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  1. ruined a hollandaise, and not in the typical manner. when finished, the sauce looked creamy and perfect. unfortunate, we didn't realize we were outta our regular butter choice until we had already separated a couple egg yolks in preparation o' making our sauce. so we used "really good" butter a friend o' ours had gifted us. we did not taste the butter before using 'cause we were already poaching eggs at the time and, well... saltiest arse butter... evar. HA! Good Fun!
  2. 'course you weren't scarred. converse, not being able to endure the ordinary and everyday competition o' adult life mighta' scarred you. first team on your high school football team is the gifted program for football players. those players get more attention from coaches. more coaching and more opportunities to make plays means a better chance to get recruited by power conference d-1 programs, and the cycle only continues and becomes more savage. we mention 'cause we find amusing hurl actual used an nfl team as an example to support his position-- the worst player on the 49ers had to survive years o' the most bitter and unforgiving competition simple to make an nfl team. most real world jobs involve competition, although not to the degree a pro football player had to overcome. a minor ankle sprain limited your participation during spring practice o' your sophomore year at usc or alabama, and that were enough to prevent you from ever being a starter? didn't start in spite o' being all-everything in high school and chances you get drafted by the nfl is approaching zero? not fair? is real. am fine with hurl pov as he is teaching middle schoolers, but at some point we are not helping kids by sheltering 'em from real world brutal. yeah, as an educator hurl should be more concerned with actual educating kids in subject matter as 'posed to shattering their illusions, and is not much evidence the gifted programs produce smarter students. if you start with high achieving kids, is not exact a surprise those kids end up achieving at a greater rate, yes? the results o' gifted programs is dubious, but am also recognizing educators got blind spots, and they selective ignore how they themselves teach math classes. at some point in high school, kids who didn't achieve in math are taught separate from the kids who did. and guess what, the kids taking calculus in high school is more likely to attend college than are the students taking remedial maths. no doubt we waste a great deal o' human capital by stressing competition as 'posed to maximizing potential o' everybody. tragic. unfortunate, until hurl manages to alter society as a whole, he is stuck educating kids many o' whom is going to eventual join a workforce where the jobs which offer the best compensation also require competition which far exceeds whatever you experienced on your math team. HA! Good Fun!
  3. am thinking this is like the mit temperature change numbers-- am gonna have zero chance reaching gifted. nevertheless, since gifted don't care 'bout fundamental fraud issues, we will instead focus on his reduction o' the scheme to what he seems to see as a harmless bribe, sorta like ferris playing funsies at the chez louis the maître d' in the college entrance scheme took bribes totalling $25 million dollars for spots in elite universities which would no doubt be valued much more than $25 million. so make this instead a federal highway construction fraud case instead o' college entrance. mastermind behind the highway construction fraud gets in trouble 'cause over a decade he took $25 million dollars from contractors to guarantee those contractors would win bids for projects no doubt worth hundreds o' millions. is no finding the bribe biders failed to complete basic minimum contract requirements. (aside: this aspect is not actual equivalent 'cause numerous students in the scheme were not providing the university with the competitive athlete the university were expecting, but am trying to keep this as simple as possible for gifted.) so, no real crime for gifted? nothing more wrong than chez louis scam? is doubtful the bidders who woulda' otherwise won the contracts if not for the bribe scheme would agree with gifted, eh? and yeah, just as we noted 'bove, those bidders for government contracts would no doubt be bringing legal actions 'gainst the government for failure o' oversight in their contract award process, so there is gonna be substantial additional costs for the government/taxpayers. is not small or petty or harmless precise if for no other reason than than we are talking 'bout values o' many $$$. but again, the fraud thing don't bother gifted, so... HA! Good Fun! ps am avoiding double-post faux pas, so excuse non-sequitur nature o' the following: A brigade of beagles helps the US save billions at America's busiest airports gd may be conflicted 'bout the story. on the one had, the dogs is encroaching on his civil liberties. what's next, teach 'em to sniff gunpowder to take away his guns and ammo? on the other hand, gd is a softie for canines, and as much as gd hates the fed, the border and customs folks is using rescue dogs to man, so-to-speak, the beagle brigade.
