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  1. ruined a hollandaise, and not in the typical manner. when finished, the sauce looked creamy and perfect. unfortunate, we didn't realize we were outta our regular butter choice until we had already separated a couple egg yolks in preparation o' making our sauce. so we used "really good" butter a friend o' ours had gifted us. we did not taste the butter before using 'cause we were already poaching eggs at the time and, well... saltiest arse butter... evar. HA! Good Fun!
  2. we got one odd suit and it were gifted to us as a joke. a few o' our colleagues got tired o' our simple country lawyer schtick, so they bought us a seersucker suit. ... gotta admit, the seersucker is extreme comfortable. HA! Good Fun!
  3. initially we used our grandparents record player for the couple albums we were gifted, but then in 1980 we got an early 60s 8-track player and THREE tapes, one o' which were a k-tel release: the rock album. as for oingo boingo, they were frequent visitors o' santa barbara during the 80s and 90s. caught a few o' their county bowl shows. possible our favorite outdoor venue. danny elfman is now recognized as a film score composer linked frequent with tim burton, but is ez to forget what incredible vocal range and control he had as the front man for oingo boingo... f1-c6. not complete unfair to mention him along with freddie mercury. an "older" (edit: not that it matters, but "older" is the wrong word, or at least misleading. were one o' the last songs elfman wrote before oingo boingo were final disbanding and is more like their 1978 stuff than most o' their later releases) oingo boingo tune channeling early performance art influences. by this point elfman no longer had the range he did when a bit younger, but still impressive. HA! Good Fun!
  4. am knowing is a meme, but the rule is not to invade russia in winter. the japanese did ok for themselves in the early 1900s with a war started in winter... the japanese declared war during first half o' february 1904. (edit: originally wrote "1905" but it looked wrong so we checked and sure enough we were mistaken 'bout the year. sheet.) the lasting national embarrassment from that war is one reason the soviets were so hot and bothered to invade hokkaido at the end o' ww2. HA! Good Fun! ps am knowing bill cosby is verboten nowadays, but we were reminded o' an old cosby bit pps the first record we were ever gifted were crime of the century by supertramp. second were bill cosby is a very funny fellow...right! our grandfather thought the cosby coin toss were the funniest thing evar.
  5. 'course you weren't scarred. converse, not being able to endure the ordinary and everyday competition o' adult life mighta' scarred you. first team on your high school football team is the gifted program for football players. those players get more attention from coaches. more coaching and more opportunities to make plays means a better chance to get recruited by power conference d-1 programs, and the cycle only continues and becomes more savage. we mention 'cause we find amusing hurl actual used an nfl team as an example to support his position-- the worst player on the 49ers had to survive years o' the most bitter and unforgiving competition simple to make an nfl team. most real world jobs involve competition, although not to the degree a pro football player had to overcome. a minor ankle sprain limited your participation during spring practice o' your sophomore year at usc or alabama, and that were enough to prevent you from ever being a starter? didn't start in spite o' being all-everything in high school and chances you get drafted by the nfl is approaching zero? not fair? is real. am fine with hurl pov as he is teaching middle schoolers, but at some point we are not helping kids by sheltering 'em from real world brutal. yeah, as an educator hurl should be more concerned with actual educating kids in subject matter as 'posed to shattering their illusions, and is not much evidence the gifted programs produce smarter students. if you start with high achieving kids, is not exact a surprise those kids end up achieving at a greater rate, yes? the results o' gifted programs is dubious, but am also recognizing educators got blind spots, and they selective ignore how they themselves teach math classes. at some point in high school, kids who didn't achieve in math are taught separate from the kids who did. and guess what, the kids taking calculus in high school is more likely to attend college than are the students taking remedial maths. no doubt we waste a great deal o' human capital by stressing competition as 'posed to maximizing potential o' everybody. tragic. unfortunate, until hurl manages to alter society as a whole, he is stuck educating kids many o' whom is going to eventual join a workforce where the jobs which offer the best compensation also require competition which far exceeds whatever you experienced on your math team. HA! Good Fun!
