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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. what I don't understand is that how can they be "focusing on fewer titles" while coming out with BF, BF2, Mercenaries, Lego, the RTS game, 2 SWG expansions, etc. I heard Mercenaries was really good. Basically, they need to come up with a more consistent Q/A....sometimes they get it and sometimes they don't.
  2. While I am hoping for a K3, I think the real question is: "is LA going to continue to produce and/or license immersive, dialogue-heavy RPGs?". If you ask it like that, I believe the answer is yes. In a sense, it might be wise for them to let the whole Revan thing cool down and give the EU writers a chance to catch up with it. They could always do some self-contained non-trilogy RPGs (which I think is the best bet). While I like the Revan thing, I am not super attached to it like some fans. I just really enjoyed playing these games as they were excellent cRPGs set in the SW universe (which I also like alot). Whether we see a non-KOTOR RPG first or not, I think we will, at some point, get resolution to the Revan/Exile/True Sith thing.
  3. I think it would be great. The main reason to have it is the same reason we need to keep going to Tatooine....it is SOOOOOOO Star Wars.
  4. if they did that, then there are many things that would presumably take place in the academy (Force powers training, lightsaber creation)...but cutscreens and dialogue could catch you up with that. the advantage of the Academy (and making the academy optional) is that it is an entirely self-contained environment....however, on Taris, for instance, even early on you were getting some main story clues that you pretty much needed.
  5. One cynical way to look at it is that, in the 60s and beyond, the Democrats positioned themselves as the party of ethnic minorities, women, gays, etc. In order to compete with this newly-found moral capital, the Republicans had to embrace issues such as the right to life, "traditional" marriage, lower taxes, etc and speak of it in highly moral/religious terms. And, for the most part, it has proven a successful strategy. (for the record, Bill Clinton used religious metaphors and language in his speaches more than any modern U.S. president....as Carville said, the Clinton Democrats didn't break the Republican lock, they picked it)
  6. KOTOR I had you start off with a designation such as Soldier, Scout, or Scoundrel. KOTOR II had you start off as Jedi Guardian, Jedi Sentinel, or Jedi Consular. As long as these games are about Force-wielding PCs, I prefer K2's approach. I kind of like the idea where the first 5-7 hours of the game is in a structured learning facility (such as the New Sith Academy or the New Jedi Academy) and that when you complete this structured training, you are, say, 8th level. However, I would like for this to be something we can skip via dialogue. If you skip it, you are already 8th level. This would make it easier to replay the game. How many people complain about those low levels at Peragus and Telos when they are replaying? I've seen a number of posts about that. Don't cut out the lower levels but make them optional. Absolutely.
  7. alot of times a movie-based game will go off on a slightly different angle than the movie....however, I have heard that the Epi III game is basically the movie in a game...with some added content as you say. I will probably end up getting the Epi III game as well. Heck, I like RTS games. I may end up getting their new RTS when it comes out.
  8. I will buy any SW game that I am convinced is a true, dialogue-heavy, story-focused RPG. I suspect that the next opportunity I will have to buy such a game is K3, but who knows?
  9. right-o.... strong in the Force = yes chosen one = no just as I like the ability to start at different angles, I like the idea of being able to complete the game (i.e. not getting killed) without accomplishing the main objective. that, of course, would require the main objective to be more than a boss battle at the end....basically 3 or 4 "main objectives"....you can complete the game without accomplishing all of them....you only "win" the game by getting all of them.
  10. well, if I had a choice, I would choose the more sophisticated option of several different backstories and starting points to choose from. however, just to clarify: when I say "Sith recruit", I mean a raw recruit....a Force Sensitive who just wants to learn more about the Force and is not really a "True Believer" yet. He finds out what it is really all about within the first hour of the game and then he can switch paths if he wants to. I think people would go with that, but, again, being able to choose your own backstory would definitely be preferred.
  11. point well taken (w00t) let me rephrase: it is *ideal* when sci-fi (and across different franchises) utilizes a consistent and somewhat plausible explaination for such things.
  12. my point is that sci-fi needs to have certain plausible theories to explain things like hyperspace....sci-fi does not, however, need the latest and greatest theories. I think the following ideas are plausible for sci-fi: * the speed of light is the fastest "conventional" speed that an object with mass can obtain....in practice, it is not actually attainable because such an object would have infinite mass. * some advanced races HAVE BEEN RUMORED to come up with *tech gobbledogook answer* that allows for faster-than-light travel....whenever you "conventionally" travel faster than light, you are time-travelling. such technology is dangerous and must be destroyed if found, etc. * making the "jump to lightspeed" or "warp 1, 2, 3" etc is not travelling at or greater than the speed of light in the "conventional" sense but is done by manipulating the folds in spacetime.
  13. Hmmmm, yes, I agree that, ideally, the DS guy has the "short term" advantage but with a cumulative long term disadvantage. For one thing, DSers really should not be able to use Master Heal, for instance, the way LSers can. Basically, make it so where the Force points you burn on a crossover power are not regenerated in the conventional sense.....only rest will recover that. But then, there is no "fatigue" bar in these games....no need to sleep. Perhaps that would be a welcome addition....DSers are constantly more fatigued than LSers and have to use a special power to convert Vitality into Stamina. And since they cannot use LS healing powers without a huge penalty, that means they will be using the Drain Life powers more than Force Storm. The Drain Life powers are not as effective offensively as the lightning powers...thus, providing a bit of gameplay balance.