  4. not sure if you going for irony. you do be recalling how it were gifted who wanted to go emoji + sarcasm in this thread 'stead o' serious. am also recalling how last few times gifted has seen some kinda tragic flaw in Gromnir response, it were typical following a comic gifted blunder. can add another such to tally if you wanna continue. 'course if the mod wants to engage in and even promote this kinda silliness, we will indulge for as long as he wishes to do so. tacit approval and all that. oh, and to answer earlier query, we didn't find any gifted posts condemning republicans for blocking obama efforts. after all, such a post from gifted woulda' been noteworthy, but we have no recollection o' such and cannot find. if gifted would like to show us how he ain't being transparent in his condemnation o' political gridlock, we would appreciate a linky or two. willing to wait. will we be waiting comic long time? as for housing costs and market forces, am admitted a beneficiary o' the current scheme, so am hardly unbiased. that said, we would hate to be a young person in 2018 attempting to buy our first home. as we noted during the recent prez election, our two biggest concerns for US was, and is, wealth disparity and national debt. 'cause o' generational wealth disparity, is exceeding difficult for a young person to purchase a home, particular if mom and pops do not own a home. family wealth is inextricably tied to home ownership in this country, which is why the housing bubble burst near a decade ago were so disastrous. the current scheme is skewed disproportionate in favor o' the haves vs. the have nots. as to market forces, such is borked 'cause the banking system is once again borked. market ain't responding reasonable 'cause loans is not being provided reasonable, just as were the case previous to the last housing bubble crisis. we seeming learned nothing from the great recession. our personal situation is unique and hardly useful for drawing general conclusions. sure, we came from modest means and no history o' property ownership, but we benefited from scholarships, and a whole lotta' luck, to get education and job opportunities not common to our peers. current situation benefits us great as we have diversified portfolio and enough cash so that if/when there is another housing crisis with tens o' thousands o' folks defaulting, the value o' our property will once again go into the crapper, providing an enormous loss which we may then carry forward for tax purposes almost indefinite while being able to simultaneous purchase foreclosed properties at dimes on the dollar. housing crisis which destroys retirement plans o' many tens o' thousands and ruins credit o' many younger folks actual benefits folks such as Gromnir. system is borked. HA! Good Fun!
  5. unauthorized border crossing is illegal. ain't criminal. if gifted builds an extension on his house w/o such improvements being to code, his actions is violations o' law. illegal. however, such actions by gifted ain't criminal. government decides a good way to deter folks from doing home improvements w/o proper inspections and/or in violation o' code is to separate families who engage in such behavior. show up to a younger gifted's wrong-built home and take his wife and child away... temporarily. "so sad"? such silliness is ok though, 'cause folks is convenient forgetting how building code violations is illegal. multiple administrations has faced border crossing problems, though rare has they been so self-inflicted. nevertheless, previous administrations managed to muddle through w/o a general policy o' child separation. regardless, regarding gifted's poor coyotes, if you can somehow convince enough like-minded folks to pressure their Congressmen into changing law, then perhaps you may get your wish regarding the end o' manifest unfairness being delivered unto coyotes. am suspecting a long wait. 'course most o' us realize how similar actions may provide different levels o' criminal punishment. take identical male twins as an example. twin 1 is releasing measurable amounts o' carcinogens and toxins into the air daily. twin 2 is doing same. twin 1 is a 2-pack-a-day smoker. twin 2 runs a large chemical refinery and he is knowing polluting in violation o' law. pretend there is no difference 'cause they is fundamental doing same thing is absurd, but here we is somehow. HA! Good Fun!
  6. we got one odd suit and it were gifted to us as a joke. a few o' our colleagues got tired o' our simple country lawyer schtick, so they bought us a seersucker suit. ... gotta admit, the seersucker is extreme comfortable. HA! Good Fun!