  6. am o' the opinion that tell somebody they is privileged is self defeating. call somebody racist or privileged immediate makes the situation adversarial. am a minority and we grew up poor by any standard, even by standards in the poor nations o' the middle east. nevertheless, the people who raised us made sure we knew we were loved and they stressed the value o' learning if not formal education. we also were a gifted athlete who were offered full-ride scholarships in multiple sports. oh, and we had a pony when we were a kid. compared to more than a few poor white trash kids who grew up with an alcoholic/addicted parent and took regular beatings or suffered debilitating indifference during their formative years, am having a hard time complaining 'bout their privilege. after gifting half our accumulated wealth to charities the remainder is nevertheless substantial and we retired comfortably at fifty. so is our fortune earned but the white person who grew up in the burbs and is maybe able to send both of her kids to college and possibly retire before she is too old to enjoy twilight years needing to ask forgiveness from minorities everywhere? US institutions since the inception o' the nation has been active promoting racist policies which disadvantage minorities. true statement. now what? tell somebody their opinion is less worthy and their accomplishments is tainted 'cause they is white and refuse to admit their privilege bothers us on a fundamental level in addition to the fact am realizing such condemnations and recriminations is self defeating. 'ccording to most any poll we has seen, the overwhelming majority o' americans, even republicans, believe there is endemic racism in this country, but almost nobody is believing they personal is racist. perhaps such a recognition is evidence o' a disconnect but it should also been seen as an opportunity. is a whole lotta not minorities in this country and they largely believe that minorities is treated unfair-- is not like the 1920s or 50s. is objective better. tell those not minorities, many o' whom has been suffering decades o' financial hardship that they is lucky to be so privileged and you is transforming potential allies into enemies. what a waste. and am gonna note the comments made in the article 'bout the community in colorado is less the kinda stuff rich people says so much as the kinda thing douchey people would believe. me and mine attitude is less 'bout wealth than is 'bout being an a-hole. during a pandemic a community particular hard hit by a disease which has killed hundreds o' thousands o' americans took efforts to slow spread o' covid-19. mass quarantines woulda' been impractical solution, so at least prevent the non-resident population from accelerating the spread were seen as a reasonable option. the fact some people cannot look past their own selfish interests is not so much a wealth problem as is recognition some people is gonna be selfish regardless o' the circumstances. HA! Good Fun!
  7. made a late breakfast. guess it kinda looked like eggs benedict, but not. prepared a béchamel with cheddar, manchego and half-and-half 'cause we looked in the refrigerator and those items spoke to us. we have good bacon so we cooked up three thick cut pieces. drained off most o' the bacon grease and then fried two eggs using these little egg ring thingies which had been gifted to us some time past but we had never bothered to use. toasted an english muffin and buttered... am not certain why we buttered the muffin other than some weird reflex. unnecessary. anywho, we placed a piece o' bacon (well, two halves o' a piece) on each muffin half and then added a fried egg which were nice and crispy from the bacon grease. topped off our muffin, bacon and egg stacks with something 'tween a drizzle and a pour o' our béchamel. closer to a pour if am being honest. after tasting we decided it needed some pepper. for those paying particular close attention, there is an unaccounted piece o' bacon. am knowing it ain't the most healthy food for dogs, but is no way possible for Gromnir to cook bacon w/o providing the dogs with a taste. as the bacon sizzles in the pan, the pooches stare at us, drooling and hopeful. hard stares. pleading stares. third piece o' bacon were to keep the dogs from shanking us in our sleep if we didn't give 'em a bit. food was ok. dogs thought it were excellent and are no doubt looking forward to us making in the future. however, the dogs eat deer p00p and rotting animal carcasses with gusto if they get the opportunity to partake, so their gastronomical insights is ordinarily ignored. side benefit: our house smells like bacon. HA! Good Fun!
