I suppose I shouldn't mention that it's +6 down here in Ontario today should I?
Nah, that's okay. It's warmed up here somewhat. Now we're at -38 or so.
I bundled up for work today! Temperatures have been on the nasty side all across the province. As I type this, it's a nice, balmy -45 degrees celsius. At least there's no wind.
Oh, and if you see a clan named SWAT on the opposing team, exit the lobby and look for a new match! Jags and I were schooled like red headed step children last night by three of them.
Aww hell, Bok, Pixies says he's getting this game as well, so you won't be going through boot camp alone. Besides, the rest of us will cover your backs until you level up some.
I'm finding this to be true as well. None of the models of vehichles I looked at before settling on the one I bought even had standard transmissions in them.
Every car I've owned has been a stick shift. Except for my new one, it's got an automatic transmission. For the first two months I was still puttting my foot down where the clutch would have been to start it up.