  7. am wondering if we can find a similar post from gifted from a few years ago when republicans were doing their bestest to hold up every Obama effort and appointment. hypocrisy aside, governmental gridlock as gifted describes is the single most important reason for continued protection o' fundamental American freedoms. is not Bill of Rights which protects freedoms. the soviet union had more freedoms guaranteed to citizens via controlling documents. on paper, China has more significant personal speech freedom protections than does the US. every sub-Saharan dictatorship has got the equivalent o' a Bill of Rights. an executive separate from legislature along with a genuine bicameral legislature (not like English house o' lords nonsense) and an independent judiciary, all designed to maximize gridlock arising from petty discord, is precise why gifted's freedoms is protected. an effective democracy is the single greatest threat to your freedoms as any bare majority may alter such 'cause o' momentary whim or even bare-naked malevolence. because o' gridlock, is much more difficult for legislature to respond immediate to mood o' the people, and as we is able to see, a chief executive is unlikely able to impose his will on a nation by fiat or decree thanks to gridlock. bill o rights is words-- is admirable words. nevertheless, in addition to the near universal American belief in the importance o' fundamental rights, the real protection o' your freedoms is precise the gridlock which gifted laments. if a slim majority in Congress backed by chief executive power and influence cannot convince the minority o' the wisdom o' _______, then such stuff should not become law. such gridlock is a founding principle and perhaps the greatest gift o' the Constitution. … thank God for mitch mcconnel. am not a fan o' the man, but thank God even so. mitch could very easily go along with trump demands to alter the filibuster rules. democrats started the "nuclear option" nonsense during Obama administration regarding all appointments save Supreme Court Justices, and republicans responded in kind with Gorsuch appointment. mitch has refused to budge on filibuster and other efforts which would diminish gridlock. thank God. am suspecting 100 years from now, when trump is not but a footnote, mitch may get proper respect for his efforts. maybe not. even so, as unpopular as protecting gridlock is, doing so is the most important means o' guaranteeing gifted freedoms today and in the decades yet to come. HA! Good Fun!
  8. yeah, the threats o' violence is indefensible. we noted earlier-- "the newish militia threat? now that deserves a horse whipping. if a minority group can't get honest input and consideration because the democratic process is rigged, am in favor o' creative means o' protest and resistance, but thin veiled threats o' violence is 'bout as blunt and uncreative as is possible to imagine. 'course those threats came after your post so am not giving you the benefit o' the doubt on those. nevertheless, we would agree that the minority senators should public condemn the militia threats in no uncertain terms." 'course you do realize stuff in quotes means you believe we said such, yes? find "working as intended," from Gromnir regarding oregon senators. will wait. ... *jeopardy music plays* ... no? we actual said equivalent o' opposite, so is easy to see how gifted would be confused. perhaps you did a trump air quotes reversal? in any event, situation is 180 from working as intended. worse, is stoopid and utter avoidable. no excuses. horse whipping frenzy? nope. situation is hardly unique and the senators playing hooky isn't alone as responsible parties deserving chastisement. thanks to excessive gerrymandering by both parties, we got states and districts which is so polarized it is now possible to levy a targeted tax which affects those who didn't vote for the majority. is so the opposite o' working as intended that politicians is resorting to extreme measures to resist. in a pure democracy, the minority gotta swallow whatever bitter pill the majority forces 'pon 'em. thankful the US ain't that kinda republic. use quorum rules to avoid tyranny o' majority? given current political climate, gifted shouldn't be shocked by this and is not historical new. oh, and seeing how gifted is equal frenzied when senators showup and pass legislation, is tough to work up any kinda sympathy for poor, frazzled gifted. "politics gonna politic," right? HA! Good Fun!
  9. am genuine not certain if gifted knows what is hyperbole, 'cause, y'know, is sad and not true. debate and negotiation = stall for a decade? *snort* for instance, veteran's choice, legislation for which trump curious takes credit at every opportunity, were championed by john mccain and bernie sanders. took less than a full year to go through legislative process and get president OBAMA's signature. 2013-2014. hyperbole don't make gifted's argument stronger. makes weaker and easier to dismiss. also, the trains didn't run on time for mussolini. is no political system which negates foundational problems o' human nature. history shows enough examples o' incompetence and graft with every system so as to undercut the notion o' there being an exception to possibility o' inefficiency. gifted clear suffers from backup qb syndrome. regardless o' strengths and weakness o' the guy on the bench, gifted thinks the backup looks keen 'cause he is annoyed by the incompetence o' the guy current running the offense. in spite o' the intuitive appeal o' other systems as a more efficient replacement for democracy, history has been at least as unkind to the other options. but serious, what is with you guys and the hyperbole? HA! Good Fun!
