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About Buck

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    The Pub Down The Road
  • Interests
    Drinkin, Rugby an CRPGs
  1. no they shouldnt im an AUSSIE myself an i cant believe the government is doin this
  2. i enjoyed it an thought the game was tops
  3. i look like a wookie but id be a dark jedi
  4. id love another IE game set in sigil
  5. vote no, its an FPS id prefer better story an gameplay over graphics i love the graphics of the infinity engine that powered BG,BG2 an others Fallout 1 an 2 have top graphics its simple an it works
  6. i get a sound when i get LS or DS points an i dont even have the music on
  7. KOTOR2 was a worthy sequel well done to obsidian on their first game i reckon its tops an i know im gonna love playin it through many times
  8. just got back from my local EB in Penrith (Australia) installin as i type
  9. i have it weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  10. my local EB says the 11th, tomorrow ill be ringin em up as soon as i get up to see if its in
  11. you an me both my local EB better have it tomorrow or theyll be hell to pay
  12. my local EB says tomorrow the 11th
  13. to the AUSSIES with EBs near them, mine has confirmed that itll be out tomorrow the 11th
  14. race to the store come back, install it on my pc an read the manual while its installin an then play till my arms an legs fall off
  15. vote CRPGs from Fallout 1 upwards
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