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Everything posted by Bendu

  1. https://twitter.com/#!/Fallout
  2. I already preorderd my copy at Amazon three months ago... for 36,91 €.
  3. According to Steams refund policy, you have a problem.
  4. Sure, AC1 gameplay could be better. But still, the story was interesting, dialogue was very good and the protagonist had something like a character progression, one thing, which is very rare in games.
  5. Damn. Still no nice Bioshock 2 offer. Don't wonna pay 30
  6. Finished TFUII. Now replaying it on Unleashed difficulty (and already visited Dagobah). Although the story is really terrible, I enjoy the game. Great visuals, but the game is ****ing short. Also playing the multiplayer of AC:Brotherhood.
  7. Alpha Protocol for 7,50
  8. I wonder, if this DLC will include a title card for the ending.
  9. Report: Elder Scrolls V is
  10. Age of Empires III: Complete Edition for 10 Cent on Games for Windows Live.
  11. http://bethblog.com/index.php/2010/11/18/newsletter-night/
  12. A interesting note from the Fallout wiki:
  13. Eric Fenstermaker, IIRC.
  14. Hmm... Is the Sierra Madre Casino set in Sierra Madre?
  15. So Dead Money is a reference to poker and the plot is inspired by The Treasure of the Sierra Madre?
  16. As for the DLC. I was hoping for something more interesting.
  17. Two Worlds 2 - Eurogamer.de 9/10 - PC Games 88 % - GamersGlobal.de 8.5/10 - 40 Minutes Gameplay Video
  18. Fallout: New Vegas ships 5 million worldwide
  19. http://twitter.com/#!/FINALLEVEL/status/28896055927 Fallouts true target market.
  20. DA2 will get a Cerberus System + larger DLC
  21. If you believe those numbers, FNV sold 1.4 million units in the first week.
  22. Who chose 'Jonny Guitar'? It's my favorite song of FNV.
  23. Really, I don't know what to do next. I completed the quest in Boulders City. Should I go to Vegas and pass McCarren Camp? How can I trigger Boones sidequest? Actually, I would like to take Veronica with me to Vegas, but not before I complete Boones Quest.
  24. So no FNV DLC by Obsidian?
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