  10. initially we used our grandparents record player for the couple albums we were gifted, but then in 1980 we got an early 60s 8-track player and THREE tapes, one o' which were a k-tel release: the rock album. as for oingo boingo, they were frequent visitors o' santa barbara during the 80s and 90s. caught a few o' their county bowl shows. possible our favorite outdoor venue. danny elfman is now recognized as a film score composer linked frequent with tim burton, but is ez to forget what incredible vocal range and control he had as the front man for oingo boingo... f1-c6. not complete unfair to mention him along with freddie mercury. an "older" (edit: not that it matters, but "older" is the wrong word, or at least misleading. were one o' the last songs elfman wrote before oingo boingo were final disbanding and is more like their 1978 stuff than most o' their later releases) oingo boingo tune channeling early performance art influences. by this point elfman no longer had the range he did when a bit younger, but still impressive. HA! Good Fun!
  11. is so difficult to decipher gifted posts 'cause he so rare knows what he is spouting off 'bout when he goes on one o' his anger benders. affirmative action? how on earth would affirmative action relate to school fees? either he is using the wrong term, or... regardless, many states ask for parents to pay mandatory fees for s'posed free education. is a growing trend as schools is increasing making laptops/chromebooks part o' ordinary student supplies and as so many angry and childless homeowners grumbled 'bout school taxes being levied on their property yearly. have seen high school student fees running +$700 per year in a few states, and such were a few years past. much o' the optional fees isn't particular optional for the ordinary student. bus pass fee. lab fees. activity and field-trip fees. etc. charge for such minutiae as locker maintenance is understandable eye-roll worthy. gonna dismiss gifted affirmative action comments as simple ignorance, however, there is a considerable number o' states which has chosen to avoid more generalized tax schemes in favor o' more targeted taxes. 'course there is always income-based waivers available. legal there needs be such waivers. 'cause gifted is unaware, ca Constitution specific makes education free. any essential school activity cannot result in a fee charge in ca. however, every year more than a few ca school districts attempt circumvent law. in spite o' the state Constitution clearness, an additional law were passed 'cause far too many school districts were attempting to squeeze fees from folks. https://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cp/uc/ab1575letter20121116.asp college is a different matter. even so, 1-2 years o' community college is now free in ca albeit with somewhat limiting provisos. keep in mind ca community colleges were already 'mongst the cheapest community college systems in the nation with full-time tuition running less than $1500 per year if the per unit cost were applied to a standard 15 unit per semester student schedule. make 2 years o' tuition functional free will help but is hardly the reason so many people fail to complete their college career nowadays. @Agiel americans voluntarily adopting mechanisms o' a police state. a brave new world indeed. the part o' fahrenheit 451 most folks forget or gloss over is how bradbury's dystopian nightmare were the alchemy o' burgeoning technology and a populist movement. is not a book 'bout government censorship. weren't some institutional monolith taking away liberties. were americans voluntarily surrendering freedom. desire to not be offended and feel more secure led to a police state. am gonna blame on hurl. teachers clear ain't teaching the important stuff if this kinda thing is resulting in indifference and even applause. HA! Good Fun! ps am not genuine blaming hurl, but am nevertheless disappointed that so many has read 1984, brave new world and fahrenheit 451 in schools and clear not learned.
  12. to be fair, there is Constitutional limitations regarding what books can be exorcised from school reading lists. is quite ambiguous what such limits is, but most attempts to ban individual books fail in the courts 'cause reasons for doing so is too transparent content-based prohibitions. typical cannot remove books from shelves simply 'cause the state doesn't like the message. one o' the justifications by the courts for defending school/library books from banning is the educational value o' books. even so, the statues and memorials is viewed different than books, for what we would think would be obvious reasons. huckleberry finn may offend or trigger or whatever is the in vogue language o' the day, but while people may be offended by concepts in the book, twain's book gotta be read extreme narrow to be seen as advocating racism. have somebody at hurlshot's school actual teach advocacy o' racism using huckleberry finn would last 'bout 10 seconds, no? confederate flags (which again, only gained usage during and after the civil war) and statues of folks who is inextricable linked with the perpetuation o' slavery is gonna understandable annoy many. is the statue o' jefferson davis having an educational purpose? is the jefferson davis statute in fact being used to educate people 'bout the inadequacy o' a decentralized government in times o' crisis? is no doubt why you got a grand old statue to show how bad were the situation jefferson davis were facing. make an enormous statue o' a drinking fountain with the label "colored" 'pon it. do it up in bronze or marble. maybe have some famous southern politician standing next to the fountain... or not. set it down in the center o' charleston south carolina. private property? not much the government can do. thank goodness. but public property? tell us it represents decades o' southern traditions. tell us the folks o' charleston shouldn't be able to ask for the removal o' the statue to a museum rather than a park. even if gifted thinks the statue has educational value, you still thinks folks in charleston should have no say in removal? and yes, statues enjoy same protections as paintings. gifted's painting or Gromnir's painting enjoys protection. state wanna tell gifted he cant have a statue o' a gold drone displayed in his gallery or home? such ain't gonna work. converse, some city hall yutz gives gifted permission to display his statue in the richard j. daley and it not mean we is stuck having to endure gifted's statue in perpetuity. HA! Good Fun!