  14. one of the problems with these games from a story point of view, IMO, is that you used to be a Jedi. I agree that starting off as a Sith recruit would allow for more possibilities. you get a dialogue trigger within the first hour about your view on Jedi and Sith and you have the ability to leave the Sith academy on someone's ship, etc. I suspect most people will do that but those that want to stay DS and actually pursue the Sith/DS path can do so.....what if you want to play DS and be anti-Republic and cooperate with the Sith? Right now, the DS guy really only has one viable path -- to be the reluctant ANTI-HERO and defeat the Sith. There needs to be an actual pro-Sith DS path in addition to the pro-Republic LS path, absolutely. And, if you want to go the DS path, you should not be chasing after Jedi mentors for training....you have Sith mentors for that. Faction membership in general needs to be implemented alot more, IMO.
  15. right. what happened in Sept 2004 is that LA decided they had too much going on in house.....however, LA is, and probably always will be, very quick to license out the SW name if they think there is money to be made. it is true that Lucas considers SW to be "one big detour" in his filmaking career...but it is a detour that has brought home the lion's share of the bacon.
  16. hey Darth, I guess you're not going to be tuning in to the new SW TV show then? Anyway, I realize that I am not a moderator but I would remind you that this particular thread is about SUGGESTIONS for a possible KOTOR III. If you believe that we are simply indulging in fantasy, then please let us continue to indulge in this fantasy. now, where were we? (p.s. before the creator of "Peanuts" Charles Schultz died, he had legal documuments drawn up that forbade anyone, including his heirs from doing anything further with his franchise....Tolkien did not do this and I doubt Lucas will, either....so SW lives on even after good old GL is a blue ghosty himself....and hopefully that is many, many years from now)
  17. the idea of a ghost PC may be lame, as you say, but I think we do need to see more ghosts in these games and as key storytelling devices. MORE GHOSTS = LESS FORCE BONDS YEA !!!!
  18. pretty much...also the bit about losing Vitality with DIRECT DAMAGE attacks. what do you think about that?
  19. no, I don't think it would be worthwhile for the PC to play as a ghost. regarding DS ghosts: it is true that the movies do not feature DS ghosts....however, the EU has numerous examples of DS spirits remaining in the "prime plane" (to use D&D language). examples: Freedon Nadd's spirit (was ultimately destroyed by Exar Kun) Exar Kun's spirit was infused in the pyramids of Yavin 4 for several centuries Dagobah, the place where Yoda is hiding, has a powerful DS ghost....that is why Palps can't find Master Yoda.
  20. >I think it should be made a neutral power so it could be one more offensive power >avilable to LS players. In the next game I hope they tweak the change in amount of >force points spent on a power based on alignment so that you have to stick more to >what your alignment is. Agree. I personally think that ANYTIME someone uses the Force to cause DIRECT DAMAGE to someone else, that this should cost Vitality points in addition to Force points. However, the more LS you are in alignment, the more vitality it costs you. Also, DSers could have a special feat tree to cut down on the amount of Vitality that such powers cost. But it only helps DSers. >LS players could use another offensive power because force push (which as of the current games) >is their only offensive power and it is not really an offenive power. >Basically it just does some damage and incapacitates they enemy so that you have >time to bring your saber to bear. All the other offensive powers belong to DS. Force Push, Stasis and Throw Lightsaber are about it for LS and/or Universal offensive powers. Adding something like "Force Throw" as a Universal Power would be a welcome addition. While the movies may show DSers using this more than LS, I see nothing inherently DS about it. >A possible way to implement it is to just select to use it on a the targeted enemy >and the computer decides which object to pick up and throw based on peramiters set by the devs. >Maybe as you progress in proficiency with the power you gain the ability to throw multiple >objects at one enemy, multiple objects at mutliple enemies, or one very massive object >(maybe you break a pillar and throw it) at a entire group to damage or kill them all. Force Throw>>Advanced Force Throw>>Projectile Storm Force Throw = the AI decides which object to pick up and which opponent to target. Advanced = the AI decides which object to pick up and you decide which opponent to target. Projectile Storm = you decide which structure you want ripped apart and the AI targets all of your opponents with the debris.
  21. I agree. You are on the Ebon Hawk, a known smuggler's vessel. Why wouldn't you also be a target for pirates? Why shouldn't you be able to decide when and where to make Spice runs? Establish contact with other vessels? All of this amounts to the kind of "open-endedness" that has little or no bearing on the main story....the KOTOR games need a bit of that, IMO.
  22. absolutely right...it is encouraging to see that some of the later games stress replayability. however, this is not worth cutting the content to 10 or 20 hours. IMO, the KOTOR games need to be such that the main plot alone takes 40 hours to complete the 5th time you play. Add in all the sidequests, and you are talking about 70 or 80 hours. One can dream anyway.
  23. first of all, I am of the opinion that the Force Lightning attacks may be a bit too overpowered in the KOTOR games....I have heard that in the PNP version of the SW RPG, Force manipulation consumes vitality. Also, remember in it obviously consumes his vitality. There is also the bit about some powers being restricted by armor. If you notice, Darth Vader (in the OT) does not use any power, that I can tell, that KOTOR has designated as Restricted By Armor. Darth Vader throws debris around and his definitely "wearing armor". This would be an ideal power that is not Restricted By Armor. Anyway, it does seem like it would take alot to implement so I'm not holding my breath. Indeed, there are many other things they should do first.
  24. I have not yet played Fallout but Morrowind has the same thing...you can attack just about anyone at anytime (including people who are tying to help you). While I like the idea of some more open-endedness, I think that such a move would cheapen these games. These games are heavily story-focused and, of course, we are talking about Star Wars here.
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