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Everything posted by Aewulf

  1. I actually thought Kreia was Revan for quite some time.
  2. Yep force doesn't recahrge in the tomb (although I think it returns if you level up). I noticed this after employing force storm as a light side jedi. I felt rather dense afterwards.
  3. I had similar stats as a dark side sentinel and found vrook to be rather difficult. If he had employed masterspeed, I would have been toast. I just fried him from a distance and then pumped on stims and went for the full monty.
  4. Don't forget that Mira is the best-ranged fighter in the game if you take additional levels in scout. I took her to level 18 scout and then switched to Jedi. She performed rather well in all scenarios with upgraded blasters and rapid shot.
  5. Two adjustments could easily be made to the game to increase the difficulty. Add one or two difficulty levels which increase opponents hit points, damgage, etc. Program enemy Jedi to initially cast force resistance or force immunity. I was employing stasis field on groups of jedi at the end (and that just shouldn't be possible except againt apprentice jedi).
  6. Reply to post from the first page. Throne of Bhaal was an expansion and not a sequel to Baldur's Gate II. And it was a very good expansion.
  7. I think she is buffed for the final encounter. I gave here absolutely no combat feats and and plane lightsaber and she still did damage to me in the final encounter. Her force powers glided off me, so she had to be a different configuration than my build of Kreia.
  8. Ok REALLY DENSE question here. When do you fight Vrook? I gather some people playing light side have encountered him in combat, but I just wacthed him drained by Keira. Should I resist the Council's verdict for this fight?
  9. Some people (including myself) got around this by disabling movies (go to the configure command on the initial launch screeen). This might be a driver issue if you have an ATI card. You can can by w/o the movies until the very very end where everything seems at tad rushed.
  10. I agree that I felt the game to be easy on hard. I can't speak to the Wookie scenario since I only played the light side (and that very encounter for Meira as difficult if you didn't do some running around). In so far as the droid fight is concerned, did you maintain constant shields (I had a renewalbe droid shield as that point [obtainable on Nar Shadaa] and use ion grenades. In fact, I took M3 T4 on Goto's yacht and found him pretty durable with shields.
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