  13. and here we thought this all started with gifted whining 'bout a few senators in oregon. lord knows Gromnir ain't whining 'bout three countries. we has suggested there is less reason to be concerned or impressed by three countries with which gifted seems preoccupied... which is kinda the opposite o' what you suggest. but heck, am a people person and am gonna keep trying to help gifted reach daylight. you hang in there and we will eventual make it. HA! Good Fun!
  14. Ive reached the point in my life where the government jacking something up "only a little bit" is a win for me. more absurdism? "pluto is no longer a planet," didn't exactly require deconstruction o' the entire educational system. sheesh. go back far enough and gifted pov has the next generation puzzled by invention o' the wheel and terrified by the implications o' fire generated and maintained by man. and as for government jacking stuff up, well, am guessing we mistaken took gifted statements at face value. if sins o' the forefathers is trivial in his estimation, then millions o' dollars per year spent so southerns may feel better 'bout sins o' their forefathers should be aggravating, yes? is admitted tough to decipher gifted complaints on this stuff. consistency is elusive. if there is a rosetta stone, we would be appreciative. HA! Good Fun!
  15. from the linked article, right at start, "One gray October morning, about 650 local school children on a field trip to Beauvoir, as the home is called, poured out of buses in the parking lot. " the lost cause is what more than a few kids in the south is being taught as part o' their school lessons. ain't much to be done 'bout past generations, but have current taxpayer money support and promote lost cause narrative is actual a bit o' a surprise to Gromnir. were our understanding, much as you explain, the slavery issue were being glossed over or ignored, but at these parks and historical sites, we got scenes such as the following: “I want to tell them the honest truth, that slavery was good and bad.” While there were some “hateful slave owners,” she said, “it was good for the people that didn’t know how to take care of themselves, and they needed a job, and you had good slave owners like Jefferson Davis, who took care of his slaves and treated them like family. He loved them.” am admitting we would be utter dumbfounded to hear such stated out and open and proud to a bunch o' school kids in 2019, but that seems to be the reality. $4 million a year to keep monuments to dead confederates free o' trash and spray paint tags is not exact the bargain gifted seems to think. hell, if such is the case, Gromnir shoulda' changed professions. coulda' retired much earlier. as we noted, if gifted reads the article, he will see many instances o' new construction being described. nevertheless, is interesting to see what gifted took from the article. HA! Good Fun!
  16. am knowing is a meme, but the rule is not to invade russia in winter. the japanese did ok for themselves in the early 1900s with a war started in winter... the japanese declared war during first half o' february 1904. (edit: originally wrote "1905" but it looked wrong so we checked and sure enough we were mistaken 'bout the year. sheet.) the lasting national embarrassment from that war is one reason the soviets were so hot and bothered to invade hokkaido at the end o' ww2. HA! Good Fun! ps am knowing bill cosby is verboten nowadays, but we were reminded o' an old cosby bit pps the first record we were ever gifted were crime of the century by supertramp. second were bill cosby is a very funny fellow...right! our grandfather thought the cosby coin toss were the funniest thing evar.
  17. good idea. recent past doesn't bode well for you. even the thread creator were confused by gifted's tangled and twisted reading. regardless, am thinking folks would be shocked if oldie pamphlets and texts supporting eugenics and the inherent mental instability o' women, which were sadly common educational materials in some places as recent as 50 years ago, were nevertheless taught in schools today. as a people, we grow... we learn. would never occur to us that a book revered in schools during a darker time would need be a continued part o' curriculum today. destroy books is constitutional, but is considered repugnant by most americans. as such we take those curiously misguided books and put 'em back on the shelf, but am doubting even gifted would suggest those largely rejected works need be public venerated with a place o' honor. tennessee legislature wants to force into perpetuity a place o' honor for folks such as the first grand wizard o' the kkk? shame on them. if memphis found a perfectly legal way to circumvent such a stoopid law, then we applaud 'em as 'posed to vilifying. the folks in the wrong here, though they is clear too myopic to realize, is gifted and the tennessee legislature. no surprise on either account. HA! Good Fun!
