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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. True that but I liked the fact that it was so non-linear. Not very common for its time.
  2. thanks for the suggestions. Of course, there is also the Elder Scroll series. It looks like Oblivion is going to be pretty good. But I don't know if ES games count since they have no real end. (They are in their own category, I guess) What about the Myst series? Also, what about the new remake of Pirates? I really enjoyed the old Pirates.
  3. Absolutely agree....after KOTOR III, let's take a break from the uber Force users and have story-driven RPGs for the bounty hunters, mercenaries and such out there. Absolutely right.
  4. OK, my role-playing days of the past are primarily of the pen-and-paper variety. For various reasons, I find it hard to find decent RL gaming so I have switched to cRPGs. I've always been cautious, though, because I generally do not want hack-and-slashers with a fake story wrapped around them. I got involved in the KOTOR games not because I like Star Wars (I do, but that is not the reason) but because they were true, dialogue-heavy, story-driven cRPGs. I can do either Xbox or PC platform, makes no difference. I would like any feedback you may have regarding really good, immersive, story-driven cRPGs. I suspect that Fallout and Planescape Torment would be on that list based on what I have read in these forums but any feedback would be appreciated.
  5. the Exile probably is more powerful at least until but after that, I would say it is Revan again.
  6. Agreed. We like Revan because: 1) he has a cool name. 2) he has a cool mask. 3) he hangs out with Bastila! 4) he is one of the greatest Force users ever. 5) he is one of the greatest military strategists ever. 6) he is great with lightsaber. and, of course: 7) we ARE Revan!
  7. I personally would not mind being Revan again. I would not even mind starting off at 15th level or so. However, I just think it would be really hard to do, especially since we are using a system that puts so much emphasis on leveling. Remember the NPCs on your ship. If Revan is 15th level, do they start at 14th? All kinds of logistical problems with it. There is also the story problem with it. We already had a PC that lost his connection to the Force (the Exile). If they do decide to delevel someone, I think it would make the most sense (continuity-wise) to delevel the Exile. Then Revan could make an appearance and even participate as a commander in a multi-threaded endgame. The problem with Revan as an NPC is not just alignment but gender and even appearance and the sound of his voice. But they could come up with some creative way to ask for that information (at an intelligence lab midgame, for instance). Just a thought.
  8. Oh, I would agree with that. You're right, rebuilding the Order is big enough in scope for an entire game or even a trilogy.
  9. True, the PC should be able to be non-human as well, IMO. The reason they could not do this in the past is that your PC had a "hidden past". The hidden past thing helps the story to be easily adaptable to both LS or DS. Hopefully, they will totally open up the protagonist's identity and allow you to choose non-human PCs this time.
  10. I actually would prefer to see a Vandar force ghost over a Kreia force ghost because I would trust him alot more. As far as having enough masters around to have a council, that would really not be as much of a logistical problem as you might think. You could have: also, the two Twilek masters from KOTOR I (even if they were believed to have died, yes) and anyone else who may still be in hiding. The reason you will probably not see a Jedi council at the beginning of KOTOR III has nothing to do with available candidates...it has to do with the story. Rebuilding the Jedi Order would be a good subplot for the PC in the next game.
  11. However, the KOTOR games have literally turned everything upside down. No, not for the guy who has every comic and EU novel ever published but for the majority...the peasants with pitchforks. Revan has given them purpose and confidence :D . I think there will be tremendous pressure to have someone write a comic or novel series on Revan. Maybe not right now, but I suspect it will happen. After all, why wouldn't you want to right about the guy who invented the Darth title :D ? Basically, I don't think LA had any idea that people would become so attached to this character but now the genie is out of the bottle, you might say and they keep attaching more and more significance to the character.
  12. right, by making the antagonist an alien threat, they are once again able to put two 40 hour games into one shrinkwrap. I'm with you, though, ideally, LS and DS choices lead to real changes in what the objective is even about.
  13. I'll be honest with you, I stayed away from consoles for the longest time myself. I don't really care much for platformers and FPSs and dumbed-down RPGs. However, the situation is improving with games like KOTOR and Jade Empire (coming soon) and LOTRs Third Age and so, because of this, I am willing to indulge in the other advantages that consoles have.
