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Found 4 results

  1. Every time I try to pick up the water skin in the intro scene my game crashes and drops me in the desktop, corrupting the save file that was used to try to pick up the water skin. any assistance would be awesome as I was looking forward to playing the game. I have tried two different new games so far to see if it was a one time thing and I lowered my frames to 30 to see if it was my computer. I am adding the crash repot to see if anyone can help check it out (as I'm pretty coding-illiterate). Thanks for anything! crash.dmp error.log output_log.txt report.ini
  2. This mod, as the name implies, allows you to tint godlikes. It also adds some more head options to those. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/325 This mod is somewhat special, so you have to read the installation instructions carefully! Installation: 1. Extract the files into your "Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire" main folder (the one with the exe). You should now have two new files (RUN_FIRST!!!.exe and Tint_God_Mod.exe) in your main folder and a folder called "Tint God" inside your override folder. 2. Now run "RUN_FIRST!!!.exe" as the file says ;). Select the "Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire" main folder (the one with the game.exe) and let the patch work. You have to run "RUN_FIRST!!!.exe" every time you install the mod!!! 3. After "RUN_FIRST!!!.exe" is finished and everything was successful, run "Tint_God_Mod.exe". Again select the "Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire" main folder (the one with the game.exe) when prompted and let the patch work. After that is finished, you can start the game and should be able to tint godlikes. 4. This mod creates big backup files in "\Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\assetbundles". If everything works as intended you can safely delete those backups. Compatibility: ATTENTION! This mod IS NOT compatible with Kilay's great "CC more colors" mod. You have to disable it. However, I have tried to include some of its features into this mod. This mod is halfway compatible with game patches or mods, which alter assetbundles. If a patch makes changes to "charactershd.unity3d", "characters.unity3d", "items.unity3d" or "character_headandskin_hd.unity3d" it will throw up errors for this assetbundles. The only consistent way to deal with that, is to reinstall the game, patch it and then reapply the mod, so long as no "new content" is added by a patch (new DLC releases or features like turn based mode). In that case an updated installer will be provided on the mod's nexus site. In case of other mods for assetbundles, you are safe so long those mods don't change anything about godlikes or the manifest files inside the assetbundles. Known issues: I: At game loading the characters in the Inventory screen have no body textures. S: This happens because of the game's loading priority for mods from the override folder. Just equip/unequip some armor to solve it. I: The aumaua, elf, dwraf and orlan variants of godlikes have odd or different tinting. S: That is a problem how the unity engine "generates" those races from the human raw model. I don't have a solution for this problem, yet. The human version of the godlikes should work. I: Godlikes can't be tinted. S: You either have not run "RUN_FIRST!!!.exe" or it didn't work. Restore the backups or better reinstall the game and then follow the installation instructions.
  3. I would like to give the Humans, Elves and Dwarves more options for skin & hair color. Ideally I'd like to get rid of all skin & hair color restriction all together and make it be more like Neverwinter Nights in terms of customization. But if those restrictions are too hard coded I want their color palettes to be like Aumaua's at least. I'm not sure what kind of files I'm looking for. I wasn't able to find any entries for color in my Pillars of Eternity game folder but I did find entries for skin & hair although they didn't cover elves or dwarves. Am I looking in the wrong directory?
  4. Ok, so when you enchant your weapons, it should have different skin.Better quality looking material, or flames etc. On some items it works nicely (crosbow, pistol) on some it dont work at all (spear, sword, mace) is there a way to display it properly? BTW, is there a way to enchant -exeptional- on -fine- quality weapon?
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