  18. disagree. am not gonna belabor why we believe gifted's complaints were unreasonable and frequent irrational 'cause it don't matter. say what you will, am not denying the complaints were nevertheless genuine. deadfire is refined version o' poe. am suspecting such makes deadfire less appealing. we make hot sauce and while person don't come out and say specific the sauce were too hot they make kinda obvious such were the root problem. tell us they need a big glass o' milk to make palatable and that the sauce were "too spicy." don't wanna say "too hot" for some reason. machismo? whatever. our refinement is to move from cayenne-based hot sauce to naga viper peppers. deadfire is a better game than poe... is better for Gromnir. deadfire combat is more intuitive and rational than d&d 2e or 3e. classes and spells is more balanced and low level abilities have usefulness from beginning of game to end. deadfire avoided such d&d legacy demons as insta-kills, pre-buffing and vancian casting. etc. however, am recognizing better for Gromnir is not objective better. poor articulation o' root problems with poe does not make those problems disappear. if gifted can get a free copy or or play on a friend's pc, then sure, he might as well give deadfire an honest few hours and see if enough stuff has changed to make palatable, but we would not recommend him spending money to play what is a refinement o' stuff he didn't like in the poe beta. throwing away good money after bad. HA! Good Fun!
  19. we stated you were indifferent to murder of a reporter anywho... then again, we have once more entered bizarro world where gifted thinks failure o' any state investigations to uncover evidence o' widespread voter fraud as well as failure by trump's own transparently political motivated commission on voter fraud to turn up any evidence o' such after more than a year o' looking, is somehow supporting his contention that "anybody that can hop a fence can vote here." @Agiel if you told us a couple weeks ago that trump would make public threats regarding the whistleblower, we would agree such were possible, but we wouldn't have seen as likely... 'cause we mistaken keep thinking in terms o' reason. it wouldn't be in trump's self interest to public threaten, so... am admitting to being obtuse regarding just how unreasonable trump can be. HA! Good Fun! ps real reason for bother to respond to gifted were opportunity to post an otter gif.
  20. if gifted doesn't agree with something, then by definition it isn't worth considering. can take such a rule o' general applicability to ridiculous extremes. for example, the murder o' a reporter is insignificant because the victim is a reporter. chase the rabbit down into the darkness if you wish, but know what you are getting into before you start. HA! Good Fun! @Hurlshot republican blocked federal commissioner from publishing memo about foreign interference, so she tweeted it instead you are just a victim of the fake news media. everybody knows that the democratic party busses in tens of thousands of illegal border hoppers to win elections in... new hampshire? however, while gifted comment is conspiracy worthy at best (shocking) it is true that simple crossing the border and taking up residence in a state does impact census counts, which alters stuff as fundamental as # of seats in the House of Representatives. is reason trump were pushing to get the census citizenship question added. aside, ellen weintraub is making a push to join our wall o' heroes. got space available 'tween barbara jordan and aaron burr.
  21. am knowing a response to gifted will result in absurdity, insult and at least one mind boggling read comprehension and/or math fail. we can't claim victory when am encouraging the inevitable fails. 'OK' is now a hate symbol, the ADL says our feeble attempt to keep thread on-topic, given how gifted don't wanna add anything to the term limit issue he raised. ironic? go figure. HA! Good Fun!
