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Jack Rackham

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Everything posted by Jack Rackham

  1. I agree that combat droids arent powerful enough compared to other classes. I'm going to have to look at the BAB table some more. So let me interpret a little. Consulars, jedimasters shouldn't even have weapon focus feats available (except maybe lightsaber) Sith lords can get melee weapon focus Jedi Master gets master sense and whats a Sith Master?
  2. That can be done by editing the feat.2da file To be honest the only time my pc goes unarmed is only when I have to (sparring with rules)
  3. Yea I think I'm going to ask over in holwan labs about this. Its just you see so many posters here with opinions on how the game is too easy or the classes aren't different enough etc...
  4. Being inspired by Aurora's Balancing & Tweaky Mods I started adjusting the 2da files. I would like to ask exactly what you would do? Some things I've managed to change and get working note: this is with Aurora's BAB changes (the crazy balance) and save tables - none of the class start with all of the begining special attacks (flurry etc..), Just two feats to select what you want - Guardians get 2 feats per 3 levels (an increase) but only 1 force power per 2 level - a level cap (currently 25) - Changed who turns into what class (who in the right mind would do a soldier build with a consular if the had a choice?) Things I'm thinking about trying are - eliminating the crafting of higher level upgrades - upping the force casting cost or something to that effect I'm looking for more sugestions on what to try. Btw I'm using Kotor Tool
  5. the \StreamVoice\AVO\ directory seems to be the alien language sounds. There seems to be several that have _sith begining and I don't rember hearing these noises in the game. Edit :nevermind, these are the sith holocrons. but there seems to be alot of sounds for them.
  6. I've gotten the Goto hologram stuck there. This was after he showed it to me on the Ebon Hawk.
  7. An ending that would have made a little more sense (modifying the wtf ending thats in there now) would be to some how present the that exile must go to malacor alone (driods only). Then just cut the useless mira hanharr fight. That would fall more inline with what they have left use rather than the leftovers they never bothered to clean up.
  8. The VERY few consistant loot locations. The only one I can think off hand thats any good is practically at the end of the game.
  9. If it involves killing the gungans i'll sign it. O and to stay on topic I would rather have a new PC.
  10. I think one of the cut lines from master vashe(sp) says if one of the pair falls to the darkside the bond is cut.
  11. Sounds like a bug but of curiosity could you give some more details on what happens. Does she not get back up? Is the door to the cargo hold locked shut? Are you stuck in combat mode?
  12. Doesn't happen very often but yes. You can look at the message logs under the journal screen to see what you missed.
  13. Ding, We have a winner here. BTW the thread starter has an ATI card. Had the same problem. The quick fix is taking the opengl file from the 4.2 drivers (atiglxx.dll i think this is the name) and place it in the KOTOR2 directory. Do a search in the tech support forum for the name fo the file.
  14. From the dialog I've seen here is what I think happend. Revan and Kriea have a history which I will leave out of this. Revan's memories begin to return he/she remembers something terrible that is just beyond the galaxy. Revan knows that a war is coming and departs for unknown regions in an attempt to do something about it. Before Revan leaves he/she tell everyone that he/she must go alone (listen to various dailog about how Revan turned jedi for the reason). Somewhere around this time Carth or Bastilla (depends on Revan's alignment / sex) leaves a message with T3 saying if Revan ever needs help to return to republic space. Here is where some speculation comes in. I believe T3 knows of Kriea and seeks her out in the Ebon Hawk. The exile being a former jedi that isn't really in hiding (like the jedi masters) is tracked down by Kriea and T3. About the Star Forge. It was either destroyed (light side ending KOTOR), or there is no one powerful enough that knows about (besides Revan) it to operate it without dieing.
  15. Unlike most the dialog that got cut (see the Cut Ending Thread) these are explained in game but require you to put some information from different characters together. If you have high influence with T3 and high repair/computer skill talk to him on the hawk . T3 will eventually display message from one the npcs from the first game explainnig some of this. Not really explained directly, she explains a little of what happened before she boards the Harbinger after you leave Peragus. The rest of the dialog is about before she aquires the Ebon Hawk (her history). Again this is opened with higher influence with Kriea. Not much there from what I know of, T3 doens't want anyone to know where the Hawk has been. I diddn't exlpain further because it would just be my own interpretation of the dialog. But I'll be happy to explain more if you want.
  16. I thought they fixed that in TSL.
  17. influence guide I have turned all four in one game but I wasn't able to get DS mastery doing it. Atton is easy to influence regardless of allignment, in fact I think hard to lose influence with him period. Most of Handmaiden can be done in conversation / sparring (tip: don't level her up before sparring with her) To get Mira you need to be neutral or lightside when her and Hanharr have their deathmatch. The only non conversation influence gain can be done on Dxun/Onderon. Getting influence with Bao Dur requires getting some LS points so its better to get them out of the way before getting Mira. Leave Mira and Bao Dur on the Ebon Hawk untill you can get events to gain influence. When they're not with you get all the DS points you can get.
  18. Talk to her after you gain a level or two and no I don't think your experiencing that bug.
  19. You need to do enough side quests so the exchange will contact you.
  20. Not that I'm aware of. I have found that you will tend get the same items several times in one play through. Like getting just short sabers in one game or getting doubles in another.
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