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Found 8 results

  1. I’ve tried approaching the branch by the field station in the hedge area to discover the hedge ascent for hours and I still can’t discover it on my map. I’ve tried looking straight up, toggling third person, and approaching it by different angles and it still won’t appear on my map. It doesn’t seem to be a bug on just my specific save, but on new saves as well. I am on Xbox series X. It doesn’t work in either single player or multiplayer, but recently I’ve just been playing single player. Difficulty is mild.
  2. Wondering if anyone is having issues completing Achievements/Trophies? I am on PC using Game-Pass and trying to unlock the Achievement called "Got Your Back" Which requires you to kill 50 Enemeies using a Companions Skill. I am currently stuck on 2% Complete and regardless of which Enemies or People I kill nothing increases the Bar. Anyone else having this issue?
  3. I looted the safe where the journal should be before i acquired the quest from vicar. now when i go back to the safe where it should be, its empty and the journal cannot be found anywhere. has anyone else encountered this? if so how'd you fix it or are you stuck too?
  4. Description: Before patch 1.06 I used to start every combat by casting "Arcane Assault" with both of my wizzards. For that I'd sneak up on my enemies with them, bring the others into position and cast the spell; then I'd attack with my melee fighters while my wizzards cast their second "Arcane Assault". As of 1.06 however, "Arcane Assault" apparently can no longer be cast while in sneak mode. The wizzard starts casting it, but he only stutters where he stands, while his grimoire opens and closes. The sound of the spell is played, but there is no projectile and the spell is not finished (no impact). Steps to Reproduce the Issue: (1) Make a party with a wizzard (2) Go into sneak mode (3) Cast "Arcane Assault" anywhere Important Files: Savegames See attached Savegame.zip. My party is in Esternwood and in sneak mode. Output Log See attached output_log.txt. System Specs See attached DxDiag.txt. Screenshots None. Savegame.zip output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
  5. Hey guys, So my game is at the point where I am trying to gain an audience within the animancy hearings in ACT 2. I have the quest from the Dozen to retrieve the engwithian weapons from the ruins. I went to the ruins, got the spear, but never received a quest update. I have the spear in my inventory and I'm standing infront of Weden and he keeps saying come back with the weapons. I've tried two methods of having it enchanted with my soul (Killing the spiderman) and without it, leaving the spiderman alive. The problem here is the crucible knights wont give me their quest and the Doemenel's hate me from the beginning after killing some of their guys early on. So my only option is to progress with the Dozen. Since the quest "The Bronze Beneath the Lake" is the only way to move it forward, I cannot complete or further progress my game. Here is some more information - I was offered the quest "Bronze Beneath the Lake" prior to having Lady Web tell me to get favor with a faction. I opened the ruins but never completed the quest, as it was too hard. I progressed the story, got told by Web to help a faction, so I went and completed the steps for Bronze beneath the lake. I retrieved the spear and looted every single container in the place. No quest triggers or advancements. My Bronze Beneath the Lake currently reads - "If Wenan is right, the ruins of Lle a Rheman contain a cache of powerful weapons. I'm sure I'll know them when I see them" Anything would be appreciated, even a work around of just getting past the stupid hearings. I really do not want to start over, especially since I have NO IDEA what caused this bug and how to avoid it.
  6. Hello folks. Just the description of the thread; My achievemens disappears to one day to another. I never used cheats, never. 31+ hours played with different chars, 12+ with the most advanced character. If I remember well yesterday I had them. So.. ¿ bug ? known bug ? I must bite my tongue and f*** myself ?
  7. Just starting up a bug thread here. No need to reply to anyones posts but if you encounter any bugs feel free to post them here. For one, When the game is full screen (Not in windowed mode) if you have two monitors and mouse off to the side to scroll the screen. the mouse cursor leaves the game screen and goes onto the other monitor. This makes moving the screen awkward. Bouncing around in the menus sometimes the font size increases far beyond the intended font and sometimes in the settings menu the tab names disappear. Some of these are probably already known but I hope every one can provide as much bug feedback as possible.
  8. Hi, I'm new here (could almost say I'm the new kid or something) but I was doing the farm quest for the flute with the Nazi cows and the game went black after I defeated them. Which happened to be extremely odd. So I force closed the game via task manager and since then steam has been unable to open the game, it'll say it's launching via the application launcher and that will fake and it will then appear again and be caught in an endless loop, but the game will never actually launch. I tried uninstalling and re-installing the game and nothing. Hoping to get this fix so I can go back to playing it. Oh and odd slightly unrelated (but still hoping) question, is it possible to still get the pre-order stuff? I bought the game the same day as release. Is it possible for having to suffer through this atleast? And hopefully either way this can be fixed.
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