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Found 10 results

  1. The panning in this game is extremely jarring, basically the controller quickly goes from slow panning movement to fast panning movement, the result is that it feels like you’re moving underwater and it’s very unwieldy. This can easily be a toggle and will make it far more enjoyable to play, as I can’t think of any other first person game that has had this amount of acceleration baked in by default. It’s a beautiful game and I really want to get into it, but I’m struggling when it is jarring just to explore because the look acceleration is so extreme.
  2. My game is stuck on "Running install script ("GamingRepair.PROGRAM")" on Steam. I have tried letting that run for many minutes and nothing happens. Has anyone else been experiencing this?
  3. hi, i meet new crash two times. first one is when i walk near the ant nest ,second one is near the same region. it's single model, so definitely it's not caused by Internet
  4. Coming across multiple issues with the ps4 version. Combat UI is horrible to the point of nearly making the game unplayable with overlapping windows for the action bar and combat text. Movement becomes broken when switching to a custom formation and I can no longer move through narrower areas if my character is moved to the back. Load times are insane! Nearly a minute and a half to load an area that's one room and a single npc making quests or tasks where you need to move in and out of multiple areas repeatedly a chore. I could understand the time if you're loading a larger map for the first time but not consistently. I'm really enjoying the game but some of these issues are sucking the fun right out of it and I'm just curious as to whether or not we'll see fixes for these soon? Thanks in advance for any information. Edit: Also now experiencing multiple crashes at random points, lagging and freezing during combat, PC's being dragged around an entire map to attack enemies and the Take all command not working after ship combat.
  5. In Outer Worlds, my adjusted skill values will not proceed past 20. I have a skill check of 21 that i need to pass in persuade. I have 10 skill points to disperse and a current skill of 19. No matter the points I put in, the three categories increase, then stop at 20 (it shows a skill of, say, 26, but the adjusted is 20)...and I cannot pass the persuade check of 21. Has anyone else encountered this and fixed it? Thanks!
  6. Like many of you, been having issues with Outer Worlds from PC gamepass beta recently. I downloaded and installed without issue through the microsoft store, which from what I'm reading sounds like a minor miracle in itself. When I go to run it, the game launches correctly and leads me to the main menu, then prompts me to sign in to xbox live. Then something odd happens - my PC ethernet adapter gets disconnected and I lose internet access. Nothing I can do reverses this except restarting the PC. I've tried this 4-5 times, same results. Other games launched through microsoft xbox services on my PC work fine, and I can sign in normally to xbox live, so this is an Outer Worlds specific issue. I've spent 4+ hours total with MS support, tried everything including disabling other software, unblocking xbox ports in my router settings, editing win10 registry keys, uninstalling and re-installing microsoft xbox software on my PC. That's a lot of time spent on something that should work out of the box - anyone from Obsidian have anything to say about this before I get a refund? E: refunded the game. Can't expect customers to spend hours troubleshooting when there are so many other options available these days. Will avoid until steam release, maybe procure elsewhere
  7. I have game pass and downloaded the outer worlds for my base xbox one. I saw news that there was a big day one patch for the game, and the file size of the game in the microsoft store says over 36 GB. When I first downloaded the game it said 17.24 GB of data. This Is the original file size of the game before the day one patch, I've tried deleting it and reinstalling it and it still says 17.24 gb. So is my console just not Updating games (other games appear to be updating) or am I just a dummy O.o Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  8. Game runs well on pc but have lag when turn and sometimes clipping and light issues light blue light how do I stop this
  9. I do not know why but at the beginning of every scenario, there is no cards available to edit my characters deck. I can only edit new characters at the beginning of Brigandoom but the items I've gotten out of chests are missing, I can't even edit in basic spells or items at the beginning of any scenario or even at the beginning of adventures...
  10. Hello, I just did update the game but when I attempt to launch it this message is shown How can I fix this issue, in advance thanks for the help.
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