  8. biden is spelled as follows: B-I-D-E-N however, we watched the HARRIS clip and nowhere did she say it were okay to loot and vandalize and attack police. you are doing he same nonsense as were vol. ... your fluid and evasive point sux. you want to create two different standards. the message needs to stay consistent and the message is that peaceful protests is the right (duty) of every American. oh, and btw https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-harris/kamala-harris-condemns-looting-violence-in-wake-of-police-shooting-idUSKBN25N344 this is the message: While my time here has now come to an end, I want you to know that in the last days and hours of my life you inspired me. You filled me with hope about the next chapter of the great American story when you used your power to make a difference in our society. Millions of people motivated simply by human compassion laid down the burdens of division. Around the country and the world you set aside race, class, age, language and nationality to demand respect for human dignity. That is why I had to visit Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, though I was admitted to the hospital the following day. I just had to see and feel it for myself that, after many years of silent witness, the truth is still marching on. Emmett Till was my George Floyd. He was my Rayshard Brooks, Sandra Bland and Breonna Taylor. He was 14 when he was killed, and I was only 15 years old at the time. I will never ever forget the moment when it became so clear that he could easily have been me. In those days, fear constrained us like an imaginary prison, and troubling thoughts of potential brutality committed for no understandable reason were the bars. Though I was surrounded by two loving parents, plenty of brothers, sisters and cousins, their love could not protect me from the unholy oppression waiting just outside that family circle. Unchecked, unrestrained violence and government-sanctioned terror had the power to turn a simple stroll to the store for some Skittles or an innocent morning jog down a lonesome country road into a nightmare. If we are to survive as one unified nation, we must discover what so readily takes root in our hearts that could rob Mother Emanuel Church in South Carolina of her brightest and best, shoot unwitting concertgoers in Las Vegas and choke to death the hopes and dreams of a gifted violinist like Elijah McClain. Like so many young people today, I was searching for a way out, or some might say a way in, and then I heard the voice of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on an old radio. He was talking about the philosophy and discipline of nonviolence. He said we are all complicit when we tolerate injustice. He said it is not enough to say it will get better by and by. He said each of us has a moral obligation to stand up, speak up and speak out. When you see something that is not right, you must say something. You must do something. Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each generation must do its part to help build what we called the Beloved Community, a nation and world society at peace with itself. Ordinary people with extraordinary vision can redeem the soul of America by getting in what I call good trouble, necessary trouble. Voting and participating in the democratic process are key. The vote is the most powerful nonviolent change agent you have in a democratic society. You must use it because it is not guaranteed. You can lose it. You must also study and learn the lessons of history because humanity has been involved in this soul-wrenching, existential struggle for a very long time. People on every continent have stood in your shoes, though decades and centuries before you. The truth does not change, and that is why the answers worked out long ago can help you find solutions to the challenges of our time. Continue to build union between movements stretching across the globe because we must put away our willingness to profit from the exploitation of others. Though I may not be here with you, I urge you to answer the highest calling of your heart and stand up for what you truly believe. In my life I have done all I can to demonstrate that the way of peace, the way of love and nonviolence is the more excellent way. Now it is your turn to let freedom ring. When historians pick up their pens to write the story of the 21st century, let them say that it was your generation who laid down the heavy burdens of hate at last and that peace finally triumphed over violence, aggression and war. So I say to you, walk with the wind, brothers and sisters, and let the spirit of peace and the power of everlasting love be your guide.--the final essay of John Lewis, published after his death. HA! Good Fun!
  9. disagree. am not gonna belabor why we believe gifted's complaints were unreasonable and frequent irrational 'cause it don't matter. say what you will, am not denying the complaints were nevertheless genuine. deadfire is refined version o' poe. am suspecting such makes deadfire less appealing. we make hot sauce and while person don't come out and say specific the sauce were too hot they make kinda obvious such were the root problem. tell us they need a big glass o' milk to make palatable and that the sauce were "too spicy." don't wanna say "too hot" for some reason. machismo? whatever. our refinement is to move from cayenne-based hot sauce to naga viper peppers. deadfire is a better game than poe... is better for Gromnir. deadfire combat is more intuitive and rational than d&d 2e or 3e. classes and spells is more balanced and low level abilities have usefulness from beginning of game to end. deadfire avoided such d&d legacy demons as insta-kills, pre-buffing and vancian casting. etc. however, am recognizing better for Gromnir is not objective better. poor articulation o' root problems with poe does not make those problems disappear. if gifted can get a free copy or or play on a friend's pc, then sure, he might as well give deadfire an honest few hours and see if enough stuff has changed to make palatable, but we would not recommend him spending money to play what is a refinement o' stuff he didn't like in the poe beta. throwing away good money after bad. HA! Good Fun!
