do about it? On the xbox games version in windows 11.
  11. Source: PC Gamepass What might have caused this bug was party member Marius got downed at a big encampment of bandits and I dipped and Fast Traveled to made it back to the city to continue the quest chain. At this point im under the church with only Kai, get to Ygwulf and picked the option to hear the companions out on what to do.. Dialogue ends and quest is stuck unable to decide Ygwulfs fate. I read others say this has happened to them and they ported back to base camp to "Retrieve" him. Tried that and nothing. Obviously I can walk up behind Ygwulf and attack him but that isnt what I wanna do at all.
  12. During Ancient Soil, reloading after dying during the combat section where you get a spear out of the ancient enemy spawns some enemies below ground where you can't kill them, softlocking progression.
  13. Hi, so I just finished putting the ingredients into the Javamatic and as soon as the cinematic with the ants attacking was shown, the game is now stuck in an iffy slightly zoomed in view. I have an ultrawide (Samsung CHG90) and had no issues so far, with over 240 hours in-game. I've tried changing numerous graphics settings. Tried some stuff in-game i.e. sleeping, dying, saving then loading but nothing has fixed it. If I go to third person it's still zoomed in. One thing that has sort-of mitigated it is going to third-person view and ramping the FOV up to 120, however it's still a bit off and I really prefer to play the game first-person. I've attached images so you can see. (Somehow the site let me upload five pictures originally, but after having to redo the post it's now limiting me to two...) P.S thanks to the devs for such an amazing game! It's one of the best games I've played in recent years and I am still hooked on it. Despite the odd bug here-and-there nothing has really bothered me up until now (ok, maybe the broken Natural Explorer for a little while lol). Keep it up and really looking forward to future expansions!
  14. I'm on the final mission and when I get to the Leaders to speak with them the dialogue cuts off halfway (before bringing up Lodwyn) and I can't re-engage with them to progress to the next part of the quest. Have tried everything I can think of including reloading saves, speaking with them first, setting up camp, etc...
  15. I have been in the second map area and have a journal entry for the totem of defiance that tells me I should look for clues. I have looked this up online as I'm at a loss as to how to get the clues. It seems that I should have bought the clues item from the Farmers Market merchant before carrying on with main quest. As that merchant is no longer available to me I followed online advice to get the clues item from the Costal Farms merchant. It would seem I am now stuck unable to purchase that clues item - no spoilers as such but the original merchant is gone and the alternate merchant has not got the clues item for sale. Online sources suggest that the totem pieces can be found without the clues but I thought it best to purchase clues as I did for first area totem [was still difficult to track pieces - but all part of the fun] - I would rather follow the clues in game than use an online walk through. If any one knows another way to get the clues such information could be useful to me and others in the same situation - no clues means randomly looking for something without really knowing what to look for. I do not know if this has been overlooked by the developer and is an accidental issue or if there is a bug preventing purchase of the clues item.
  16. 1. After dialogue with companion envoy spawns with camera in other direction from companion with which you interact, every time you need to turn around and check for new dialogue available 2. Mising texture of the wall (location and screenshot of wall) 3. Enemy stuck in texture 4. Sometimes when runing on dunes near Thirdborn and sky become visible horizont and sky flash with yellow colour for about 1 seconds, can't recreate and make clip/screenshot flash pwas very fast 5. Some enemy atack may cancel skill cast or weapon shot but sound effects and visual effect of casting will be activated 6. Low enemy aggressions against envoy during fight, normal difficulty, Yatzli/Giatta companions, enemy aggressive against envoy only after attack
  17. I noticed that I had 56 essence, and even with a -65% essence cost Grimoire, I wasn't able to cast, for example, Missile Salvo, which should cost about 26 essence with this Grimoire. Is this a bug?
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  18. I noticed that I had 56 essence, and even with a -65% essence cost Grimoire, I wasn't able to cast, for example, Missile Salvo, which should cost about 26 essence with this Grimoire. Is this a bug?
