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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. as was stated earlier, this argument is much older than modern theories such as relativity. it is actually a very scientific argument and one that demands empirical evidence from those who purport to live by empirical evidence.
  2. thank you for admitting that you don't have a response to that very solid argument. thank you for not throwing out a red herring. for the purposes of the "first cause" thing, I admit that it is an argument that is not in any way dependent on a certain religious tradition such as the Judeo-Christian tradition. It just "is". Right? Whatever is is.
  3. I do not pretend to be a scientist (even an amateur one) but please enlighten me here....how does your invocation of the Theory of Relativity have anything to do with the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy?
  4. on a somewhat related note, the biggest "evidence" that the universe is the result of a higher power is the scientific impossibility of an "uncaused first cause". without a higher power involved, the big bang would have violated one of the fundamental underpinnings of science: matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one form to the other.
  5. I remember, not too long ago, when there were 2 types of people: Evolutionists and people who believed in God. That, of course, is a false dilemma. I think Intelligent Design is really nothing more than a desire to find a way to avoid the religion vs science false dilemma.
  6. Eh, maybe I'm missing something but Morrowind GOTY with Bloodmoon and Tribunal is available for Xbox. It is a little tricky because both the original Morrowind and the compilation title were dubbed "GOTY" on Xbox. The compilation title actually shows Bloodmoon and Tribunal stuff on it. EDIT: Doh! I get it. You are talking specifically about backward-compatible titles for Xbox 360.
  7. IMO, one of things that makes it SW is the idea that the true enemy is within....the evil in all of us. I think KOTOR captures that pretty well. With NJO, you have a totally new antagonist that downplays the constant inward struggle. While it may have its redeeming points, it cannot compare to OT or KOTOR, IMO.
  8. Yeah, I think it is safe to say that when K1 was conceptualized, it was intended as a stand-alone game and not part of a proper trilogy. Now, I'm sure they envisioned other titles in the series, but not "true sequels" in the sense of the same story arch. The cut content of K2 seems to suggest that Obsidian had originally conceptualized K2 as a stand-alone story. But, at some point (perhaps at the prodding of LA), it was changed to a cliffhanger of some kind. The reason they pretty much had to open it back up is the die-hard fans want everything to be about Revan. K3 needs to wrap up the Revan story, whether or not Revan is PC (I doubt very seriously Revan will be the PC).
  9. oh, they are extracting information and possibly violating international treaties by doing so....I was just suggesting that old school torture is now known to be less effective than other ways of getting good information.
  10. I don't think Abu Gahib was about getting information...it was more of a sadistic psychological warfare. The "black sites" are, supposedly, CIA, which means they are primarily there to get information. I doubt there is actual "torture" going on.....sleep deprivation, drugs, positive rewards for cooperating (hot babe rubbing you down with oil) would, I think, get you more and better information than torture.
  11. I agree that it would be tricky to implement....that is why I think you should have to burn a bunch of feat slots to wield such a weapon and also maintain it. Now, let us say you actually hit someone with that thing.....20% chance of vaporization....that could work. But come on, flame throwers? they are already in the game except only droids can use them. Same thing with cryogenic blasts. What about grenade throwers? Mortars? Plasma canons? Laser sniper rifles (as in the kind that actually kill)? Yes, I want these things. Balanced is obtained with mandatory feats and possibly taking an initiative penalty.
  12. oh, I'm sure they will, they just need to set up some background first. CONTINUITY NOTES: I was flipping through the newly-release tome entitled "The New Essential Chronology" and discovered the following: * Revan has, indeed, been hard-coded as male, and, it appears, LS. * the Jedi/Sith purge is referred to but it states that "at least one" Sith survived so as to continue the tradition. * the exiled Jedi is referred to (more or less LS) without any reference to gender. * Darth Sion seems to get more attention than Ni or Kreia (Sion is pictured and is said to be behind the assassins with stealth field generators).
  13. DISPRUPTORS KILL! Or at least they should. The errata states that disruptors ignore energy shields and it states that disruptors warp the target at the molecular level. And yet it takes several blasts to dispatch a common trooper with those things. PROPOSED SOLUTION: bring back Heavy Weapons feats....only a Soldier can take Heavy Weapons feats (this is, obviously, to provide balance in a game that is focused on melee combat).....Heavy Weapons guys actually have power backpacks that they plug the weapon into and such backpacks are expensive to maintain....if you get hit with a fully-charged Mandalorian Heavy Disruptor Canon, then there is a good change that you will be VAPORIZED....yeah, that's right....in addition to powerful disruptors, I would like to see a Heavy Weapons Soldier be able to use flame throwers, cryogenic canons, plasma canons, etc.
  14. Well, there are some good reasons to tone down ranged combat on the lower-end but I think it would be good if they reintroduced the Heavy Weapon feat tree and that only a Soldier can buy into.....and some KICK BUTT Heavy Weapons.
  15. look, I don't know that it would be a great idea to be able to kill off party members, but we should have Balder's Gate style party management....the ability to release party members and rotate people in and out....also, I think it would make sense to have certain missions where certain characters can die and not just go unconscious if they go down....not on every map but on certain maps (different for each character). also, having some AI-controlled hechmen with names like "Mandalorian Mercenary" would be a nice option.
  16. OMG, they were going to have party customization? alignment-based parties? I think this is the first time I've gotten angry over cut content/plans.
  17. yeah....in other threads, people have commented on the impracticality of having it in a game because of poorly lit areas, etc. however, I think it could still be done....only when you are in a poorly lit area, you see power pulses shimmering up and down the blade....when you are in a well lit area, you just see a black blade.
  18. also, black lightsabers are in the EU....it would be cool to fight a Sith boss that drops one of those.
  19. I like blue for my party members....for the PC: sometimes blue but sometimes violet or silver. I do think that the non-traditional colors like violet are too easy to obtain. Also, according to EU lore, not just anyone can wield a red lightsaber....red should the most powerful (essentially, the only color with a stat advantage) and should be just as rare as silver or veridian. Most dark jedi use the traditional blue or green lightsaber, IMO.
  20. no, the original poster meant "Occidental", not Cowboys and Indians. it is just that some of us would really like to see an American West cRPG....I agree that the 19th century is just a really good time period to have an RPG, whether it is Europe-based (can we say Sherlock Holmes?) or American West. not quite modern and many human societies that are, shall we say, not "on the grid" yet.
  21. I agree. I must admit that one of the things I like about Guild Wars is the ability to acquire different clothing dyes and different types of clothing (i.e. I can have my Ranger wear a leather-based outfit or a fur-based outfit...I have options) Clothing options and having disguises for the entire squad...things like that would work wonders for immersion.
  22. agree as well....there are all kinds of stuff you could do with that era....thing is, it is not just about shooting, it is a genre that could be ripe with intense, immersive stories. someone metioned a "groundhog day" kind of RPG. I would go for that in an American West setting.
  23. i agree. more of a choreographed combat (especially with melee) would be nice...of course, this also dovetails into the whole idea of having different animations depending on which lightsaber form you choose.
  24. DA is about keeping PC-platformers at bay...some red meat for the wolves. The JE franchise and, I suspect, the ME franchise, will be alot of fun even if they are action-RPGs.
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