  10. hypocrisy much? you do realize the vast majority o' such posts were responses to gifted posts, yes? you realize what you is doing at this very moment, complete divorced from any on-topic issue? *chuckle* heck, these daisy chains o' insanity only seem to end when is Gromnir who stops, though am admitted finding response to gifled fails a bit like trying to eat a single chip. but to stay on-topic, and relevant Washington Post marks anniversary of Khashoggi death HA! Good Fun!
  11. nose? no. am drying tears o laughter as our little bunny runs in circles. if you are indifferent to almost any murder unless is personal, then why imply we were misleading? you naughty little rabbit. am not expecting an apology btw. am expecting another math and/or simple read comprehension fail. am expecting indifference to murder and violence. am expecting to be surprised by the next brain freeze worthy gifted reason fail. aside, and am not sure why we bother, the russia thing has had any number o' reports which claims voters were swayed in numbers. the problem is proving the right voters in the right states were turned in enough numbers to have changed the course o' the election.... or at least such is prohibitive to prove. given russian efforts, is unlikely the right (wrong?) voters were swayed in enough numbers. again, proof o' effect is admitted problematic. however, russians were able to influence voters. their efforts, unlike illegals not voting, were widespread and coordinated and is unlikely it were a one-off. weirdness o' electoral college is in part what makes proof difficult insofar as the Presidential election, but we got lots of elections in the US. regardless, at this point, is no real question o' russian efforts and intelligence services is now unanimous in expressing concern regarding future elections... akin to climate denial for those who pretend otherwise. furthermore, goal o' the russians were always multi-layered. distrust in validity o' US the electoral process were always a goal. the russians also love a good false equivalency narrative. russian elections are rigged and subject to endemic corruption and malfeasance? well, look at the US where it ain't any better. illegals coming across the border and not voting... as 'posed to genuine concerted and complex efforts to affect US elections by a foreign power? somehow you see as analogous? run along little bunny. HA! Good Fun!
  12. so, gifted is angered by the possibility, unsubstantiated btw, o' illegal border crossers voting as 'posed to actuality o' any impact on elections? uh... russia interference is a nothingburger 'cause no impact on the election, but illegals hoping the fence and not actual voting in any discernible numbers does bother. which brings us full circle. thank you for illustrating our point so adroit, though we feel almost guilty. HA! Good Fun!
  13. we stated you were indifferent to murder of a reporter anywho... then again, we have once more entered bizarro world where gifted thinks failure o' any state investigations to uncover evidence o' widespread voter fraud as well as failure by trump's own transparently political motivated commission on voter fraud to turn up any evidence o' such after more than a year o' looking, is somehow supporting his contention that "anybody that can hop a fence can vote here." @Agiel if you told us a couple weeks ago that trump would make public threats regarding the whistleblower, we would agree such were possible, but we wouldn't have seen as likely... 'cause we mistaken keep thinking in terms o' reason. it wouldn't be in trump's self interest to public threaten, so... am admitting to being obtuse regarding just how unreasonable trump can be. HA! Good Fun! ps real reason for bother to respond to gifted were opportunity to post an otter gif.
  14. if gifted doesn't agree with something, then by definition it isn't worth considering. can take such a rule o' general applicability to ridiculous extremes. for example, the murder o' a reporter is insignificant because the victim is a reporter. chase the rabbit down into the darkness if you wish, but know what you are getting into before you start. HA! Good Fun! @Hurlshot republican blocked federal commissioner from publishing memo about foreign interference, so she tweeted it instead you are just a victim of the fake news media. everybody knows that the democratic party busses in tens of thousands of illegal border hoppers to win elections in... new hampshire? however, while gifted comment is conspiracy worthy at best (shocking) it is true that simple crossing the border and taking up residence in a state does impact census counts, which alters stuff as fundamental as # of seats in the House of Representatives. is reason trump were pushing to get the census citizenship question added. aside, ellen weintraub is making a push to join our wall o' heroes. got space available 'tween barbara jordan and aaron burr.
