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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. I hope I didn't miss too much this afternoon. I see there's a few of us online at the moment. Let's deathmatch!!
  2. Hey, I resemble that remark!
  3. Awww Nick you missed out on some deathmatch action this morning. Plus we played Carcassonne!! And nearly made it to the last level on TMNT.
  4. Absolutely. Don't game angrily!!
  5. Wow, that one guy was really in tune with the dark side of the force there...
  6. No worries Krookster. Hopefully we'll see you online this weekend.
  7. I think the Krookster is in a group already, but I'm pretty sure he'd just love to join our little group of rabblerousers and roustabouts.
  8. WHile you're at it, make us an OE clan, you slacker you. Just like in Halo3, minus the kitty cats with cowboy hats!
  9. I figure if we give it another hour or so we should be in the clear. That's about when we started gaming last night, wasn't it Jags?
  10. Quoted for truth.
  11. All I can say about Carcassonne is that the tutorial is pretty damn helpful when starting out, as opposed to listening to my stoner ramblings over your headset.
  12. I think I like Carcassonne so much because it's such a nice contrast to all the fps we end up playing online. Oh, and next time we play it, Llyranor, the kid gloves are off!!
  13. Live needs to add more of those internet tube things that go underground until they can deal with the weekend trafficloads they've been getting lately.
  14. Wilco - Company At My Back
  15. Haha, I set my alarm clock to open with the Big Star version on the morn of the 25th.

  16. Let's hope it's not Yaris...
  17. What did we win, six out of the nine deathmatches or so?
  18. Wow Don, I couldn't ask for a better deathmatch partner than you, pal. Even if you can't withstand the massive attack of the Scottish Rangers on SWOS.
  19. One win in eight games and ownership drama. It's tough to be an Oiler fan right now.
  20. If Evil Dead 2 has the commentary with Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell, skip the others and just buy that one. Army of Darkness doesn't bare well to repeated viewings.
  21. I've got the demo downloaded, but haven't tried it yet. I take it it's another first person shooter?
  22. I didn't watch the game, but I saw the Sabres wore there purdy retro jerseys. Much nicer than those baby blue Penguin things. Also, Edmonton wins for the first time in seven games!! Thank gawd!
  23. Matthew Good - Alert Status Red
  24. I went to work the other day and left my 360 on. When I came back, Llyranor had sent me like five messages. One the one hand I felt bad for not being around to reply, but on the other I was a little creeped out...
  25. What the hell? It's been like twelve hours and there's no new testimonials to my lack of FPS skills?
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