Hey, 'ignore' ryhmes with 'Llyranor'!
Seriously, though, I kid. I really admire how Llyr can pwn most of the twats in the lobby with his classic 'No, you are' reply. It really, really never gets old.
Is your buddy Josh BinkyGuns?
Did you have any luck inviting Llyranor, or were you two only able to connect with each other? There's no ghey reference in there at all. Really. Seriously.
Of course!! As a matter of fact, I wanted to fire a kid at work today because he's been bitching that it's 'too cold' to go outside to push carts. He says he's coughing up blood and stuff, yada yada yada.
Me myself, I find that thermal underwear plus a hoody under your winter coat does wonders.
Or howzabout yesterday when we were playing the hardcore match, Mr.Jerkface?
'Hey, everyone, group up! Around me!'
*Llyrs' grenade goes off, killing four of us*
Not to worry, Pixies, you just missed Llyranors' constant babbling on about some weird thing called 'teamwork'. It's like it's the only word he knows whenever he logs onto that game.
I had possibly my worst round of CoD4 yesterday. One kill, one assist and 11 deaths. So that's a ratio of 1:1:11. Spooky, no?
Anyhoo this is one of those rare weekends where I'm not scheduled to work, so you bitches better be ready for some action.
Last night I went out and bought myself a 42 inch LCD tv. Granted, since I can't get HD programming where I live tv shows are a bit grainy, but manoman sweet motha of jebus does the 360 look good on it.
Today I'm bundling up. It's only minus 28, which is somewhat bearable, but the wind chill adds up to a nasty minus 45.
haha Jags, I don't know what pissed off more people this afternoon, either you calling them 'pricks' in the lobby or you and I chatting like a bunch of schoolgurlz during our deathmatches.
I tuned in partway through the second. It's great if the win boosts team morale, but at the same time you have to remember that Cujo was in net...
But yeah, five goals iz five goals, eh?