  15. READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint recognizing how the whistleblower did not personal observe and listen to the call 'tween trump and the ukraine prez, the ig nevertheless states,"other information obtained during the ICIG's preliminary review, however, supports the Complainant's allegation..." am suspecting this line gets much attention in next days. as for gifted, am taking blame 'cause am not surprised by your read and math fails, or the deflection or the absurdity. we know where is going from start. sure, you being perplexed by fact there is more than one person in the executive branch in spite o' all authority being vested in one office or not knowing how costs o' property raises overall cost o' living and average income totals in nyc is individual baffling and surprising, but your consistency is guaranteed. as for zor, we already mentioned money as the real problem. campaign finance legislation were passed and declared unconstitutional and other efforts at curbing money influence has similar failed. again, already mentioned. 'course term limits, w/o money limits, actual embolden lobbyists as junior legislators w/o diehard constituency is more reliant on pac money and not less. so preach to the choir? 'course if one were to dismiss entire representative democracy experiment it would be equal silly. huge amount o' legislation gets passed each term and imply money motivates all or even most legislator efforts is appealing to the reddit conspiracy crowd, but doesn't have much factual support. yeah, am sure gited's imagined laundry pods ban would have proctor and gamble money influencing votes, but so too would there be the testimony o' teary-eyed idiots who would appeal direct to Congressman 'cause their "baby" (a 20-something attending _____ community college next fall) had to die unnecessarily 'cause o' tide pods and social media pressure. democracy is ugly, but is better than alternatives, or so the saying goes. even so, out-of-control washington money is a big problem which term limits would only partial and indirect address. HA! Good Fun!
  16. am knowing a response to gifted will result in absurdity, insult and at least one mind boggling read comprehension and/or math fail. we can't claim victory when am encouraging the inevitable fails. 'OK' is now a hate symbol, the ADL says our feeble attempt to keep thread on-topic, given how gifted don't wanna add anything to the term limit issue he raised. ironic? go figure. HA! Good Fun!
  17. is so difficult to decipher gifted posts 'cause he so rare knows what he is spouting off 'bout when he goes on one o' his anger benders. affirmative action? how on earth would affirmative action relate to school fees? either he is using the wrong term, or... regardless, many states ask for parents to pay mandatory fees for s'posed free education. is a growing trend as schools is increasing making laptops/chromebooks part o' ordinary student supplies and as so many angry and childless homeowners grumbled 'bout school taxes being levied on their property yearly. have seen high school student fees running +$700 per year in a few states, and such were a few years past. much o' the optional fees isn't particular optional for the ordinary student. bus pass fee. lab fees. activity and field-trip fees. etc. charge for such minutiae as locker maintenance is understandable eye-roll worthy. gonna dismiss gifted affirmative action comments as simple ignorance, however, there is a considerable number o' states which has chosen to avoid more generalized tax schemes in favor o' more targeted taxes. 'course there is always income-based waivers available. legal there needs be such waivers. 'cause gifted is unaware, ca Constitution specific makes education free. any essential school activity cannot result in a fee charge in ca. however, every year more than a few ca school districts attempt circumvent law. in spite o' the state Constitution clearness, an additional law were passed 'cause far too many school districts were attempting to squeeze fees from folks. https://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cp/uc/ab1575letter20121116.asp college is a different matter. even so, 1-2 years o' community college is now free in ca albeit with somewhat limiting provisos. keep in mind ca community colleges were already 'mongst the cheapest community college systems in the nation with full-time tuition running less than $1500 per year if the per unit cost were applied to a standard 15 unit per semester student schedule. make 2 years o' tuition functional free will help but is hardly the reason so many people fail to complete their college career nowadays. @Agiel americans voluntarily adopting mechanisms o' a police state. a brave new world indeed. the part o' fahrenheit 451 most folks forget or gloss over is how bradbury's dystopian nightmare were the alchemy o' burgeoning technology and a populist movement. is not a book 'bout government censorship. weren't some institutional monolith taking away liberties. were americans voluntarily surrendering freedom. desire to not be offended and feel more secure led to a police state. am gonna blame on hurl. teachers clear ain't teaching the important stuff if this kinda thing is resulting in indifference and even applause. HA! Good Fun! ps am not genuine blaming hurl, but am nevertheless disappointed that so many has read 1984, brave new world and fahrenheit 451 in schools and clear not learned.
