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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. thanks, that was quite good enough. Basically, that means that Hedgehog's rumor is the most current and that is: yes, it is still planned, but Obsidian is no longer the developer and we should get at least an announcement at E3. Wanna bet the developer is EA Games? If anybody can "crank out" a halfway decent game in a short amount of time, it would be them. And this is a pretty "safe bet" kind of project where you could justify allocating alot of resources (if you are established enough to have the resources).
  2. I also find it interesting that whoever wrote this little article believes that this title will be copublished by EA Games. EA was not involved with KOTOR II. So, this webmag is either fabricating the connection or there is something there.
  3. a couple of things: * the article refers to the E3 gaming show....we should get something definitive there....if KOTOR III is not *mentioned* at E3, we are not going to see it anytime soon. * Obsidian is developing a next-gen RPG engine (based off the Unreal 3 engine). Even if Obsidian does not do KOTOR III themselves, it could well be their RPG engine that gets used. guess we'll have to wait and see.
  4. http://www.consolewars.de/news/newsdisplay.php?idx=8120
  5. Well said. I don't know why, but I have been confusing the two new games: Jade Empire and Dragon Age. Dragon Age ... hmm, not much chance of not being about elves, dwarves and orcs, then. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, Jade Empire is essentially the last hurrah for the original Xbox. Dragon Age is a next-gen title so I guess that engine would be the one to use for a future SW RPG. Yeah, looks like BioWare is developing another Tolkienesque IP (as if the market needed one). Should be interesting....or, *hopefully* it will be interesting.
  6. As Microsoft tries to get more of the Japanese market share, that should translate into more RPGs: http://news.inq7.net/infotech/index.php?in...&story_id=31835 http://www.ebusinessforum.com/index.asp?do...yout=rich_story
  7. If anything, K1 and 2 have compounded to make K3 a massive undertaking. There is a minimum of 4 (assuming the PC is Revan or Exile and that they both feature) and a minimum of 12 (if the PC is a new char, and that Revan and Exile feature) possible story arcs. 1) Revan is DS. Exile is DS. Exile encounters Revan and joins him. 2) Revan is DS. Exile is LS. Exile encounters Revan and works against him. 3) Revan is LS. Exile is LS. Exile encounters Revan and joins him. 4) Revan is LS. Exile is DS. Exile encounters Revan and works against him. 5) PC is DS. Revan is DS. Exile is DS. PC joins Revan and Exile. 6) PC is DS. Revan is LS. Exile is LS. PC works against Revan and Exile. 7) PC is DS. Revan is DS. Exile is LS. PC joins Revan and works against Exile. PC is DS. Revan is LS. Exile is DS. PC joins Exile and works against Revan. 9) PC is LS. Revan is DS. Exile is DS. PC works against Revan and Exile. 10) PC is LS. Revan is LS. Exile is LS. PC joins Revan and Exile. 11)PC is LS. Revan is DS. Exile is LS. PC joins Exile and works against Revan. 12) PC is LS. Revan is LS. Exile is DS. PC joins Revan and works against Exile. Then remember that every option listed must take male/female appearence/lines into account. From every conceivable production point of view, it's a nightmare. I really doubt that whoever helms K3 can afford to use both characters and leave their gender/alignment undefined. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There is no way they are going to do this, though. I think having the Exile as a LS scripted character would be fine with most people (most of the DS players on this board seem to be more attached to Revan and most of the gender/race concerns seem to be directed more to Revan). I'm thinking Revan is the key, obviously, in many ways to KOTOR 3 but Revan does not have to be visible. The Exile should explain what Revan has been doing and why he is indisposed to help out with the war effort. Then, in KOTOR 4, your PC investigates the untimely death of Senator Revan. By that time, Revan's identity will not be a showstopper for anyone.
  8. all that means is that we will not start off as a padawan with a lightsaber...we will start off as another "late bloomer" Force Sensitive and wait 10 or more hours before we have our lightsaber.
  9. Zahn? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> someone like Zahn with the overarching story and someone like MCA to adapt it over to an RPG format.
  10. Why not? Basically they could bring in one of the heavyweight EU writers and let him do whatever he wanted. But, I agree that they should not let an $8/hour intern write the story. Surely they would not do that. "
  11. At the same time, however, LA should probably have a permanent KOTOR staff that does everything except the actual coding. This is not Jedi Knight. This is HUGE. In other words, by the time they sign a developer, they've already got all the dialogues written out, the voice acting done, all the movies made, etc. They have *complete* owership of the story. If they do this, they will be able to make more games and keep the quality high.
  12. Right, I've stated before that they should go ahead and set the Exile's identity and use him as a scripted character. However, that would be much harder to do with Revan. The best way to use Revan is as a plot device (i.e. you receive a transmission from Revan's protocal droid asking for some sort of favor, etc). As long as you don't have to see him or hear his voice, you can have Revan as a major puppet-master kind of character. A role that is quite fitting, as it happens.
  13. I normally use lightsaber with my main character. however, with regard to ranged weapons, a brace of FULLY-UPGRADED MANDALORIN RIPPERS is very hard to beat. you could give that to Atton, Mira, HK or GOT0.
  14. true, but they could introduce a protagonist that was a newphew or cousin of Revan....the bloodline thing is definitely SW. but, I agree, Revan's SON would be too much of the same thing.
  15. I voted LA internal....NOT BECAUSE THIS IS MY FIRST CHOICE but because the other two names mentioned have already stated they are not doing it.
  16. I think it was by design. Korriban has the potential to unlock soooo much about the Sith empire (both from antiquity and now). Hopefully, they will blow us away with what we see in Korriban in the next installment. (I personally would love to go back to Korriban).
  17. I agree. And while I would also agree that KOTOR III needs to be epic in scope and with an epic PC, I'm hoping for a less epic story beyond KOTOR III.
  18. If you read Hedgehog's comments carefully, they could almost be construed as suggesting that Obsidian WAS AT ONE TIME working on the project. If this is true, we will find out eventually.
  19. Metadigital, I think I can agree with the point I think you are trying to make and that is really a question, "Is there, in fact, a plot to KOTOR II?". And if there is a plot, is it or the . And if it is about the former then why didn't we get more of a backstory on that?
  20. I doubt BioWare is going to do it. Although, they could be pursuaded to license out their new RPG engine I suppose.
  21. Who would you say then? Raven? They are all about action games, too, right?
  22. yes, I want an RPG. I'm just saying that the d20 system is not the only way to go. (mind you, I have nothing against that system, either)
  23. Who says the next KOTOR has to be based on WOTC's d20 system? Are they contractually bound to that or something?
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