  22. am o' the opinion that tell somebody they is privileged is self defeating. call somebody racist or privileged immediate makes the situation adversarial. am a minority and we grew up poor by any standard, even by standards in the poor nations o' the middle east. nevertheless, the people who raised us made sure we knew we were loved and they stressed the value o' learning if not formal education. we also were a gifted athlete who were offered full-ride scholarships in multiple sports. oh, and we had a pony when we were a kid. compared to more than a few poor white trash kids who grew up with an alcoholic/addicted parent and took regular beatings or suffered debilitating indifference during their formative years, am having a hard time complaining 'bout their privilege. after gifting half our accumulated wealth to charities the remainder is nevertheless substantial and we retired comfortably at fifty. so is our fortune earned but the white person who grew up in the burbs and is maybe able to send both of her kids to college and possibly retire before she is too old to enjoy twilight years needing to ask forgiveness from minorities everywhere? US institutions since the inception o' the nation has been active promoting racist policies which disadvantage minorities. true statement. now what? tell somebody their opinion is less worthy and their accomplishments is tainted 'cause they is white and refuse to admit their privilege bothers us on a fundamental level in addition to the fact am realizing such condemnations and recriminations is self defeating. 'ccording to most any poll we has seen, the overwhelming majority o' americans, even republicans, believe there is endemic racism in this country, but almost nobody is believing they personal is racist. perhaps such a recognition is evidence o' a disconnect but it should also been seen as an opportunity. is a whole lotta not minorities in this country and they largely believe that minorities is treated unfair-- is not like the 1920s or 50s. is objective better. tell those not minorities, many o' whom has been suffering decades o' financial hardship that they is lucky to be so privileged and you is transforming potential allies into enemies. what a waste. and am gonna note the comments made in the article 'bout the community in colorado is less the kinda stuff rich people says so much as the kinda thing douchey people would believe. me and mine attitude is less 'bout wealth than is 'bout being an a-hole. during a pandemic a community particular hard hit by a disease which has killed hundreds o' thousands o' americans took efforts to slow spread o' covid-19. mass quarantines woulda' been impractical solution, so at least prevent the non-resident population from accelerating the spread were seen as a reasonable option. the fact some people cannot look past their own selfish interests is not so much a wealth problem as is recognition some people is gonna be selfish regardless o' the circumstances. HA! Good Fun!
  23. gotta be careful as am knowing how delicate is gifted. regardless, tank guy were one o' the more iconic photos/images o' the second half o' the 20th century. am genuine surprised gifted didn't recognize what were happening in the photo. important thing is you learned something. congrats. HA! Good Fun!
  24. tax rate is based on income earned. the more you make, the higher the rate o' taxation. is not complex. seven brackets. on first ~$19500 (maybe a scooch more... am not positive) buffet earns, he pays 10%. at other end, on amounts over $600,001, he pays 37%. buffet pays self $1. outside capital gains considerations, this puts him in the lowest tax bracket. stuff you own is not income. can have a dozen houses and a "company" jet and all kinda other stuff which is not gonna affect tax bracket. you don't pay taxes on own or worth. pay taxes on earned. and as for gifted twisting, we would typical guess he were shooting for ironic with observations o' combativeness and working self into a frenzy. not the case, eh? nevertheless, at least try to keep on-topic. don't want the embarrassment o' you getting another mod warning. back on-topic, am offering clarification-- our observation that misplaced admiration and concerns 'bout china do, japanese efficiency and russian moribund economic model is opposite o' gifted whine 'bout a handful o' state senators playing hookie so as to prevent a vote they know they cannot win. is our observation o' "meh" v. "Every one of those senators should be immediately stripped of their duties and permanently barred from holding office again." which is the whine? personal, we cannot work self up into that kinda frenzy o'er a few state senators or the myth o' japanese efficiency, but knock yourself out. just be careful not to go all sideways (again) and get the thread unnecessary mod attention. messy. HA! Good Fun! ps in case sharp saw too quick before edit, we posted numbers for single taxpayers as 'posed to married. corrected.
  25. like most executives, buffet pays himself next to nothing in income. capital gains is where government makes money from buffet in the form o' taxes. have the secretary earn $1 for 2019 might not be the solution sharp thinks it is. ps @gifted the russian economy has been sunk for years, which is why any fluctuation in oil prices causes such distress. one o' your fellow posters helpful submitted a bloomberg chart a few years ago which showed worst performing currencies, with russia the absolute worst for year _______. worse than sub saharan african nations with triple digit inflation fighting wars. in the chart, norway were used as a comparison for russia. both russia and norway is highly dependent on oil exports, but norway currency were nowhere near as devastated by oil surplus. russian collapses happen, but they ain't a manufacturer or service provider-- they export petroleum. their economy can "recover" as long as they got oil, but that isn't a strength. in spite o' fact that russia suffered two oil-related upheavals in one decade, resulting in double digit % increase o' russians living in poverty, russia has made almost no changes to economy and infrastructure. regardless, gifted is clear impressed with the shiny. likes busy and inefficient japanese... sees results where japanese themselves lament lack o' results. likes chinese do, resulting in per capita gdp behind kazakhstan and on par with mexico to go along with suppression o' dissent and religious minorities and ignoring o' aids problems and... HA! Good Fun!
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