  18. you do realize your approval is akin to wod linking supporting articles from joshua goldberg, or sharp one linking alex jones stuff, yes? skarp blunt capacity to be wrong on any issue from law to bumblebee aerodynamics is gonna undercut gifted position, and he sure don't need that kinda help. as to current issue o' trump chances o' winning, am admitted uncertain. while we don't necessarily agree with gd list o' candidates and their chances o' success 'gainst trump, am admitted concerned 'bout democrats, 'cause while democrats talk a good game, they so rare show up in november when it counts. am knowing trump is as unpopular as ever, which has been a near constant since short after the election. am recognizing how poorly trump is polling 'gainst the field. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/457645-fox-news-poll-shows-trump-losing-to-biden-warren-sanders-and-harris am admitted baffled by how trump is actual polling below his approval rate, which is kinda counter-intuitive for an incumbent President. 'course nothing much has made sense 'bout trump polling since he became nominee. folks talk 'bout the economy as if is a positive for trump, but is core trump voters who has actual seen their situation become worse these last few years. if democrats become enthusiastic 'bout a candidate, they win whether is moderate or far-left, but go ahead and try and predict such a thing today is gonna be mostly the result o' weak-arsed conjecture. have mentioned this before, but obama did not look like anything other than an also-ran until after iowa. is better for democrats if a candidate, moderate or far-left, energizes the historical torpid and indolent democrats. is tougher for a moderate to create groundswell support given the endemic disappointment many/most voters have with washington status quo. nevertheless, am not discounting the possibility o' a moderate finding an issue or signature proposal 'tween now and february 2020 iowa caucus to elevate their game, so-to-speak. is far too early to predict. yeah, only way trump gets reelected is gross incompetence by democrats, but such were the case in 2016. one thing democrats got going for 'em this time (other than trump incompetence in office, which should make the election moot but don't) is the fact clinton ain't the candidate. weren't simple fact clinton were so overwhelming unpopular 'mongst almost all non-democrats and even a few democrats which made her a bad candidate. the cronyism which marred the democrat candidacy is not an issue this time 'round. far too many demo bosses owed the clintons decades worth o' favors such that her candidacy in 2016 were foregone unless jesus christ returned to run... though am suspecting even jc would have a hard time with both party voters in the south and parts o' the heartland given fact he is not european white. last time around, many democrats justifiably believed clinton were forced onto them. made far too many fainéant democrats actual bitter rather than ordinary indifferent. ain't a candidate like that in the current field. HA! Good Fun!
  19. unauthorized border crossing is illegal. ain't criminal. if gifted builds an extension on his house w/o such improvements being to code, his actions is violations o' law. illegal. however, such actions by gifted ain't criminal. government decides a good way to deter folks from doing home improvements w/o proper inspections and/or in violation o' code is to separate families who engage in such behavior. show up to a younger gifted's wrong-built home and take his wife and child away... temporarily. "so sad"? such silliness is ok though, 'cause folks is convenient forgetting how building code violations is illegal. multiple administrations has faced border crossing problems, though rare has they been so self-inflicted. nevertheless, previous administrations managed to muddle through w/o a general policy o' child separation. regardless, regarding gifted's poor coyotes, if you can somehow convince enough like-minded folks to pressure their Congressmen into changing law, then perhaps you may get your wish regarding the end o' manifest unfairness being delivered unto coyotes. am suspecting a long wait. 'course most o' us realize how similar actions may provide different levels o' criminal punishment. take identical male twins as an example. twin 1 is releasing measurable amounts o' carcinogens and toxins into the air daily. twin 2 is doing same. twin 1 is a 2-pack-a-day smoker. twin 2 runs a large chemical refinery and he is knowing polluting in violation o' law. pretend there is no difference 'cause they is fundamental doing same thing is absurd, but here we is somehow. HA! Good Fun!
