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Everything posted by Sbri

  1. I found the most effective strategy for me was to do as much damage as I could manage, until I was down to about 1/4 of my hit points. I would then run behind one of the pillars. She usually wouldn't follow. I could then heal myself, re-up my stims or sheilds or whatever I was using, and resume my attack. I only had to heal up twice, playingas a sentinal/master. For the sabers that she calls, I found that again, running behind the pillars works great. The trick here is to get the sabers to follow you part way, so that they are also in that outer ring, then re-enter the ring and attack Kreia. At this point she is practically defenceless. Once you take her down a second time, the sabers disappear.
  2. If you could post where you are on Nar Shaddaa, we could provide more specific guidence. The yacht is not a place you go...per se...you get there automatically, once you have completed enough of the quests on that world. So again, where are you?
  3. My husband is planning for a few evenings by himself, as I will be fully engaged in game play from the moment that amazon.com drops it on my doorstep. Each of us is like that when we get a new game. We zone on the computer, and the other spouse is responsible for cooking and entertaing themselves for a few days. We also tend to kick each other to come up for air and things like food. He's already sighing about how much he's going to miss me....
  4. Lucas Arts doesn't always anounce when a game has gone gold. I'm sure they did for the X-Box to allow for the excitment to build, as they did not have a large publicity campain. They know that the PC crowd is frothing at the mouth, and so are less worried about the publicity.
  5. With all due respect...............USE SPOILER TAGS IN YOUR SUBJECT LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:
  6. Why? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't listen, Plooby. I have enjoyed your posts. You have helped me laugh and enjoy my own crushes on Valen and Carth...so don't sweat the people who think you're odd.
  7. Actually, they have an entire department of people (last I heard, which was about four years ago now...but still) the Licensing Department, whose entire job is to be bastions of Star Wars knowledge. Their job is to keep things as consistant as possible. Whenever there was a question about the universe, you called them. And these were questions as ranging from "how many star destroyers were at the battle of endor?" to "is the last symbol in the designation of a driod a numer or a letter?". There are interviews with authors who talk about manuscrpit reviews with the department. Sure they miss stuff, but they do in fact exist.
  8. This is really odd. If you go to the Gamespot page for the game - http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/kotor2/index.html?q=kotor -they list the release date as Feb. 5. Will somebody over there (gamespot) get their info strait!!! Please!!!
  9. "That makes me wonder. I know, from the timeline of jedi civil war, it was 5 years to kotor. But to be honest, does anyone have confrimation how long the Mandalorian Wars were?" Well, if we base our timeline off the Chronicles, the Mandalorean War (#IX) is said to have started in 3,963 BBY. The next Chronicle (X) states its timeframe as 3,961 - 3,956. Now at the begining of X, the mandalorians are in retreat, so we might assume that the war lasted from 3963-3961, aka. 2 years. If we assume that skirmishes lasted the whole of that time (which I don't), then the war lastes 7 years. I definatly lean towards the two year mark.
  10. I lurk around the spoiler forums. I try to avoid story spoilers, but will read every strategy spoiler I can find. I like to have a clue as to how influence works and what the prestige class pluses and minuses are. It's hard to avoid the story spoilers, but I've managed...so far...
  11. Amen to that! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll definately add a third vote to that... sigh. It was so nice have a guy who took time to warm up to you, by all rights should have hated your guts, but loved you anyway. And he's cute too.
  12. Appearance is also not necessarily a good indicator of age. I have two friends who are the same age (they are both 34). One looks to be in his mid-fourties and the other appears to be in his late twenties. Age can also be indicated by action and demeanor. I'm 25 and look it. I am often mistaken for being almost 30 as I act that age. When you combine the two, you can often get a good indicator of age. Now that being said....I think that the faces I've seen could be anywhere from a mature early twenties to a youthful late thirties. Age is subjective. That's the fun of a RPG. You can be what you want to be (and interprite others to some degree, as you want) to make the story your own.
  13. As to the "too much stuff" agruement, they could alway institute the NWN solution. Have your ability to carry inventory limited by your strength. I know that in that game I am skipping low level items entirly, as I don't want to be loaded down and not have room for items that I want. BTW - I hate this plan. I enjoy carrying everything and anything I want. It's simply a suggestion to remedy a particular complaint. If anyone has a better one, I'm all ears.
  14. At the same time I think that some randomness is in order. I've played through KOTOR I more often then I would care to admit, and can tell you exactly what will be coming out of most of the containers and off a fair number of the bodies. While this makes planning my inventory easier, variety does equal better re-playability. Perhaps a middle ground should be reached...say certain types of enemies drop certain equipment, while other are completely random? And container inventory would also be, for the most part, randomly generated?
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