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About stop_him

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    Popped right out of Atton's pants! Really, I did (No pink light saber jokes).
  • Interests
    World domination & caffeine
  1. Well, a lot of what I think the nature of Force is is entrenched in many of the philosophical studies I took in college. Originally, I think the Force and all life - all existence was originally One. However, as One homogenous life form, the Force lacked identity; it was not a subjective force, as there was only One, no Other. Consciousness and self-awareness, is attained only through opposition. Both the Subject and the Object recognize their own existence through their oppositional relationship to one another. This relationship, however, does not further divide them, but rather reconciles them. They are forever bound. Each only defines themselves in relationship to one another. From what I have seen in the movies and comics, the Force is all life - all existence. As a part of life then, its will is our will. I see life as a way for the Force to attain self-awareness. When a person dies, they return to the Force with their own experiences and thus, change the nature of the Force. In a sense, life - the Force is always in a state of becoming. Only at the end of time, when all life has returned to the Force, will the Force again be whole. But at the end, the Force will not be as it once was; it will be complete. I think that's what the Light Side and the Dark Side of the Force is all about. So to answer the original question, yes the Force has a will, but it is our will even if we are not aware of it; after all, one human life is only one small part of life as a whole.
  2. Hasn't this whole "what is the offical Revan like" been done to death already? Bah, why bother imaging what Revan was like when you can let Lucas Arts tell you that your Revan and your Exile were both in fact a white, Anglo-Saxon LS males -- just like KOTOR 3's protagonist and every single other Star Wars game that will come to pass for the next 50 years. Ho-hum. Hooray for the status quo. I don't see why it's so damned important anyway. Whether Revan nailed Bastila or Carth is of no significance in the end.
  3. Ditto, that is the DAMN funniest thing I've read today.
  4. That was great. Too bad we can't get the other guys in the game to play.
  5. B - has to be Kreia's; the skin around it is all wrinkly. F - Atton's.
  6. That's because no man alive would still want to hit on an ugly girl, but girls are more likely to look past the surface, which is BS, but...
  7. Many guys make the claim that a male Revan makes more sense because of his relationship with Bastila, but I would beg to differ. My playthrough as a male Revan seemed cliche. It was just so ho-hum. "But Bastila, you can't fall to the Darkside; LOVE conquers all, baby!" Blah. Been there. Done that. Let's try something new. Bastila's redemption is much more meaningful with a female Revan, because the story doesn't have to fall back on a cheap romance plot. Her redemption is self-realized and therefore EARNED. Revan is the Jedi that Juhani worshiped so much back in her childhood days on Taris. She doesn't recognize the PC because Revan was wearing that mask. That's the only explanation available. Of couse. But that's incredibly BORING don't you think? We all know that if forced to choose a sex, L.A. would designate both Revan and the Exile as "White, Anglo-Saxon heterosexual male" just like (for the most part) every single other Star Wars hero. Even a canon *gasp* black, Asian, etc. Revan would be too much. ...Much less female Revan! *GASP!* Unacceptable.
  8. All these "women make crap generals" arguments give more credence to the fact that a female Revan would have more reason to wear a mask than a male Revan would. Even before her "Fall," Revan wore a mask. Why? Could it be due to the fact that she indeed knew an army of men would have had a problem following a woman into battle, but NOT someone whom because of a mask, other men would simply presume was just another man? I'm not the most Star Wars savvy person here, but I don't know many Jedi who go around wearing masks just for the hell of it or because it looks cool. However, a woman who had to pretend to be a man in order to gain the respect of an army, which could never conceive of a strong female leader, would. Many women in the Civil War dressed up like men in order to fight. A female Jedi would probably do the same. However, I'd also like to point out that this all takes place in a galaxy far, far away. It is not our world, but at the same time it is, which causes quite a few problems. The other argument that Revan had to be a man simply because all the strongest Jedi are men is a fallacy. Those who write the Star Wars universe are primarily men, who write for an audience, which again is composed of primarily men. The number of women who play games and gain an interest in Science fiction (and by extent Star Wars) is steadily increasing. Once the number of female writers and female audience increases, the more strong female Jedi we'll find. And yet, I'm sure people will still find many ways in which to impede their already limited imaginations with their "traditional values." But I'd still like to point out the fact that it's up to each and every player to decide Revan's sex. Therefore, all these posts about Revan had to be male/female due to this or that reason (including mine) are pointess.
  9. About $1500. But I've never heard of Alienware laptops.
  10. Thanks all for your advice! I've done some more shopping around and I'm guessing a Dell Inspiron 9300 with GeForce 6800 will work?
  11. Don't know and don't care either way. Why make a game where we can select the Revan's sex, if the decision was never meant for us to decide? It's bull****, but if that's what L.A. wants, then next time, they should just make sure that the player is only allowed to select a heterosexual white male so as not to leave how we invision Revan (or any other PC) up to our own imaginations. Single, heterosexual, Anglo-Saxon white male PC's all the way! To diverge from this canon would skew the limited realities of players everywhere! (Human imagination is indeed limited.)
  12. Disciple also responds to you differently if you're neutral.
  13. Yeah, I mean depending upon which country you're from esp. I think "Revan" sounds feminine, as does the name "Jaden" from Jedi Knight. I mean, I think the name "Ryan" sounds feminine. OR it could be that due to certain obvious and much bitched about time constraints, the devs were not able to implement many many many things.
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