  20. smuggling people across the border is a crime and violates the immigration and nationality act. Congress passed a law, and the President signed and the Court has upheld the Constitutionality. you genuine need a review o' how this works? fines for violation is considerable and prison terms is up to 20 years if multiple undocumented persons is knowing being transported across the border at locations other than designated checkpoints. is two relevant code sections with only major difference being if smuggling took place at designated checkpoints. oh, and if an undocumented person dies as a result o' transport, prison for the smuggler may become life. so, gifted now knows enough so he can go out and pressure his Congressman to change laws? maybe he gets enough citizens to pressure their Congressmen regarding the manifest unfairness faced by human smugglers to get laws changed? am not gonna hold breath waiting. but perhaps you wanna do reverse and make the immigrants actions criminal? that would be more fair and equitable considering the poor treatment the coyotes is receiving? criminal trial for current and backlogged immigration cases? all +850,000? yeah, that is the change we should be demanding. however, you are right 'bout one thing, we should get more use o' the following: duh. which brings us to skarp's typical blunt comprehension fail... a fail that admitted started earlier with chill comprehension fail. the detainees is not being arrested pursuant to a suspected criminal infraction. duh. in the US we do not separate parents and children when a person is served a parking ticket. doing so would be ludicrous and am not thinking needs be further discussed. that being said, the Courts is aware o' the reality o' the situation at the border and the difficulties o' detaining large numbers o' persons w/o even certainty o' their identities and countries o' origin. is a logistical nightmare to process and adequate detain people in the current situation, which is why child separations has been ok'd when is necessary, but such separations need be for no longer than absolute required. again, these ain't suspected criminals who is being detained. child separations did happen under previous administrations, but such were limited and not part o' a general policy. we previous mentioned at least one child separation event which happened during obama's administration, and the government defense o' the separation were cringe-worthy indeed, so is plenty o' blame for everybody. nevertheless, discover the wh purposeful made child separation a policy to discourage immigration? well, that is what caused the brouhaha regarding child separations. and to be blunt, am thinking you would look like a world class idiot if you went before judge atsushi wallace tashima and told him, based on his exhortation regarding soap, toothbrushes and blankets for minors, he had "obviously" never had to endure "harsh conditions." yeah, his ww2 experience provided the judge with experience regarding detainment camp conditions. is the kinda first-hand experience very few o' us could claim. nevertheless, chill calls out one o' the few judges with such experience? and you agree with him? HA! but again, this is a blunt comprehension fail and strawman to boot. judge tashima were addressing "safe and sanitary" requirements o' the flores settlement. harsh conditions experience were complete irrelevant in the present situation. ... already explained this previous, and given blunt instrument am dealing with, am as optimistic now as hurl were earlier when he edited his post in recognition o' a presumptive fail. nevertheless, we endure. the flores settlement, whether you like or not, is controlling law regarding what is standard for government insofar as the care o' minor detainees. flores, as is often the case with such directives, is light on specific guidance. "safe and sanitary." in a recent case a fed judge determined that, at a minimum, "safe and sanitary" required the government to provide minors with soap, a toothbrush, a blanket and conditions conducive to sleep. judge ordered that facilities be inspected to make certain these bare minimums were being provided. government wanted to appeal the judge's actions, but they couldn't. weren't possible to appeal clarification o' the already existing settlement. so government tries a different approach-- claim specific enumeration o' soap, toothbrushes and blankets by the judge fundamental changed the meaning o' the flores settlement. chill's "obviously" statement were kinda pointless in the present context, but judges found what were obvious were that in the case o' minor detainees, many o' who were being held for significant periods o' time, access to soap, a toothbrush, a blanket and conditions conducive for sleep were part o' the "safe and sanitary" requirement from the flores settlement. sisyphus at work, eh? HA! Good Fun!
  21. no, it ain't. the position gifted takes is nonsensical but appealing to the fringe. after all, no matter how poor detainees is treated, if they keep making hundred and thousand mile treks to get to the US, then obviously their treatment must be better than where they came from, yes? is silly and ridiculous, but has appeal to the extreme nativist 'cause embracing such a wacky viewpoint means there is no minimum legal standard or notion o' decency to which the US must adhere. in fact, the goal is to find the breaking point for immigrants-- find conditions and circumstances so appalling that immigrants stop coming. after all, as we now know, the goal o' child separations were an attempt to find such a breaking point. even the government lawyers is embarrassed when they gotta make these arguments. syllogism: bad enough conditions means immigrants stop coming and then nobody suffers, but if people keep coming, then conditions ain't genuine bad. is circular-stoopid, but has become oft repeated by the fringe... and this administration. HA! Good Fun!