  19. I have not been able to turn in my Bounty: Kukae Maka quest in Shatterscarp. I think the issue is that I killed him and picked up his dwarf braid before I picked up the quest. He respawned and I killed him again, and have two (2) dwarf braids in my inventory. Maybe that is the problem? The main issue is when I talk to the bounty guard in Thirdborn, a dialogue prompt does not pop up for me to turn in. It just says for me to end the dialogue with him. This is my last quest to turn in so I get the all side quests and all bounties achievements. Please fix!!
  20. random black screens will appear when in (open world, settlements, dialogs, pause screen) haven't observed in title screen specs of computer .GPU Rtx 3090 ti .CPU Ryzen 5 3600 .Ram 32gb ddr4 attempted solutions (failed) .restarting computer .restarting graphics drivers before and after launching game .disabling upscaling .disabling steam overlay link to video of bug appears at end
  21. So for some reason my controller just...drifts like a man hatter randomly, controller just..resets, becomes completely unresponsive, etc. Now the trigger is me going afk, and turning controller back on, then going afk again, rinse and repeat. Sometimes I'll get distracted mid game by texts from the gf for 10-15 minutes, I'll pop back to game and I'll get distracted again within a few minutes, controller shuts off, I turn it back on, rinse repeat. She's very distracting..lol. Generally if I do a hard reset of both game and controller, pull power and batteries, it fixes if. At first it would just be resetting itself. Nothing else, then I started getting some random drift. It's like everyday it gets worse and worse. To the tune that now it's effecting my entire console, now this happens just ****ing randomly on xbox menus, and controller will reset, disconnect, stop responding. So I un-installed avowed and it hasn't happened since. Right before Uninstalling avowed I updated the controller today with the patch see if that would help, but that's when it started also effecting the main console menu. Waited some time, re-installed and it still does the same. I'll be good, till I get distracted a few times in a row and then bam...unplayable. this last time now even hard resetting doesn't fix it anymore. So I deleted and just...not going back. Is there any kind of word on incoming fix for this? Gamepass avowed, xbox series X with disc drive model.
  22. Dear BugHunters I ventured out from the first port (Port Majie ?) and traveled towards Nekataka making some stops on the way and killing some bounties ( i had some Blessings activated , the double class skill for 3 and the level up to lvl 4 for 12) i stopped on the uncharted island on the way to Nekataka that contains an undead swamp and undead crypt. In the swamp you are ambused on dryland and waves of undead come and attack you from the swamp. At first i died in the slog zones in the swamp and loaded my auto save. when i loaded the auto save all my characters had the slog zone debuff even though they were still on dry land, i thought nothing of it at first but then the debuff stayed on no matter what i did. i tried being knocked unconscious, i tried reloading, i tried changing zones, i tried to "cure it" with debuff despellers. but i now permanently have the Slog Zone debuff on the whole of my party. please help thank you and good day. Regards SZB (great game otherwise) Link to savegame and log https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f1lix2jujmowno1/AACDqFMNSW3XeqML0kLu2DUGa?dl=0
  23. Hi, loving the game so far (playing on PC/Steam) but I ran into a quest progression issue with the Yellowbands bounty in the first zone. I killed the bandits and collected their trophy items twice (they respawned somehow) before getting the bounty quest, which immediately progressed to the "Collect your reward" stage, but talking to the bounty NPC doesn't present an option to turn in my trophies for the reward. Ideally I'd love some sort of console command so I can fix this and continue playing ASAP.
  24. Spoke to Belenna and agreed to find Adelarro , but at the site where objective A ( Retrieve Adelarro's badge ) is located nothing is here related to Adelarro . Just a chest and a note , i haven't been here before and when i went back to Belenna's campsite she was gone
  25. Been having then problem since release and saw a couple of posts on Reddit talking about the same thing, but I can't find any mention of it on here. Sorry if this was already brought up here before. For some reason the voices in cut scene are distant and echo-y. Also, you can't here anyone talking if you're facing away from them even if you're right beside them. The first problem is only happening when playing through the Xbox except when using Xbox game streaming (I forgot to test out proximity voices at the time). I've streamed it to my ally from Microsoft's servers and the voices were fine. Then I've tired streaming my Xbox itself to my ally and played it that way and the voices worked fine. But when I play it on the Xbox, with headphones or through the TV, the voice audio is bugged. I'm confused why it works if I'm streaming it when I'm playing off the same Xbox series x.
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