  14. why not? don't like playing KOTOR on a 30 inch screen? don't like a device that doubles as a DVD player?
  15. I think LA essentially told them "you can do anything you want as long as you end up where you started". That's exactly what they did. Very enjoyable game IMO but nothing is resolved.
  16. I think I can agree with you somewhat here. We have someone who is seen both as the GREAT DECEIVER and as MOSES at the same time! All in all, a well-written character but there should have been someone more trustworthy to prophesy like that at the end.
  17. I think the main subplot in KOTOR 2 was the whole ...that was fine but it was hard to determine the significance of it. Not nearly as fun as Calo Nord chasing you.
  18. I am no expert on the EU. However, I think it is safe to say that the EU is not "canon" -- only material in the movies is canon. Canon cannot be changed. The EU is officially-recognized "continuity" and CAN be changed (normally by the movies). The problem that I think people have is when EU continuity is changed by something other than the movies.
  19. I also think it would be good to have customizable hilts for the lightsaber. It is not really a big issue for me but it would be cool and it is an idea that many have expressed. They would be smart to include that in the next installment.
  20. It has been said that Obsidian is working on a project that is not a sequel and not a Bioware license. I wonder if they are working on something that uses the new Episode III engine from The Collective. And maybe it is a SW RPG but just not KOTOR III. Obviously, I have not played a game with that engine yet but it looks like it is going to be really good. I think Obsidian should look into licensing that engine so they can focus on the story. KOTOR III's story needs to be really tight.
  21. right, I also think there needs to be a clear "non-bully" DS response everytime and a clear "I don't want DS or LS points right now" response just about everytime. The reason why you are playing someone with a "hidden past" is that it makes it much easier to write the game with both a DS path and a LS path because by simply expressing your views on what you have already done, that allows you to customize the character dark or light very quickly. However, I would ask the larger question: "Why should you go LS instead or DS?" OK, yes, the roleplay side is important to some of us but gameplay-wise what is the reason? I personally would like to see two seperate games, one geared to LS path and one geared to DS path. In either game, you could still stray from your path but you are ultimately trying to do two different things. The LS guy is trying to save the Republic and then rebuild the Jedi Order, the DS guy is cooperating with the Sith and, ultimately, hopes to supplant the Sith leadership (with himself). I like the influence thing in general but I thought it was too easy to shift the NPCs' alignment. Influence should not be alignment-based at all, IMO. The answer to the alignment problem of NPCs is to simply have the ability to let some passengers go and take on others that are closer to your alignment (or for whatever reason you choose).
  22. true in a sense. However, unless I missed something
  23. I think it was at post-release interview on Gamespot where Mike Gallo said something in the vein of "Several projects have material that never made the final cut, the same thing happens in the movie-industry. Sith Lords wasn't an exception" Basically, Lucasarts thinks that Sith lords is good as it is, no matter how much the community cries and b*tches about it. And add to that, Chris himself asked permission to do the cut content. KotOR II is done and fine as it is in their eyes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wonder if this was even supposed to be a trilogy. When KOTOR I came out (for the Xbox of all things), LA was in uncharted waters and I doubt they thought people would become so attached to the Revan character. Then, the guys in the accounting office wanted them to do another KOTOR because it was obviously a cash cow. They contacted Obsidian because, among other things, they knew they could strongarm their way around the project with such a new company. At some point, they decided to make KOTOR II more like the ESB with a cliffhanger ending but they then had to come up with a new antogonist (someone who was the true threat all along). Enter, . Now, they have to go in that direction because KOTOR II falls apart if they don't. Adding a special release with cut content would have all kinds of PR and continuity implications, because I don't think we would even be talking about right now had they made the story the way it was originally envisioned. This is all conjecture, of course.
  24. I think the Holy Grail for KOTOR III would be a simplistic story like in the first KOTOR but with the kind of enigmatic presentation of the second KOTOR. Also, SUBPLOTS are important. I thought the Calo Nord subplot worked wonders for the first KOTOR. There were waylay attempts in KOTOR II but I think the idea that the same rival keeps appearing is classic and is something we should see again. Anyway, I believe that Obsidian would be the best choice (if, in fact, they even want it). Plano
  25. When did Revan and Malak first appear in EU continuity? Did the video game introduce these characters? Plano
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