  22. gifted asked same not long ago, and gd smacked him with the rolled newspaper. thought the lesson were driven home. silly o' us. regardless, you are gonna need be specific. who is "everyone" and what specific issue are you speaking 'bout? regardless o' legality o' presence in the USA, all human beings is afforded a few basic rights by the US Constitution. one reason why a number o' administrations, democrat and republican, kept guantanamo viable as a detention facility is 'cause it were arguable not in the US. non-citizens who were held outside o' the US were having less/no rights, or so the argument were presented. but step foot in US and those Constitutional protections would immediate kick in and take effect, protecting due process rights and other such defenses. so an immigrant who manages to make it to the US, legal or otherwise, gots basic rights. am not certain why folks convenient forget that fact. also, as hurl points out, the immigrants is being held for civil offenses. is on par with minor traffic violations. hit and run and reckless driving is criminal, but minor traffic infractions is civil... and so too is illegal border crossing. so akin to parking or speeding ticket... but no more than 10 mph over the speed limit as that often is the point when excess o' speed triggers reckless. 'course even the most hardcore natavits who has at least a couple firing neurons would balk at making border violations criminal. why? 'cause then you gotta give accused illegal immigrants criminal trial protection such a speedy trial and lawyer and jury. at the moment, you got thousand and thousands o' backlogged cases-- years o' backlog. toddlers is being ushered into immigration courts where judges s'posed explain to the child their rights and responsibilities. this ain't a joke, and it happens daily... many times a day. am thinking far too many people have no idea what "illegal immigrant" means insofar as legal rights is concerned, or they is convenient forgetting. maybe you don't like the Constitution? you are welcome to try and change it. HA! Good Fun!
  23. a derisive retort that a statement or observation were too obvious to be worth mentioning? could apply with some regularity, but not enough to warrant a signature change. thanks for the input though. am curious to see who wins race to the bottom: trump complaining 'bout wind turbines again or gifted shoehorning concentration camps into another post. which happens first? more relevant to the thread: a minnesota farm family fights to save its land trump keeps saying the chinese and canadians and others is paying for his trade wars, but sure don't appear that way. not much o' a surprise, eh? duh. HA! Good Fun!
  24. we thought the el paso perpetrator were sent to jail. kinda need segregation And denial o' due process to get an accurate concentration camp label. post ww2 cyprus were a concentration camp. so too were japanese internment camps here in the USA. that said, post ww2, use o' concentration camp language has folks immediate think o' nazi death camps, which probable ain't constructive if goal is meaningful debate. regardless, gifted's sarcasm-by-ignorance efforts appear off-target. nothing like repeating a failed effort to drive home a point, eh? but back on topic, trump is calling for tougher background checks on gun purchases. one wonders if the President is aware the House sent such legislation to the Senate where it languishes in part 'cause trump has threatened to veto it. perhaps the President is so busy ending aids and saving the nation from wind turbines to know what he has said previous 'bout background checks? HA! Good Fun!
  25. ... am genuine not certain which would be the more laughable alternative. as to previous administrations and tanks, am not one o' the guys who suggested such were unprecedented. such is gauche and indeed tacky, but as you say, not unprecedented. delivering a campaign speech on the fourth? maybe need go back to nixon, though other Presidents have had brief 4th o' july photo ops which typical also drew criticism. oh, and as you is likely aware, take an opportunity to throw a few jabs at jfk is not gonna bother us none. am always baffled by jfk revisionist history. insofar as the umbrellas, am thinking they were taken up as a defense 'gainst pepper spray rather than acid rain. honest, am not recalling exact why umbrellas were the adopted symbol. regardless, is so difficult to guess if acid rain or pepper spray explanation would be more amusing to gifted. neither is exact on par with "crushed" by tank, but am genuine not sure where the humor in such imagery is, so is tough to predict future laughs. HA! Good Fun! ps am honest not recalling eisenhower or jfk doing 4th o' july military parades. you got a link, or were such inaugurations or other events? am s'posing we could google, but am lazy.
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